How to Attract a Rich husband

While money may not be able to buy you love, few would contest its ability to garner the best opportunities for health, comfort, social regard and who knows happiness too. So if you are a woman and thinking of getting hitched to a man who can give you the kind of life you have always dreamed about, here are a few tips on how to attract a rich husband.

Do the maths

Instead of laying out your charms for every self-described millionaire who comes your way, it is best to start out with a plan. First of all decide what kind of life you desire so that you can work towards attracting only the kind of men who can give you that. Make a list of all the comforts and luxuries you wish to have and then after adding a healthy margin, try to arrive at a figure Once you have conceptualized all this, move ahead to crystallizing your dream lifestyle into a figure which could be an annual income of anything from one million to twenty million dollars and maybe even more. Don’t balk at the number because if you are going to invest considerable time and effort in attracting a rich mate, you may as well aspire for an annual income which truly fulfills all you needs and desires.

TIP: MillionaireMatch has many single millionaire men looking for women to date and marry.

Explore the workplace

While rich men may date all the models they want, when it comes to marriage, very often they are looking for a woman who is qualified, smart and may be a professional herself. The workplace has been known to succeed in case of many women like Melinda Gates and Diana Taylor who went on to marry or have a steady relationship with some of the richest guys on the planet. This is probably because successful men are interested in the qualities you possess beneath that charming smile and well-toned body. Intelligence, commitment and dedication are some of the attributes which every rich partner is bound to appreciate and one of the best places where you can give evidence of these qualities in yourself is at the workplace. So try to get a job in a company or firm that is reeling in profits every year and then try to find out the singles among the movers and shakers there. One of the greatest advantages of appearing as a professional is that it will prevent you from coming across as a gold digger – if there is anything that rich guys are wary of, it is women who are planning to prey on their money. Then again most rich men are workaholics anyway and what better way to meet them than to take the search where the rich guys spend most of their time – the workplace.

Be seen at the right places

If you are looking to attract a rich husband and not just a date, doing the rounds of pubs and bars in your city may not be worth your while. To start with the really rich guys wouldn’t be caught dead in a run-of-the-mill place and even if the hippest and priciest venues attract the rich and single, they are unlikely to be patronized by those looking for wife-material. Instead you may have a better chance of making the acquaintance of a wealthy guy if you frequent exclusive auction houses or charity dinners. Business conventions and conferences in luxury business hotels are other places where you can find successful professionals and get chatting with them. Finally there are there are the exclusive country clubs and sailing clubs where the rich members are likely to be in a more social frme of mind.  While it may take some hard work to get access to such exclusive venues, once there you have opportunities galore to chat up an heir sipping his single Malt or a CEO practicing his golf swing.

Dress carefully

Appearance is an extremely important part of attracting men and the richer they are, the more particular their preferences. Apart from signifying your own desirability, dressing well also makes you immediately identifiable by the wealthy and successful. So even if you are not rich yourself, if you are appropriate to a wealthy guy’s taste, you have the potential to be his partner. Before you begin your shopping spree, make sure that the basics of grooming like clean breath, nails, teeth and hair are in place. Take care of your skin and fingers as well. If you cannot afford regular manicures and facials at the salon, do them yourself but with care. Adopt a style that suits you by highlighting your plus points and minimizing your negative features. Thus you may not have a size-zero figure or be able to afford the most expensive labels and yet have an impressive sense of style or dressing sense. As far as your budget would allow, buy new clothing or have your dresses tailored. Also stick to pure fabrics as far as possible since they present a more luxurious appearance. These would mostly be Linens, wools, cottons, and silks even though, knits, cashmere, suedes and various leathers can also be rich looking. There are some man-made fabrics like fine quality crepe and chiffon that you can use for certain kinds of dresses even though it is usually better to have the purer fabrics. Use jewelry with care since overloading on trinkets will make you come off as tawdry and lacking in taste. When dressing to attract rich men, try and have at least one piece of really good, unusual jewelry which can in fact act as a conversation starter. Wear bright gold jewelry near your face and on your wrists so that they lend a rich glow to your appearance. Finally while dressing, try to achieve a classy sophisticated look instead of an overtly sexual one. Even if you have a killer figure, don’t squeeze yourself into tight dresses and costumes which barely cover your body. Showing too much skin may be OK for a casual date or an army candy for a premiere party but is hardly appropriate for a wife-to-be of a pillar of the society. When dressing to attract a rich husband keep in mind that the successful usually prefer to keep to conventions in matters of appearance and some can even be rather conservative.

Polish your conversational skills

Many times a woman is well on her way to impressing a rich, potential mate but blows everything as soon as she opens her mouth. Your voice and manner of conversation can make or break a deal here. When you speak, let your words be clear and your voice, pleasant. Adopt just a note of anticipation in your voice so that you sound as if you are expecting a wonderful interaction with each person you talk to. However be careful to express enthusiasm and a sense of humor in a gentle way since being loud and over-hearty can mark you out as one lacking in breeding and refinement and hence unsuitable as the wife of a rich man. Most importantly steer your conversation away from money matters. Don’t ask your date about the size of this paycheck or how much his new car cost. This is the most obvious way of coming off as a gold-digger; there are far more subtle ways of finding out his net worth like seeking financial details of his company or the value of his house from a real estate assessor. Instead keep the focus on pleasant matters and mutual interests.  You need to come off as a woman with whom a man can satisfy his desire for good conversation and company and only then will he think of giving you a larger place in his life.

While it is necessary to be seen at the right places in order to attract a rich husband, spending recklessly is not. Discretion is highly valued by old moneyed families while a self-made business man would look upon with horror at the idea of squandering his hard-earned wealth on trifles. So whizzing past in a million-dollar sports car or wearing ten diamond rings on ten fingers would bring you in the notice of a rich man, you may not be able to turn it into a proposal. Attracting a rich husband requires a delicate balancing act. You need to give evidence of your attractive qualities but cannot be seen as a show off or worse, desperate. Instead cultivate the image of exclusivity, poise and sophistication and you may be surprised with an engagement ring bearing a diamond of the size of a rock.