How to Meet and Date a Golfer

One of the best ways to choose a partner is on the basis of shared interests – these not only ensure that you enjoy your time with each other but also make for great companionship in the long run. For those who think nothing gives more pleasure than teeing off on the links, here are some tips on meeting and dating a fellow golfer. And even if you are not an avid fan of the sport yourself, a couple of hours spent together in the scenic outdoors can actually be a great way of getting to know someone.

Where to meet single golfers

If you are a golfer yourself, you probably are already a member of a golf club – if not, a membership may be essential to come across other enthusiasts of the sport, some of whom will be hopefully single. Golf clubs are great social organizations and the perfect place to start looking for a like-minded date. You can not only come across a suitable single while practicing your drive on an ordinary day at the links, but also explore socializing opportunities like dances, fetes and picnics hosted by your local golf club. However there may be some other criteria that you need to keep in mind while choosing a golf club membership of for socializing purposes; for instance are you OK traveling to the suburbs or would you prefer a club not far from city limits. How much can you spare from your budget and time may be other factors while considering joining a golf club. If you are a beginner, don’t hesitate in signing up for golf lessons; this will immediately put you in touch with a lot of people interested in the sport and what’s more if you happen to meet somebody attractive in your class, you can be pretty sure of being on the same level.

TIP: Millionaire Match has many single millionaire golfers from USA, Canada and Europe looking for women to date and marry.

Look further

If however you have been a member of a golf club but haven’t had much success in finding a date, maybe you need to cast your net wider. Involve yourself in tournaments outside of your local club. Even if you do not feel competent enough to participate, attend the tournaments and mix around with crowds. Golf tournaments in other cities and states are bound to bring together singles from various places and there is a good chance you could get lucky. Many big cities also have their own associations for single golfers; one such, the American Singles Golf Association has different chapters for different cities where golfers meet regularly for games of golf.  Best of all, the association also hosts events and singles golf holidays.

Go online

These days the internet is a great dating resource, especially when you are keen to meet singles from a particular category, in your case – golfers. You can sign up with dating sites that are specifically committed to bringing single golfers together or go on to mainstream sites and specify that you are looking to date a golfer. Apart from dating sites, there are many interesting golf forums, discussion groups and blogs which will put you in touch with other fans of the sport out there.  Facebook, for instance has many golf groups that you can join but there are also social networking sites specifically for golfers. At these places you can not only discuss your game, pick up useful tips but also hook up with someone suitable.

Make an effort

Once you have found someone you would like to go out with, a golf date would be the natural thing to do. However keep in mind the basics of golfing etiquette like avoiding slow play, streamlining cart traffic, switching off your cell-phone, helping another player to look for lost balls and so on.  If you break too many of the little social protocols, it can make for a less-than satisfying date. Also make an effort with your appearance.  Dress for the occasion – this not only means complying with the bare minimum dress regulations of the golf course, but involves trying to impress your golf date as well.
However if you are new to the sport, make sure that you brush up your knowledge of golf rules before turning up for your date. Ask questions about the game may show interest but too many questions about rules can interrupt the flow of play if you are on a golf date or prove plain annoying if you out somewhere else.

Be gracious

On the other hand, if you are an expert player yourself and dating another golfer, temper down your competitive streak. Keep in mind that you are out on a date and not at a tournament. The purpose here is to bond over a shared interest and not make it the only focus of your time together. On a golf date, if your date is doing much better than you, be gracious and if it is the other way round, don’t crow about your success too much.  Social golf is more about how you play the course, not so much about how you fare against your golf partners.

Be ready to adjust

If you are dating a professional golfer, things can get a little more demanding. He/she may be away for long periods on domestic or international tournaments and you may not be able to see your partner for days on end. Also if you work a normal nine-to-five job, then matching schedules can be a bit of a challenge. Above all, a well-known golfer is bound to have some media presence and for someone not used to being followed, all the attention can get a bit overwhelming.

Finally a mutual interest can do only so much to bring two people together. After partners discover a bond, it is up to them how they move ahead. How happy you are dating each other will ultimately depend on age-old factors like mutual love, affection, trust and ability to make adjustments. Till you both are sure of what you want in the long run, it may be a good idea just to enjoy each other’s company, whether teeing off in the greens or practicing your moves on each other.