Dating an ISTJ Personality Type Man or Woman

The ISTJ personality according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator denotes Introversion, Sensing, Thinking and Judging. While at the very outset, these key traits may seem hardly conducive to a pleasant or romantic dating, the ISTJ type may make for some truly dependable partners and meaningful relationships. Here is a brief guide on dating an ISTJ personality and make the most of their natures.
Don’t rush him/her
The first letter of the ISTJ type refers to Introversion which means that individuals of this personality type take their time in reflecting and thinking things through. This is not because they are lazy or afraid of commitment but because they need to have a clear idea in their mind of what they are about to do so that when the time for action comes, there is no dithering, back-tracking and as few mistakes as possible. So while dating somebody of the ISTJ type be careful not to rush them before they are ready to commit or push them against a wall into taking a stand. If you do so, they may withdraw further into themselves and shut you out forever. Rather let them take their time and you’ll find that once they have thought things through, they can be counted on to do anything for you.
TIP: Read this book which has 2000 questions you can ask your partner. Know your partner's secret desires and hidden fears with this book!
Be practical
Pragmatism and factuality are among the foremost ideals that individuals of the ISTJ type live by. These qualities are denoted by the second keyword ‘Sensing’ which indicates that they give the highest priority to what can be sensed as facts and physical reality. So if you want to impress your ISTJ partner, you would score much more if you baked his favorite cake or repaired her broken down dishwasher rather than writing a poem for her or by telling him how you dreamt about you both being together on the beaches of Hawaii. Facts and the present are what matter to the ISTJ people and if you can show your love through these, you have the keys to their heart.
Try to be logical
People of the ISTJ type tend to put their head before their heart even where love and romance is concerned. This does not mean that they are cold and unfeeling but only that they prefer to see all sides of a situation, weigh its pros and cons before coming to a decision and then go about it logically. Which is why you should avoid tantrums, emotional blackmails and extreme mood swings while dating someone of this personality type. ISTJs dislike inconsistencies and hasty conclusions which are not logically arrived at. Rather be calm and collected while putting forward your point of view and do so in a balanced manner if you have any concerns. Your ISTJ partner will be happy to hear you out and in fact bring forth all his/her reasoning powers to find a mutually satisfactory solution.
Appreciate the need for organization
Those of the ISJT personality type tend to follow a planned and orderly way of life. Taking decisions and acting upon them allows them to exercise a measure of control over circumstances which is important to their sense of organization. So you may not get the enthusiastic response you were hoping for when you announce on Thursday night that you have booked tickets for the two of you on a flight to the Bahamas for weekend getaway. Sudden unexpected plans no matter how romantic are more likely to upset them given their preference of structure and orderliness. Rather if you sit with your partner and work through step-by-step towards a vacation, you are far more likely to get concrete results. It might not be as romantic as a surprise but you can rest assured that all your flight and hotel bookings will be taken care of and that your suite will have the best view of the beach.
Be punctual
One of the things that ISTJ people hate most is unpunctuality. To them being late is much more than a sign of forgetfulness – it is an indication of a chaotic and unplanned way of life, a personality which is out of sync with its priorities and negligent of its commitments. So when dating an ISTJ partner, make sure you are on time and for good measure even arrive a few minutes early when taking your girlfriend out for a movie or concert.
Smarten up
Appearances are quite important to people of the ISTJ type. Unkempt hair or unshaven face may be your way of taking a stand against mainstream notions of fashion and culture, but it is unlikely to cut ice with an ISTJ guy or girl. Before you go on a date with an ISTJ partner, make sure you are well-groomed with perhaps just a hint of makeup or just the right amount of cologne. At the same time, avoid flamboyant colors and designs or too revealing an outfit. Stay away from an ostentatious display of jewelry but wear just a solitaire or an expensive watch since these people are quick to notice signs of exclusivity. Smart and classy are the keywords here and will send out just the right message to a person who sets high store by discretion and real worth.
Accentuate the traditional
Among the things that The ISJT personality type holds in high regard are traditional values, whether in professional or social lives. Unpredictable and highly radical stances cause them discomfiture which is what you should remember before you launch into heated discussions on politics, gender and religion. In fact if you really want to impress your ISTJ partner, accentuate the traditional aspects of your own personality. Mention how much you love cooking for your family and how you are thrilled by the smell of freshly baked bread straight from the oven. If you are a guy, point out that you think the best way a man can show his love is by providing for his family and taking care of all their needs. However make sure that there is a germ of truth in there somewhere because if ISTJs detest anything, it is insincerity and falsehood.
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