How to Meet Women While Unemployed

Being unemployed is often viewed as a challenge to successful dating. The main reason for this is that women are reluctant to go out with men whose spending power is questionable. But another reason is that unemployed individuals are bereft of co-workers and the workplace environment – an important means to get in touch with potential partners. So if you in between jobs right now or taking a long break after several years of putting in 70-hour week, here are a few ways to jazz up your social life and meet more women.
TIP: Visit MillionaireMatch to meet women looking for men to date.
to browse photo profiles of single men and women.Go out at the right time
Just because you are unemployed right now, it need not mean that you have all the time in the world – probably you have kept some time apart for browsing job classifieds, sending resumes and appearing for interviews. Then there is the usual business of running a home – a job which you cannot outsource now since you need to save every penny. Also you may be taking a class to upgrade your professional skills. But even then you are sure to have the luxury of being able to decide to what and when. So make full use of this opportunity to meet all the great women out there. Full time professionals complain that by the end of the working day they are so worn out that all they can think of is crashing for the night; even the weekends may be taken up with overtime or preparations for an important conference coming Monday. Since you are free from all such restrictions now, keep yourself free at certain times of week and make sure you go out and meet people. You could call up a friend and suggest a coffee during the day or wrap up your work by evening and head for the nightclub with your gang. Keep in touch with friends and former class mates even if they are all into nine-to-five jobs. Reprioritize your schedule so that once in a while you can meet them; this will not only keep you in the social loop but hanging out at bars and cafes will also improve your chances of meeting single women. Alternately if you don’t want to tag along with others, note down what singles events are scheduled in your city and then attend those which are in keeping with your preferences. If you can afford it, you could even sign up with a singles travel group which will not only bring you in touch with potential partners but introduce you to women of other regions and countries as well.
Hang out where the young crowds are
Yet another advantage of ample leisure time is that you get to hang out during times when your pal at regular jobs are shut in their cubicles. A good idea would be to frequent coffee-shops and bookstores in areas where there are several universities and colleges. Here students can be found trooping in and out at all times of the day and you have a fair chance of inviting someone to a chat over Kafka or neoclassical European architecture. Then again there are many music concerts, film festivals and literary seminars which take place during the daytime all over the city, which regular professionals are unable to attend. So make it a point to be present at some of these events which in turn will expose you to likeminded people and offer realistic chances of interaction.
Take a class
If you are unemployed, this could be a great time for upgrading your work skills. And best of all, the classroom may turn out to pay rich dividends in your romantic life too. So as you sign up for the refresher course or attend a workshop on promotional skills, don’t forget to watch out for attractive women who have decided to attend just like you. Who knows, if you are lucky, you might get yourself a date while discussing sales trends over a cup of coffee after class.
Pick up a hobby
Whether unemployed or working in a regular job, hobby clubs are one of the best ways to meet potential partners. Join a booklovers society if you are fond of reading and discussing fiction or sign up with an amateur dramatics society if you love the stage. For those who are attracted to the outdoors, sports clubs are a great option while foodies can get really excited by cookery classes or wine-appreciation clubs. Better still, sign up for a course in order to learn something new whether a dance, a language or an adventure sports. Since you have ample time at your disposal, find out what classes and what timings attract the most women members. This will not only give you an opportunity to meet prospective dates but also doing something you enjoy. And in the end any relationship which is based on mutual interests will have a healthier chance of survival rather than those based on transient physical attraction.
Network with others
A regular job provides built-in structure for socialization; you can head for coffee with a colleague during lunch hours or take advantage of the happy hour at the nearby pub with co-workers. People who work together even end up befriending each other’s families over time. Unemployed people on the other hand lack this pre-established structure but what you can do is to network with others like you. Start a meetup group of professionals who have been laid off at work or initiate contact with others like you over the internet or online social-networking groups and then if possible meet up with them. Apart from acting as a way of exchanging useful information about work opportunities, such interaction may also help you meet potential partners. You need not limit your interactions with women; go out and befriend other guys who are in between jobs; who knows he may be able to set you up with someone nice.
Browse the net
The internet is a great dating resource for people from all kinds of social and economic backgrounds and there is no reason why you cannot try your luck too. Use free dating sites where possible. If they don't net you the kind of people you are looking for, maybe you can look at a inexpensive pay-per-use site. When writing a dating profile, you need not mention that you are jobless but at the same time be honest in what you do put – for instance you may want to avoid answering the income demographic question if you aren't generating any cash at the moment. And when you do meet someone you want to get to know better, explore frugal date ideas which need not break your budget. Dating should be fun, but it need not be the sole preserve of successful professionals.
Finally keep an open mind. While it is a fact most women would immediately discount any relationship potential of an unemployed guy, it
is also true that many women are looking for other things in a partner like a warm personality, sense of humor, shared interests and sexual chemistry. And since you are only thinking of dating, your lack of steady employment should have no bearing on your dating life if you are able to afford a couple of outings. Then again women are far more open to sharing dating expenses now than before. So relax and go out to have a good time even if you don’t have a day job to brag about.
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