Chinese Astrology

Rooster - Rooster Love Compatibility in Chinese Astrology

The Rooster is not the easiest personality to understand much less love among all the other animal signs of the Chinese zodiac. This is because the Rooster has certain traits which go to make up a rather complex being. Thus when two Roosters come together to form a pair, the relationship has as...
By kalyani10

Snake - Dog Love Compatibility in Chinese Astrology

In Chinese astrology, the Snake and Dog are signs which are neither very similar nor different. Thus their compatibility too is of an average level, with some scope of differences but also enough to hold them together should they decide to put their relationship above everything else.High points of...
By kalyani10

Snake - Goat Love Compatibility in Chinese Astrology

The Snake and Goat, while such radically different creatures in the animal world, share quite a few similar traits in Chinese astrology like a love of home and leisurely pace of life. And yet their romantic compatibility is average in nature since the relationship is also likely to suffer from a...
By kalyani10

Snake - Horse Love Compatibility in Chinese Astrology

If one goes by the astrological traits of the Snake and Horse, chances of romantic compatibility may appear quite slim for this Chinese zodiac pair. The two animal signs not only share very different personal traits but their world views and life goals also seem vastly opposed. However if they...
By kalyani10

Snake - Monkey Love Compatibility in Chinese Astrology

In Chinese astrology, the Snake and Monkey do not seem to possess many common traits. However the two are united by a keen intelligence and resourcefulness, even though these qualities may be expressed in different ways. Thus while the match seems to be an incompatible one at the outset, if the...
By kalyani10

Snake - Pig Love Compatibility in Chinese Astrology

Astrologically speaking, the Snake and Pig are considered to be opposites among the Chinese animal signs. This is perhaps because of the very different view of life that each has and which in turn diminishes chances of compatible relationship between the two. Still, whatever differences there exist...
By kalyani10

Snake - Rooster Love Compatibility in Chinese Astrology

The Snake and Rooster are believed to make quite a compatible pair in the Chinese astrological system. Not only do they share essential traits like practicality and order, but even their mutual differences seem to support each other in a relationship rather than create grounds for conflict.High...
By kalyani10

Snake - Snake Love Compatibility in Chinese Astrology

Unlike western culture which reviles the Snake as a destructive creature, Chinese astrology accords high esteem to the Snake. People born in the Year of the Snake are believed to be self-possessed, cultured and armed with acute psychological insight. Thus when two individuals of this zodiac come...
By kalyani10

The Dog Zodiac Sign in Chinese Astrology

In Chinese astrological system, Dog is typified by several traits found in the actual animal. And yet apart from being loyal and sincere, this type possesses many other characteristics which increase the complexity and enhance the worth of the personality.By far the most distinctive characteristic...
By kalyani10

The Dragon Zodiac Sign in Chinese Astrology

Both in Orient and Occident, the Dragon is associated with power, strength and a fiery courage. In Chinese astrology though, the destructive potential of the Dragon is much toned down and instead the figure takes on the symbolism of a creative vitality and dynamic energy.The most defining trait of...
By kalyani10
