Dating for Busy Men and Women - Tips and Advice

In this hectic life, there may be time for everything but love. Thus whether you are an ambitious professional, a single parent or a college grad trying to juggle jobs and studies, you probably find it increasingly difficult to have a satisfying social life as the days and months whizz by in a blur of work, gym sessions and domestic chores. Here are a few dating tips for busy men and women which may to get your love life back into the fast gear.

Get outdoors

The first rule to find time for dating is to simply get out. Unless you place yourself in the path of other singles, it is highly unlikely that a potential partner will turn up at your doorstep out of the blue. Thus if you are reading the recent best-seller, instead of doing it at home, do so at your favorite café. Join a gym or health club and this will not only get up from the couch but also keep you on a fitness regime. Every bit of spare time that you get, ensure that you use it to your social advantage instead of zoning out before the TV or playing games on the internet. For instance go to your neighbor’s barbecue party even if you have had a long day at work. You never know who you might bump into and get going with.


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to browse photo profiles of single men and women.

Choose intelligently

For busy people though it makes no sense to cram up social schedules with events they don’t enjoy. Thus if you are invited to two venues at the same time, attend the one where you are likely to meet people with shared interests. This will not only make you feel enthusiastic about another late evening, but also put you in touch with potential partners who enjoy the same things as you do. So if you like discussing Monet and Renoir by all means go to the arty gathering; or if you like dating bankers, select the happy hour in the financial district.

Combine whenever you can

One way for busy singles to check out potential partners is to combine two different activities into one. For instance say you are interested in meeting someone you met online. Instead of spending an entire evening with him/her – as you would do on a normal date – and then find out that you both just don’t click, you could easily ask him/her to join you for a quick lunch on a regular working day. Meet up half-way with this person if you can get away from work longer than usual, or invite him/her to a nice café near your workplace. And then over a cup of latte and small eats, you can get talking and find out if indeed, it would work out between you two. This way you would not have wasted a whole evening and at the same time, given a boost to your social life.

Do what you enjoy

Yet another way to find partners for busy singles is to sign up with a hobby or special interest class. No matter how hectic your schedule is, surely you do something to help you relax. So instead of doing it alone at home, why not join a class. For instance if you are a theater buff, join an amateur acting or comedy club. If you like the rush of adrenaline, make time for adventure sports buddies on weekends. Pursuing your interests among like-minded people will not only help you to unwind in a pleasurable and active way but even help you meet other singles of partnership material. Mutual interests go a long way in helping couples to stay together and if you can find someone who is equally passionate about the same things as you, what could be a better way to date in the midst of a busy schedule.

Try online dating

You may have experimented with online dating and got frustrated with the lengthy questionnaires on most dating sites as well as the barrage of mail from unsuitable contacts. Instead of wasting your time on screening out undesirable matches, sign with those websites which use compatibility features to match potential partners. In return for a small fee, certain websites will match you with only those contacts that suit your lifestyle, interests, physical expectations and other such categories. In fact some of the newer dating sites these days follow the life-streaming concept; this means that they do not simply match potential partners on the basis of typed responses but through similar social networks. This ensures a relatively higher degree of compatibility since you are moving about in the same social, cultural and lifestyle circle.

Subscribe to matchmaking services

However if you are too busy even to create a profile with an online dating site, you could leave all that drudgery to the professionals. By spending a little more money, you could sign up with a dating service that caters to the needs of young and busy professionals. Such services not only do the job of screening out undesirable candidates but may even do a background check on potential partners so that you are not taken for a ride.

Keep an open mind

Finding a partner and dating him/her need not always be a full movie and dinner affair. Keep an open mind regarding how you can come across something new and interesting. For instance even a busy professional like you must be going out some time to stock up on food supplies. So the next time you visit the nearest grocery store, look for other singles who are doing their own weekly shopping. Then again if you want if you need to cook and store for the week ahead, you could make a date of this as well. Cooking is in fact a highly sensual experience and you both might end up having great fun while chopping fruits and sautéing sauces. Finish off with a sinfully rich chocolate cake for dessert as kind of delicious foreplay and your partner might want to do this sometime again soon.

Speed dating events

If you are really pressed for time, maybe speed dating parties should be your choice of scene. Here eight to ten minutes is all you have got and so the chemistry has to just right between you and your partner. On the flip side however first impressions rule, which may not allow you enough time to really know each other. But then that is what speed dating is about and may be the best bet for busy singles like you.