Compliments to Give your Gay Partner

Compliments are an important part of any relationship. It tells you that you have a special quality and more importantly, that someone finds it attractive. Among gays, compliments are even more important since they build up a guy’s self-esteem and confidence, things which may have been underdeveloped due to an early struggle with sexual identity. So whether you wish to convey to your man that he is special to you or simply wish to appreciate an attractive trait in a date, here are some compliments that you can give your gay partner.

TIP: Browse profiles of single gay men in your city looking for activity partners and dates.

“I love the way you carry yourself…you have a perfect posture”.

Body image is a major issue among gays. Many mature men feel that they are too old or balding while younger gays feel that they are too fat, too thin or something similarly negative. So when a compliment appreciates a gay man’s body without judging him minutely or unfairly, it is greatly appreciated. The trick here is to deliver the compliment in a matter-of-fact manner, with a genuine smile and direct look. If you appear uncomfortable or have a shifty look in your eyes, he could be confused about whether you are being sincere.

“You do this so well”

One of the most meaningful ways to compliment a guy is to point out how nicely different he is from others. Here you could highlight a special attribute or quality that your date possesses. For instance if he is interested in baking, point out how his pastries are the lightest you have ever tasted. Of if he is great with numbers, compliment on his mental agility which you have never come across in anyone else. The thing is to make a partner feel way above the ordinary - special not only to you but compared to others as well.

“You smell like heaven”

This is a perfect way of heightening the sensual element in gay dating without sounding obscene or in poor taste. The right fragrance can go a long way in highlighting a person’s sexual charm and many gays spend a lot of time and effort in this aspect of personal grooming. So paying a compliment to your partner’s fragrance is not only an appreciation of his attractive personality but also to his discriminating choice in perfumes.

“I like the way your shirt matches your tanned skin”

‘Or your boots are so fetch’. The secret in paying the perfect compliment to a partner is to be specific. You may not be a guy who is a keen follower of the fashion trends of the season, but when saying something nice about a partner’s personal style, try to pinpoint what you are appreciating. Instead of saying something general like “You look smashing”, try to highlight a specific aspect of his style and then compliment her on it. If he has turned up in an attractive jacket, you could say something like “Wow this shade of blue really brings out the color of your eyes”.  Or zero in on an accessory he is wearing and say something nice about it, like “That is a very classy belt you are wearing”.

“If I said you had a hot body, would you hold it against me?”

This works well if you share great chemistry with your partner and when you have been going out for a few times. It introduces a tone of cheeky fun into the relationship while at the same time telling your partner that you find him awesome. However be careful not to use it as a pick-up line at a gay bar or club, in which case it will only sound coarse and desperate.  
“Apart from being sexy, what do you do for a living?”

This is one of those compliments which have to be delivered just in the right setting and with the right tone of voice to take off. You can pay this compliment when you meet a great looking guy for the first time or as part of a flirting game. But be sure to deliver it with panache and style or it will make you come off as a loser who is simply trying too hard.

“I hope you know CPR, coz you take my breath away!”

This is another of those compliments which work in the first few dates or when you are involved in a mutually enjoyable flirting game. In fact it is a great way to appreciate shy gay men since it says something nice about them without making their body or sexuality the focus of the compliment. It is sure to make your partner feel flattered, without leaving him embarrassed.

“Wow, you really are a good-looking guy”

This could be a great way to appreciate your partner when you are having sex for the first time. Many gays have deep-seated issues about their penis size, mostly worrying about it being too small, skinny and so on. Gay men need to feel safe when they talk about body image. They need to feel that they are not going to be attacked or made fun of. So saying something nice about your man’s assets will work as a powerful source of body-validation for him, something of which he may have been deprived of when growing up and looking for ever since.

“I wish I’d met you sooner”

If you and your partner feel yourselves moving towards a deeper relationship, this is one of the best things you can say to him. The compliment oozes tenderness and romance without being cheesy and sentimental. The thought that he makes such an incredible difference in another man’s life that he would want to know him for a longer period of time can be very satisfying to a gay looking for a serious relationship. Here the trick is to slip in the compliment casually as part of a conversation. Better still, use the compliment to answer a question in a “what if” game. For instance when your partner asks you “if you could change one thing in your life, what would it be”, say “I wish I had met you sooner”, and he will be sure to remember your reply for a long, long time to come.