
Mars in the Fifth House

Mars in the fifth house denotes a very unsettled and inharmonious home life, in which discord and disputes are frequent.Impulsive, sudden, and unfortunate attractions towards the opposite sex, and an over-ardent, emotional nature is shown by this position. It inclines toward rash speculation, and...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Mercury Aspects Uranus - Conjunct, Sextile, Trine and Square

Mercury Aspects Uranus – Conjunct, Sextile, Trine and SquareIn any aspect the mental power is much increased, and may gain either in activity or profundity according to the type of horoscope. There is originality, ingenuity, and inventive ability. Generally some distinct ability for such...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Moon in the Eleventh House

Here's what it signifies to have Moon in the eleventh house:Moon in the eleventh house, if fairly well placed and aspected, gives a large number of acquaintances, either of a social and domestic character, or among the general public, equals, and inferiors : more acquaintances than friends in...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Venus in the Sixth House

Here's what Venus in the sixth house signifies:Venus in the sixth house is very favourable for health if not seriously afflicted. The health is liable to be affected through excess of any kind, especially pleasure. If temperance is observed, especially after marriage, the health will be good...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Jupiter in the Twelfth House

Jupiter in the twelfth house denotes success in occult studies, and a respect for the sacred and ancient beliefs. It also gives success in a quiet and mysterious manner of which the general public are unaware. It enables the native to gain either directly or indirectly through his enemies, or to...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Sun in the Eighth House

Sun in the eighth shows that the middle period of life will be critical ; and if malefics afflict, danger of violent or sudden death. If well aspected, the life is prolonged and vitality increased. This position is liable to affect the heart. Death may occur through hereditary or constitutional...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Saturn in the Eleventh House

Saturn in the eleventh house shows few friends, and these are liable to forsake the native, or give him advice rather than practical help ; still the native will have a few faithful friends amongst those older or more thoughtful than himself, and if Saturn is well placed this will prove of real...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Mars in the Eleventh House

Mars in the eleventh house shows few real friends, but several acquaintances whose influence upon the native is not in any way likely to add to his reputation. If Mars is in a watery or airy sign this position denotes friends who will turn enemies. if afflicted by :Neptune: Dipsomaniacs or very...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Mercury in the Twelfth House

Mercury in the twelfth house denotes a peculiarly subtle mind, one loving risks and dangerous adventu s of a secret nature ; if well aspected the native has ability for occultism, and is well able to investigate mysteries or to follow unusual modes of thought. If afflicted, the native, although...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Moon in the Eighth House

Moon in the eighth house denotes a death of a more or less public nature, death by drowning, shipwreck, public calamity, or in the presence of many people. Afflicted by Mars, danger of sudden or violent death ; by Saturn, a lingering or very grievous end ; by Uranus, a peculiar, sudden or...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Venus in the Fourth House

Venus in the fourth denotes a peaceful end to the life amid comfort, and successful achievement to hopes and wishes. It promises gain by inheritance, concord and happiness from parents, and a satisfactory home life. This is a very favourable position for all affairs of a domestic nature, and is a...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Jupiter in the Third House

Jupiter in the third house shows a religious and philosophical mind, kind and sympathetic mentally, with abilities above the average ; sincere and courteous in speech and writing ; earnest, thoughtful and considerate in all matters of correspondence and exchange of thought. This position favours...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Sun Aspects Moon - Conjunct, Sextile, Trine and Square

Sun Aspects Moon – Conjunct, Sextile, Trine and SquareWhen these are in good aspect, and especially when in conjunction, the individual and personal sides of the nature form a  harmonious blend, and the result is decidedly good. It is also good if both are in signs governed by the same...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Saturn in the Fifth House

Saturn in the fifth house denotes hindrance, delay and disappointment in love affairs and causes the native to become attracted to persons who are older and more serious in nature and disposition. If evilly aspected, death of the loved one is probable, or some heavy sorrow in connection with the...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Mars in the Eighth House

Mars in the eighth house indicates a liability to a violent or sudden death. If much afflicted this is a very evil position, but Mars alone in this house will not kill the native, although the end whenever it comes will be sudden and after an illness of short duration or by shock or accident. It...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Mercury in the Tenth House

Mercury in the tenth house denotes success or failure according to sign and aspects. It generally gives ability to successfully undertake commissions and agencies, or causes the native to adopt several professions and undertakings. If well aspected this position denotes tact and a clear mind with...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Venus Aspects Sun - Conjunct, Sextile, Trine and Square

Venus Aspects Sun – Conjunct, Sextile, Trine and SquareIn conjunction, the native is a very warm-hearted lover and a general favourite with the opposite sex; he or she probably falls in love 'at first sight,' and usually the marriage is one of affection. Such people seldom remain...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Jupiter in the Tenth House

Jupiter in the tenth house denotes much success and prosperity. The moral standard is very high, and the native holds a very secure and important position at some period of his life. This is one of the best positions for financial and social success. If afflicted : by Mars, legal troubles are...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Saturn Aspects Moon - Conjunct - Sextile, Trine and Square

Saturn Aspects Moon – Conjunct, Sextile, Trine and SquareIn good aspect, is good for the parents, brings benefits to the native from them, and vice versa. It gives prudence, caution and circumspection; respect for law and order, with somewhat conservative tendencies. The native possesses the...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Mars in the Seventh House

Mars in the seventh house when afflicted denotes quarrels and unpleasant conditions in the marriage state. It is very unfavourable in a male horoscope, denoting a wife that is combative and over-forceful. In a female horoscope it is also evil and is somewhat disastrous to the husband, showing the...
By Futurescopes Research Team
