How to Meet Lesbian Women in NYC

The Maximum City inevitably figures on any list of cities with a significant lesbian community on account of the sheer size of its LGBT population. According to the 2000 US Census, New York City has the largest LGBT population in United States constituting around 4.5% of the city’s total population. So if you are part of the Sapphic sisterhood and living in NYC, here are a few places where you can meet potential partners.

The tried and tested

The West Village has perhaps the richest gay history of all the neighborhoods in New York, and if you’re a lesbian in NYC, sooner or later you are sure to make a tour of this landmark area. Once you have taken in the sights, head the Cubbyhole, Henrietta Hudson, Stonewall or RF Lounge, all of which are a bunch of lesbian bars within a three mile radius of each other. Among these, the Cubbyhole is probably the best known lesbian bar in the city, frequented both by seasoned clients as well as newly out of the closet types. If on the other hand If you want total unadulterated fund, go to Henrietta Hudson where it is trashy, loud, with a steep cover at the door and a pole to dance on inside too. Outpost Lounge is another popular lesbian hangout, though in a less-frequented part of Brooklyn. Outpost differs from the run of lesbian bars in the sense that it has couches, a good menu, pretty art on the walls and a garden – all of which imparts a homely sense of community. Another popular place for women looking for women is Cattyshack at Park Slope also known as the unofficial lesbian neighborhood of Brooklyn. Another Park Slope mainstay is Ginger's has the most laid-back crowd of any of the top lesbian bars of this area. Here you can actually have a conversation in here while sitting down and not having to scream. A part of Ginger's attractions is it’s a pool table so you can always use the excuse that you don't know how to use the pool cue to get a girl to cozy up to you.

Get partying

If you are tired of doing the rounds of lesbian bars, how about dropping in on at any of the rotating lesbian parties regularly hosted at queer- friendly venues of NYC.  Girls, Girls, Girls hosted on Wednesday Nights at The Metropolitan is a great favorite while, Crème De La Femme and Stiletto  hosted every Wednesday is sure to find a place in the appointment books of the most stylish femmes of NYC. These are hosted by Maggie  Collier, known as Maggie C., who has also produced Eden every week at the Union Square Lounge for the past year.  Snapshot is another dance party which happens on Tuesdays at Bar 13 in Union Square. Choice Cunts hosted by Ellie Conant and That’s My Jam at The Bell House in South Brooklyn are other groovy events if you wish to hook up with lesbians who are as into dancing as you are. Such parties are not only a fun way to meet lesbian singles but are also good for networking and sometimes can make for a reliable staple if you feel like checking in somewhere.

Meet Up Groups

However if you wish for a deeper kind of connection than is possible at a lesbian bar or singles club, a great place to head would be a lesbian meet up. These are places where you can bond, communicate, accept and support other women with similar sexual orientation apart from finding someone to love. In New York City, among such lesbian meet up groups are A Different Kind of Ladies' Night, Lesbian Friends and LEZ Factor. Then there are online portals like and  Meetup groups are one of the easiest ways to connect quickly with gay women who have an interest in the subject of dating. Here you can make friends, share interests and meet the kind of women you would like to connect with.

Take in some culture

With a rich history of gay and lesbian rights movement, NYC offers many venues for the culturally oriented to hang out. Bluestockings Bookstore is a radical politics bookstore in the Lower East Side where you can meet like-minded women or simply read for hours on one of the benches against the window that looks out onto Allen Street. The Lesbian Herstory Archives is a lesbian museum in Park Slope, a Brooklyn neighborhood well known among lesbians of the city. Dyke Slope has some of the most fantastic restaurants of New York City and also contains Prospect Park, which is a huge park and always full of same-sex lovers hanging out.

Have an open mind

Even when you know all about lesbian bars and nightclubs, it may not be easy to walk up to an attractive looking woman and ask for her number. Men have long been fighting this predicament with which lesbians are now being faced. The key to successful lesbian dating is to have an open kind to possible encounters -You can meet a woman on the subway as you commute to work or even at the supermarket while buying dinner.  The opportunities are endless. In New York City, women from all types of backgrounds and from all walks of life are always at your disposal. So get rid of mental roadblocks and build up your confidence. A woman who exudes self-assurance and is aware of her own worth and attractiveness will have more success in translating opportunities into actual dates.

The most populous city in USA is a natural choice for lesbians since this is a place which is tolerant of  various other kinds of minorities – racial, political, religious, cultural besides sexual. And the best part about belonging to the Sapphic sisterhood living in New York City is that you can choose your own kind of life. Whether one is a six-figure power lesbian or an esoteric artist working in Soho, the ‘city that never sleeps’ has something for lesbians of every age, political affiliation and cultural background in all its boroughs. And it is this incredibly varied mosaic that makes New York City one of the best places to live for lesbians.