How to Find Your Soul-mate - Ways to Find Someone You're Perfectly Compatible with

As personal relationships become more self-serving in these times, there is an opposite and equally strong desire to find someone with whom you can just be yourself and yet feel fulfilled. If you believe you are in search of someone like this, read on for a few tips on how to find your soul-mate.

Who is a soul-mate

Who is a sole-mate anyway? Plainly put, it is someone with whom you can share a deeper understanding of life. A soul-mate is not merely a person to have sex with or accompany you to the movies when you cannot get hold of anyone else. A soul mate is the only one who makes you feel complete, no matter how busy or empty your social life. It is also someone who accepts and loves you just as you are without using baits or criticism to “improve” you. When you find your soul-mate it is like you have finally found the missing piece from the jigsaw puzzle of your life and now you can be whole again.


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Who is your soul-mate?

To know that, first you need to find your own soul. Think about what makes you happy and what makes you feel sad. Ponder on your past and see how they have shaped the person you are today. Also ask yourself what your dreams and aspirations for the future are. Only when you are able to understand the desires and the motivations of your deepest self, you can recognize the person who will respond to and help you fulfill them.


Have faith.

Finding a soul-mate is not exactly looking for someone to go bowling with on a Friday night. Realize that it will take time to find the person with whom you share your essential values and life goals. The only thing here is to bide your time and keep looking. Soul-mates have usually been described as two halves of an entity, the combination of yin and yang or any two principles which come together to make a meaningful whole. So have faith that your soul-mate is out there somewhere and keep looking instead of giving way to doubt and disillusionment.

Be receptive to new possibilities.

One of the secrets in finding the person most compatible to your personality is to be open to new possibilities. For instance, the online dating profile of a potential date might say that he is into adventure sports while you are more of a homebody. This does not mean that he cannot possess qualities like compassion and a sense of humor, qualities which rate higher in your scale of priorities in a partner than a love of indoor games. And if you happen to dismiss this person outright or refuse to meet him on the basis of a chance remark, you may be losing a valuable opportunity of meeting the right person. So welcome all chances of meeting new and interesting people and who knows you may come across your soul-mate in the unlikeliest of places.

Take risks

Do not shy away from taking risks or you will be passing up on significant chances of meeting your soul-mate. You may feel awkward about saying hello to a girl in the coffee shop who is reading Kafka but if you believe that the book indicates a mutual interest in philosophy and the understanding of life,  go ahead and take the chance. It might lead to a meaningful relationship or you may find out that the girl is merely leafing through the book to complete a course assignment.  Also understand that when you ask someone out, you will get turned down occasionally. But don’t let this dampen your search for your soul-mate since a few refusals are nothing when compared to the immense satisfaction of finding the love of your life.

Be realistic as well.

Ask yourself if it is possible for two people can have completely identical likes and dislikes. Or if two separate individuals can have exactly the same hopes and dreams for future. In fact many people even go so far as to dispute the very idea of ‘soul-mates’ calling it a mere fantasy of ideal companionship. What assurance is there that this perfect partner exists or even if there is such a human being, that you will come across him/her while you are both single? Indeed, isn’t holding onto such a fantasy a convenient way of avoiding the reality of the inevitability of human imperfection and change besides the fact that love has to be worked at and not merely experienced as a gift? While different people may have different views on the existence of soul-mates, you can be pretty sure that it does not help to be lost in fantasies in your personal relationships. Decide on what qualities are most essential to you to feel loved, respected and fulfilled and then look for a person who possesses most of them.

Look beneath the superficial.

Recognize that while the contents may be there, the packaging might not be what you had expected. Your date may not exactly be a looker or set the dance floor on fire but still may have a strong sense of responsibility and dream of trekking through the Himalayas someday – just like you. Once you are clear on the basic values on life and love that you share, superficial concerns like looks and money should cease to be so important.


Look for a relationship that will stand the test of time. One of the easiest ways to tell apart a mere romantic attachment from a soul mate is that the former needs the guarantee of constant and physical attraction. The coming together of two souls on the other hand can survive physical distance since it thrives on mutual understanding and unconditional love and not merely sexual attraction. One of the most quoted sonnets of Shakespeare comes pretty near to describing this “marriage of true minds” when it points out that,

       “Love’s not Time’s fool…

Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks

But bears it out even to the edge of doom”.