Dating an Athlete or a Professional Sportsperson

Even though dating does not entail major adjustments as being in a committed relationship does, still when two people are interested in one another, it helps to be open to each other’s lifestyle. So if you are dating an athlete or are merely curious about how it would be like to be with one, here are a few tips.
Fit and attractive
One of the best parts about dating an athlete is that you get a fit and healthy partner. He/she is likely to have a well-toned body and thus immensely attractive to the opposite sex. Most athletes move with a physical ease which is the result of long hours at training or the gym. And even if your date does not have conventional good looks, a rugged charm and a nice bearing can make him/her an exceedingly attractive partner.
A healthy lifestyle
Since athletes need to stay physically fit, they are usually avid followers of a healthy lifestyle. No junk food and fizzy drinks for them. Usually they are particular not to smoke or exceed a minimum level of alcohol, if at all they drink. Then again they are very conscious of their body weight and make it a point to eat only healthy foods and work out to keep themselves fit. Thus if you begin dating an athlete seriously, some of his/her healthy living is bound to rub on to you as well. You will be eating better and working out more. You will finally be motivated to get up early in the morning and join your partner for a run in the park or along the lake. On the flipside though, your health freak of a partner may be too strict about avoiding foods and drinks which you cannot do without – for instance a cheeseburger or maybe a few more drinks over the weekend. At the same time, your partner will most likely keep to early bedtimes so that late night parties and club or bar-hopping may quickly be a thing of the past for you. If you have been used to a hectic party scene earlier, such early curfew hours and strict avoidance of certain foods and drinks may seem unnecessary and even irritating.
Outdoor activities
However what you might lack in nightlife, you are sure to make up with an enjoyable time in the outdoors. Dating an athlete is perfect for those who like to spend time out in the open. You can go hiking, biking or trekking with your partner through the mountains or long countryside routes. When the weather is good, you can even spend a couple of days camping under the stars. The peace and solitude of nature offers a way for couples to know each other in an intimate way that can rarely happen in the midst of urban distractions. On the other hand if you are not the outdoors kind of person, dating an athlete may be difficult for the simple reason that your partner will be spending a lot of time out in the open. If you are a strict homebird and any hint of inclement weather sends you scurrying indoors, then you may find quality time with your partner rather restricted.
Show your support
If you are dating an athlete, it is important that you show a genuine interest for the sport or game and not dismiss it as an unimportant activity. And one of the best ways you can do this is by being your partner’s number one fan, by supporting him/her on the field. Athletes are passionate about their sport – just like you are about your profession – and when you cheer your partner wholeheartedly in the sporting arena, they are likely to feel proud and motivated. Try to attend as many games and athletic events that your partner is participating in, or at least the important ones. When your boy/girlfriend sees you cheering lustily, he/she is sure to realize how special you are to him/her.
Don’t complain
Athletes spend a lot of time training – it is important, indeed, crucial for their performance on the field. Just like actors need to rehearse and musicians need to practice for long hours, so athletes need to hone their sporting skills. Thus when your partner leaves for training at an unearthly hour in the morning or leaves for another town to take part in a practice camp, don’t create trouble and accuse him/her of neglecting you. If you do so, your partner will feel wretched and unable to focus on his/her game. Worse still, he/she may have second thoughts about you as a partner since a large part of an athlete’s daily routine is spent on training.
Uphold a good image
Professional athletes are often in the news and the really successful ones are even treated as celebrities. If you like basking in the fame of your athlete partner, it is also your duty to see that you don’t do any stupid thing to destroy his/her image. Your partner’s status as a professional athlete is important and you need to help him/her protect it. More importantly behave in a manner that will help your partner to establish a good reputation with his/her fans so that they support him/her in the games. Best of all, good professional athletes with a clean image often get lucrative endorsement contracts from famous companies. This is one of the biggest advantages of being a professional athlete in modern times. So do your best to protect your partner’s professional and personal image and very soon, he/she will realize that you are the perfect life mate for him/her.
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