Ox - Rabbit Love Compatibility in Chinese Astrology

Unlike their physical natures, the animal signs of Ox and the Rabbit possess as many similarities as differences. Each is kind, loving person and quite easy to get along with. And yet while the Ox depends on physical tenacity and determination to get ahead, the Rabbit survives by a mix of personal charm and social skills. In the end, the two are quite compatible if they are willing to make use of their similarities rather than focus on their differences.
High points of Ox-Rabbit love match
One of the most promising areas in this aspect is their mutual love of peace and avoidance of conflict. The Ox is a peace-loving sign and is usually content to let others be as long he/she is left to enjoy his/her own pleasures. This trait is well symbolized by the actual animal who is perfectly happy to sit chewing flowers in a field and will not bother anybody as long he is not being poked and prodded. The Rabbit is in fact even more geared to avoiding unpleasantness and attracted to balance in life. Stress and conflict of any kind is absolutely abhorrent to them and they will sometimes go to great lengths to ensure that harmony and peace reigns. In this way both signs have enough patience and consideration not to do anything rash which is why their relationship has every chance of success in the long run.
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Then again both the Ox and Rabbit share a love for the finer things of life and this acts as a great point of attraction since they will find in each other a companion with good taste and discriminating choice. The Ox is particularly attracted to creature comforts - both the male and female of the zodiac sign likes to be indulged since their earthy nature is flattered by all the delights of the senses. Therefore a perfect evening for him would most probably mean a spread of good food and wine, excellent music and the sight of sparkling crystal dinnerware. This love for the good life also means that they are very proud of their table and that their social lives would be centered on hosting friends and family. This suits the Rabbit fine who is noted for his/her popularity in their social circle. The Rabbit possesses an intrinsic ability to get along with all kinds of people and have an almost uncanny knack of putting people they meet at ease. Also one of the most important principles in a Rabbit’s life is that of beauty and harmony which is why they like their homes to be filled with pleasantly decorated, something that the house-proud Ox partner is sure to be take pleasure in.
As much as the Ox and Rabbit share many personality traits, a compatible love match can also be based on the way they can complement each other. One of the most difficult aspects of Ox as a partner is his/her obstinacy – while another egoistic sign like the Dragon or even the Monkey may find it difficult to accept the Ox’s inflexible position on certain issues, the Rabbit is more likely to cope on account of its meekness and diplomacy. On the face of it the Rabbit will calmly defer to his/her Ox’s partner opinions thus avoiding a conflict of egos but at the same time the Rabbit will be able to convince the Ox to come around by means of his/her quietly persuasive skills.
Lovemaking will be a pleasant experience for both, though containing none of the fierce intensity of the Snake lover or the emotional depth of the Pig partner. To their lovemaking, the Rabbit will bring romance and delicacy while the Ox will provide a passionate sensuality.
Challenges of an Ox-Rabbit love match
However over time, over time the Ox partner might find that his/her company is not sufficient to hold back the Rabbit who is essentially social and likes having people around him/her. While a Rabbit’s sociability is not driven by a need for external validation like perhaps in the case of the Rat, he/she is nevertheless extremely popular among friends and exes for their elegant charm, graceful manners and a unique ability to put people at ease. The Ox on the other hand likes nothing more than spending their leisure hours at their comfortable home, ensconced in a huge soft armchair or rustling up delicacies in a fully-equipped kitchen. To them, social gatherings and parties are a bore and if the occasion demands it, they would much rather host close friends and family members at his own place.
What could pose another problem for the Ox-Rabbit compatibility is the former’s need for emotional security and the latter’s indecisiveness where commitment is concerned. The Ox must know that a lover belongs to him/her completely in order for them to be content in love. However the Rabbit possess a curious detachment from the world of emotional entanglements and would be irritated with the unquestioning devotion demanded by an Ox partner.
In the end though, both the Ox and Rabbit are united in their tendency to think long and deep before taking upon any commitment; neither are rash and impulsive with their promises. This fact will go a long way in building up mutual trust since whenever the two decide to enter a committed relationship, both will know that it is for keeps.
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