10 Places to Meet Single Parents

Landing a smart and attractive dating partner can be a challenge at the best of times. However when you have kids at home, finding the time and opportunity to meet the right people seems to be all the more difficult. And even if you not a single parent yourself but are keen to date one, finding them in a relaxed and sociable mood can be a tough job. Here are however ten top places where you can meet single parents, whether or not you are one yourself.
- A Hobby club
One of the best ways to meet new people is to join a special interest class. This will not only bring you in touch with people with similar interests but help you to learn something new and interesting at the same time. The best part of this strategy is that you need not worry about finding the time, since such classes are generally held over the weekends or just twice over the week. If you want to play safe, you could join a class related to something you already enjoy like music or hiking. On the other hand, you could end up having more fun by trying out a new interest like wine appreciation or ballroom dancing. After all the whole point is to go out and do new things with new people.
TIP:TIP: Visit MillionaireMatch to meet women looking for men to date.
to browse photo profiles of single parents.
- Your favorite diner/café
No matter how busy you are, a lunch or coffee break is something you surely take at least once a day and the same is true of most single parents. So look twice at the singles who are regulars at your own favorite diner or café. The best part about meeting a potential date over lunch or a latte is that this not only saves time but is a non-committal way of getting to know someone and find out what is important to either of you. There is little danger of either party assuming a hint of commitment since all you are doing is eating a pizza or sharing a cup of coffee together. After the break, you can go back, think about whether you would like to meet him/her again and then take it from there.
- The gym
Joining a gym to check out other guests as potential partners is still a popular way of way of finding a date. But since you have kids waiting at home to fix dinner or help out with the homework, you may not be able to go to the gym every day or hang out with other guests after working out. However, if you do find someone you’d like to know better and if that person is committed to working out, what you can do is co-ordinate your exercise schedules together. Casually let the person know that you’ll be working out on Saturday morning and if he/she can join you. Again this need not be something very serious – just sharing a conversation or a few laughs across the treadmill will give you a sense whether this is something you would like to pursue further. And the best part is you need not take time out from your family’s schedule to meet a person you find does not match your priorities after all.
- The neighborhood park
Even if you don’t have the time or resources to spare at a gym, you can still do something work out your body as well as your social life. Accompany your kids or walk your dog at the neighborhood park at a time when you know other kids and their parents will be coming too. And even if your kids befriend children with married parents, keep in mind that married people have single friends and they’re usually dying to hook those friends up.
- A different kind of party
How can you expect to meet a potential date if all the people you ever socialize with are your co-workers or other parents of your kids’ friends? You need to get a new gang if you want to meet new people. Go about organizing a Party-Once-Removed which requires each member in the party to bring a guest nobody in the group knows. Alternatively, persuade a single friend or co-worker to take you to a couple of social events where he/she is invited. This way you will not only get to meet newer people but even get a feedback on potential dates from your inside contact.
- Community events
Make it a point to attend social events organized by your church, synagogue or community elders with kids in tow. Here you can check out most of the single and eligible people in your community and at the same time you do not have to worry about your kids being uncomfortable at the event. This way you will not be passing another Saturday night with someone you don’t know at all and ultimately find that you never want to see again.
- The grocery store
A shopping cart can speak volumes about the person accompanying it. So the next time you are out shopping at the grocery store, look for attractive men and women whose trolleys are piled high with diapers, Jell-O mixes, cereals that come with free Superman toys or something on those lines. If you are lucky, the shopper may even be sporting an empty ring finger.
- Sign up
These days there are a plethora of dating websites which cater to the relationship needs of single parents. You could even choose partners according to specific community, professional and age groups. Other advantages of going online are that you are able to reach out to a much larger number of people than you can manage in person. And you already have a fair idea about the interests, life priorities and looks of the person you are about to meet and therefore need not spend precious time finding about all these on an actual date only to realize that he/she is not something you are looking for after all.
- Familiar outings with a twist
Single parents are likely to be found at kid-friendly places like zoos and amusement parks, especially on holidays and weekends. As you or your kids are busy on the rides or at the ice cream parlor, look for any single dads or moms hovering around. Get chatting with them and if they turn out to be single, suggest that all the kids take the next ride together. Likewise, do not miss get-togethers for parents at school or if possible volunteer during school trips where you can meet another single parent. This way you can get to know whether a person is date-material without wasting time at bars and cafes.
- Speed dating parties
If you are a single parent yourself and are really pressed for time, maybe speed dating parties should be your choice of scene. So hire a babysitter for the evening and sign up for a speed dating event hosted at a reputed place. In fact this is a good option even if you don’t have any kids of your own but are looking to meet and date single parents. At speed dating events, eight to ten minutes is all you have got and so the chemistry has to just right between you and your partner. On the flip side however first impressions rule which may not allow you enough time to really know each other. But then that is what speed dating is about and may be the best bet to meet busy people like single parents.
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