Horse - Dog Love Compatibility in Chinese Astrology

The Horse-Dog pair is an uncommon equation even though the signs share significant traits. For instance both are hard-working, energetic and fond of having people about them. However the couple should watch out for some differences which could create a rift in an otherwise compatible match.

High points of a Horse-Dog love match

One of the best parts about this romantic equation is the level of acceptance and understanding between the partners. The Dog is a generous personality and is extremely accommodating of the quirks and shortcomings of their loved ones. Indeed, the ancient Chinese sages considered the Dog as the Giver of Life since they are prepared to sacrifice their own dreams, ambitions and desires for the sake of others, particularly for those they love. Thus the Dog is more likely to make allowances for the restlessness and unpredictability of the Horse as compared to any other sign.

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The Horse in turn would probably return the favor by ensuring that his/her Dog partner remains happy and positive. One of the unhappier traits of the Dog is an intrinsic mercurial character. When the Dog is happy and peaceful, there is no one more fun and enjoyable to be with; however as soon as circumstances change for the worse, there is a profound effect on his/her mood and the Dog can become anxious, irritable and nervy. At such times, the Dog can snap and bite anyone who tries to approach him/her or simply give in to acute pessimism. The Horse on the other hand is an essentially cheerful personality; in fact the best part about the Horse’s vivacious nature is that it often rubs on to others so that people around him/her find it easy to get enthusiastic or excited about life and its wonders. The Horse’s natural ebullience and the fact that he/she doesn’t take life seriously at all can act like a burst of sunlight for partners who are prone to low moods, like the Dog.

Both signs are fond of the active life and love being in the thick of things. Though the Horse has a higher level of enthusiasm as compared to the Dog, the two can keep each entertained with lots to do and many places to visit. This is unlike a partnership with a Snake or a Goat who doesn’t like the hurly-burly of life and would much rather lounge about in a comfortable home. The Horse-Dog couple on the other hand will be mainly found outdoors and can be trusted to take a slightly chaotic home life well into their stride.

Then again both the Dog and Horse are likely to have a highly passionate sex life. Their love making will sizzle with energy and initiative and both partners will go an extra mile to keep each other happy.

Challenges of a Horse-Dog love match

The biggest source of unhappiness in this relationship could arise from contrary expectations in love. The Horse is a wild creature at heart and few things are important to him/her as personal freedom. Thus even though the Horse has the capacity to enthuse and fire up a romance, he/she needs to have his/her breathing space in a relationship. The Dog on the other hand is marked by a deep emotional insecurity. This character constantly needs to be told by a partner how wonderful and special he/she is and only then do they really feel good about being in a relationship. Meeting this emotional demand on a long-term, consistent basis is too much to expect from an egotistic personality like the Horse who is wrapped up too much in his/her own desires and ambitions. On his/her part, when the Dog feels that positive feedback is not longer forthcoming from a partner, they quickly lose heart and look for comfort from outside the relationship.

A potential for infidelity is present in the Horse as well. Like in other areas of life, the romantic zeal of the Horse also works in short bursts of enthusiasm. It is difficult for them to maintain the same pitch of attentiveness and devotion in the long run and for some, even being faithful over time can be something of a challenge. For all these reasons the relationship between a Horse and Dog when no longer held by mutual attraction can prove to be vulnerable to infidelity.

Even when neither partner is actually cheating, the Horse-Dog relationship can suffer from a significant lack of stability. On one hand the Horse is inherently restless and changeable and on the other, the Dog is given to extreme mood swings. Thus it could become difficult for the couple to share a home together and raise a family, all of which involves keeping a level head through the ups and downs of life. Neither will be able to ground the relationship into material and emotional security in the manner of a sign like the stolid Ox or the practical Rooster. And if things don’t change, the relationship of the Horse and Dog could come apart in constant bickering over feelings and responsibilities.

This is not to say that the Horse and Dog can never have a successful relationship in the long run. In fact one of the most important traits that the two share is a capacity for hard work. Once the partners recognize that it is as important to work at a relationship as it to let it be spontaneous, the couple will do everything in their power to make it happen.