How to Meet and Date Women Who Don't Drink?

There is something about drinking which makes for free-flowing social experiences – whether it is the gradual loss of inhibitions or greater conviviality, drinking and dating seem to go hand in hand, more than ever before. In such situations, if you are a teetotaler yourself or only a moderate drinker, how can you meet and date women who don’t drink?

Frequent the right places

While bars and nightclubs are usually the most popular places to meet potential dates, if you are clear about going out with women who don’t drink, such venues would hardly be appropriate. Instead start frequenting stylish cafes, tearooms and even up-market ice cream parlors which have greater chances of attracting teetotalers. Many of these places have the same colorful vibes, awesome music and social buzz as a bar and would make great hangouts for singles who are serious about staying away from alcohol.


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to browse photo profiles of single women. Filter those who drink and find those who do not.

Get involved in serious activities

Yet another useful way to meet women who don’t drink would be get involved in activities which by their very nature, preclude alcholic experiences. Church meetings or other youth and voluntary activities associated with the Church for instance can be a great way to meet women without making alcohol part of the equation. In the same vein you could attend fetes, fairs and fund-raisers organized by the local Church community. Festivals and celebrations associated with other religions will similarly attract crowds who would mostly be the non-alcohjolic kind. If you are not the religious kind, you can still look for other voluntary initiatives that will help you meet singles in a sober context. For instance if you like being around books, you can devote a few hours weekly at the community library while those fond of animals could help out at the local veterinary hospital or animal shelter. Apart from this you can volunteer at a senior people’s home, pitch in with a few landscaping jobs at the neighborhood park or at the local museum if you are a lover of history.

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Pusue a hobby

Even if you are not keen into volunteer work, there are still many activities which can help you reach out to singles with similar lifestyle choices. People that are into pursuing their hobbies usually have the ability to think of more ways to have fun than drinking or partying. So join a book club or sign up with dance class. One of the best ways of meeting single young women is to take cooking lessons, especially in exotic cuisine. However avoid wine-tasting clubs which by their very purpose include alcohol; sometimes avowedly artistic societies like amateur dramatic clubs can lead to alcoholic experience as well as members may decide to celebrate a successful production over a few drinks at the bar. In the end though getting involved in hobbies to meet a compatible partner is a good idea since it not only ensures shared interest but even if you don't meet anyone, it will still be fun for you!

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Get searching

Browse your local newspaper or classifieds in to find out if there are any teetotalers club in your city or perhaps other groups which invite members to socialize without alcohol. Get in touch with alcohol de-addiction programs and similar resources in your community and they might be able to give you addresses about venues where those keeping off alcohol usually meet and socialize. Here you have the highest chances of meeting women who don’t drink. A far quicker way would be to make use of the internet to search for non-alcoholic social groups if any such exist in your city and head for the place where they usually meet up. If your town does not have one, how about starting one through a social networking site or your own blog. This way you will not only be meeting new people with the same lifestyle choices as yours but encouraging those who may have been as yet undecided for lack of other viable socializing alternatives.

Where to take her

Now that you have a fair idea about how to meet women who don’t drink, you also need to be aware of your options on where to take them out. That you should be avoiding bars and pubs goes without saying, instead look for upmarket cafes and classy tearooms which offer a great deal of choices on beverages and eats. You could also take her to your neighborhood ice cream parlor for some old-fashioned romance over soda pop and sundaes. If on the other hand you wish to celebrate a special occasion, you could take her to a fancy restaurant where the focus is on the food and the ambience – for a similar experince on a lower budget, you can explore places that serve exotic cuisine where you can treat to a wide variety of tastes without making alcohol part of the experience.

Non-alcoholic options in drinks

Sometimes though you may find yourself and your date in situations like a neightbor’s poolside party or a night out with mutual friends at a club where you may stick out like a sore thumb by offering coffee or a Coke. For such times you can be prepared ahead by familiarizing yourself iwht a few mocktails – these are essentially cocktails prepared with soda water, tonic water, seltzer, or citrus soda like 7 Up and Sprite instead of alcohol. If Bloody Marys are your favorite for instance, you can have one made for your girlfriend minus the vodka while a mix of cranberry juice and lime juice can look like a Cosmopolitan. A Shirley Temple, again, is citrus soda and grenadine. A Roy Rogers is cola and grenadine while an Arnold Palmer is lemonade and iced tea. Some bars you go to may have a selection of craft sodas, root beers, or ginger ales. Then there are good quality non-alcoholic beers like Buckler from Heineken and Kaliber from Guinness. Other than these fruit juices like that of apple, grapes, and cranberries can pass for many different kinds of wines too.