Dragon - Dog Love Compatibility in Chinese Astrology

In Chinese astrology, the Dragon and Dog are not believed to be really compatible partners. Curiously this is so despite many similar traits which the two animal signs happen to possess, like a high-minded approach to life and being protective of loved ones. The similarities in case of the Dragon and Dog seem to be expressed in ways which only accentuate their basically contrary natures and priorities.
High points of a Dragon-Dog love match
One of the basic ways that a Dragon and Dog could come together is on strength of a shared value system. What lifts the energy, creativity and assertiveness of the Dragon beyond mere egoism is a strong ethical nature. More often than not the Dragon can be found at the forefront of espousing a worthy cause for which he/she will work tirelessly and ceaselessly. The Dog too is a firm believer in values like justice and righteousness. Born with an innate sense of decency and a need for equilibrium in a chaotic world, Dogs strongly denounce injustice and wrongdoing. They value honor and truth and are usually among the first to speak out against injustice and champion the cause of the downtrodden. Thus both the Dragon and Dog are the least likely among all Chinese zodiac animals to be associated with treachery and dishonesty. A clash in value system has been known to wreck many a romantic equation where the partners otherwise seemed quite compatible in terms of personal appeal and sociability. In this sense at least the Dragon and Dog will not face problems since they are likely to find in each other the ideal companion to stride through life with purpose and faith.
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Then again both the Dragon and Dog are extremely protective of loved ones. While the Dragon may not forge deeply sentimental connections with their partners, when it comes to protecting them from the vagaries of life and offering strong mental support, the Dragon comes out trumps. Likewise the Dog is very caring by nature and can be trusted to come up with both words of sympathy as well as practical aid in times of need. As indicated by the actual animal whose symbol this zodiac sign bears, the Dog can be quite fierce in their attempts to protect those that they consider their personal responsibility. The ancient Chinese sages considered the Dog as the Giver of Life since they are prepared to sacrifice their own dreams, ambitions and desires for the sake of others, particularly for those they love. This trait couple with the Dragon’s loyalty and generosity ensures that once the two partners meet each other halfway in understanding and trust, there is every chance of romantic success.
Challenges of a Dragon-Dog love match
One of the most significant reasons for failure of the Dragon and Dog pairing, could be the emotionally insecure nature of the Dog. This zodiac personality tends to be extremely perturbed by adverse circumstances and need a lot of encouragement to keep going. The Dragon who is him/herself a highly self-possessed personality, may see this symptoms of moodiness in the Dog wish to move away from such a high-maintenance partner.
Then again both the Dragon and Dog need a lot of positive feedback from their partners but in this case each is unable to meet this requirement of a partner. The Dog is too busy fighting his/her own inner demons to offer support to the Dragon while the latter from the high pedestal of his/her egoism cannot understand why they need to nurture the emotional needs of other characters.
Both the Dragon and Dog also share a tendency of cheating on their partners which cannot bode well for a romantic relationship. The Dragon because of its vivacious and demanding nature finds it difficult to settle down with a single person in early adult life, even though their straying tendencies are largely curbed later on. The Dog on the other hand could end up looking for comfort and encouragement elsewhere when feeling unhappy or neglected in a relationship.
Above all, Dragon is attracted to power and success; this personality must have the material evidence of achievements like money and luxuries. The Dog though hard-working and honest does not understand this drive for power and much less the attraction to material success. Instead they have simple tastes and don't care for money beyond providing necessities to their families. In fact the idealistic nature of the Dog may lead him/her to have moral issues with the ruthless tactics that the Dragon often employs in the pursuit of their goals.
Also a Dragon loves travel and excitement in life, whereas the Dog mate will usually wish to stay close to home and stick to a routine. Eventually the Dragon may get bored with his/her Dog partner since the latter shuns their high energy adventures. The Dragon’s tendency to throw him/herself into situations headfirst is again likely to annoy their Dog partner and the latter will forever be pulling the former back, advising caution and control. The Dragon is likely to resent such attempts, used as he/she is to being in control of every aspect of their lives and living life king-size.
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