Rabbit - Rooster Love Compatibility in Chinese Astrology

The Rabbit and Rooster make a difficult pair as far as romance is concerned. This is mainly because of widely differing personality traits – the Rabbit is passive and easy-going while the Rooster is a perfectionist and drives hard. However if the partners decide to use their differences to complement rather than undermine each other, the relationship may be a success.
High points of a Rabbit-Rooster love match
Despite many overt differences, the Rabbit and Rooster share a few common characteristics which offers them a decent chance of success with each other. Both the Rooster and Rabbit must have order in their lives. Whether at home or the workplace, they cannot tolerate a messy or shoddy environment. This trait which might appear eccentric others will be mutually understood and appreciated in this relationship. Thus a home made of Rabbit and Rooster partner will be neat and pretty – the former will ensure that vases are always filled with flowers and the wallpaper goes with the carpet while the latter will take care of plumbing and heating issues. On the other hand, had the relationship included a partner like the carefree Horse or the superior Dragon, the practical and mostly boring details of running a house would have been largely unattended to. In case of the Rabbit and Rooster, both will be grateful for the other’s input in running a home tidily and harmoniously.
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Then again, the Rabbit and Rooster may have roughly similar expectations from a relationship. This is because neither of them is exceedingly emotional like a Goat or Pig nor do they seek deep seated-exchange of feelings and sensations. In their own ways, the Rabbit and Rooster are united in keeping a wary distance from complex emotional involvement – while the latter places a higher value on practical sense, the former would rather make use of diplomatic and social skills to achieve harmony in relationships.
As the two get to know each other better, the serious-minded Rooster will be impressed by the Rabbit’s deep sense of justice and fair-play which gives substance to the latter’s social charm. The Rabbit on the other hand will appreciate the sense of service which lies deeply embedded in all Roosters and which along with their responsible natures makes the Virgin highly committed partners. The two signs have thus enough qualities to attract and appreciate in each other which can surely create the foundation of a happy and lasting relationship.
Challenges of a Rabbit-Rooster love match
The biggest obstacle to a Rooster-Rabbit love match lies in their different ways of engaging with the world. The Rooster is nothing if not a perfectionist; and whether it is a job or a relationship they are entrusted with, they will ensure that their efforts meets the highest standards. This makes the Rooster often rather critical of others who cannot match their own norms of perfection. The Rabbit on the other hand is much more accepting of the weaknesses of their fellow humans. It is in the nature of the Rabbit to consider all aspects before passing judgment which the Rooster is only too ready to do. More importantly the Rooster’s penchant for criticism might make for a stressful atmosphere which turn might drive away the Rabbit since they abhor disharmony and negativity. Thus this difference between the two signs holds potential for conflict in a relationship. The Rooster might think that the Rabbit is too casual and forgiving in their approach to life and people while the latter might consider the former too exacting and often harsh.
Yet another obstacle to the Rooster-Rabbit compatibility may lie in their different social compulsions. The Rooster is a rather reserved creature; they take time in opening up to people and in fact their workaholic natures leave them with even lesser inclination for socializing. The Rabbit on the other hand is exceedingly social. They love being surrounded by friends, co-workers, acquaintances and even virtual strangers find it easy to warm up to the easy charm and sparkling conversation of the Rabbit. Under such circumstances, the Rooster-Rabbit match might find itself being pulled in different directions with one wanting to stay at home or even put in a few extra hours at the workplace and the other wanting to go out to have a pleasant evening with friends.
In the end, the only possibility of a successful Rooster-Rabbit love match lies in each being able to complement the other. While on one hand the Rooster is more than capable of providing material security to the relationship and grounding it in practical sense, the Rabbit on the other hand is the perfect person to help her partner lighten up a little and enjoy the fine things of life.
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