What Rich Men Want in a Woman

What woman does not want a rich and sensitive guy to take care of her emotional as well as material needs! But such a search is not always easy since different wealthy men may be looking for different traits in their partners. So if you too are trying to land a loaded catch, it may be worth your while to go through some common traits that rich men want in a woman.

Professional skills

Even after frequenting upscale bars for umpteen times or downing endless cups of espresso at a swanky coffee shop, if you remain unsuccessful, perhaps it is time to take the search where the rich guys spend most of their time – the workplace. Wealth management, public relations, media, hospitality and sales are some of the sectors that are most likely to throw you in touch with the most successful names in business and society. Even working for a charity or non-profit can help you come in contact with rich single men to date. Unlike in a bar or nightclub where you have just your charms to fall upon, no matter how considerable they are, at the workplace you can impress them with your professional skills and confidence as well. And the combination of beauty and brains is one that almost all men, including wealthy ones find hard to resist. One particular kind of woman who grabs eyeballs is the ambitious go-getter – she must reach the top and has the brains as well as the gumption to do so. Such women tend to come off as aggressive and intensely competitive but they are also highly successful, intelligent and exceedingly confident of their abilities – all major turn-ons for most guys. So even though lesser men may make snide remarks about her apparent unladylike ways and lack of feminity, there is something about a bold, ambitious woman that highly successful guys find extremely challenging and thus attractive.

TIP: Meet rich men looking for women to date and marry at Millionaire Match.

Social sophistication

Then again for some wealthy guys, an in-your-face ambition can be off-putting in women. Instead they prefer someone intelligent but also refined and highly cultured – the essential cool sophisticate. She is the type to host the most sought-after parties in town and is the toast of the highest cocktail circuit. When people meet her, more likely than not, they are completely bowled by her class, elegance and ability to put others at ease. At the same time though, really successful men are not fools to underestimate her intelligence for beneath that stylish makeup is a first rate brain working to evaluate the social and financial potential of all who she meets. She is the perfect partner for rich men who enjoy entertaining friends and business contacts and who you are looking for a fashionable woman with refined tastes and the ability to spot a $150 Dom Perignon from a fake red.


Homemaking skills

Sometimes men with ample resources prefer their partners to fulfill the traditional role of women. According to proponents of traditional gender roles, this division of labor is actually more beneficial for financial prosperity since it leaves the man unburdened with family obligations and thus free to work to his full economic potential. This is the same logic underlined by many millionaires around the world who are looking for home-makers as their wives. They reason that if both partners are professionals, the home and family are sure to be neglected – a condition that is simply not worth the extra money that their wives might bring from their professions. Since with millionaires, resources are not a problem and they do not need an extra earning member, they are interested in having partners who can look after the home and family, so that every aspect of their lives are well taken care of.

And yet running a well-oiled household does not require the 24/7 presence of a partner – chores can be performed by hired help, occasional domestic emergencies can be managed over phone and older kids are anyway at school for the greater part of the day. So more than division of labor, the reason why many millionaires prefer home-makers as wives is probably because they would like to avoid any chances of ego clashes at home. When both partners are involved in high-pressure jobs, some amount of stress is sure to be brought home which in turn may give rise to ugly fights. Questions about who is going to give personal attention to the kids or supervise arrangements for the forthcoming dinner party are likely to get hackles raised, with neither partner willing to back down. In order to avoid such a scenario, highly successful men often feel it is better to marry women with whom there is no possibility of clashing egos or professional commitments.

The ability to carry out social duties

In most cases, millionaires have a philanthropic side as well – rich entrepreneurs, heirs and politicians are often conscious about giving back to the community which is why they are often associated with non-profits and charities. However their business or professional commitments are unlikely to leave them with enough time or scope to look into these philanthropic activities which then their wives being home-makers, take over. And even though a millionaire wife may be unequipped to deal with the legal and day-to-day issues of running charities, she provides a public face to her husband’s community initiatives which looks so much better on magazines as compared to a secretary or manager maybe inaugurating the new block at the children’s hospital.

Gorgeous looks

Rich men can afford to indulge their most expensive indulgences and this often extends to their tastes in women. Physical beauty and sensuality are thus one of the most common traits in women that attract rich male partners. With killer looks, gorgeous hair and a model-like figure, such women are most often seen gracing the arms of rich and famous men. If you too wish to take your chances with a rich suitor, keep in mind that even being an arm-candy involves loads of time and investment into maintaining your looks. But then if you play your cards right, you can graduate from a date to trophy wife and live a life of glitz, glamour and opulence – lots of it.

Youthful effervescence

A slight variation of the trophy wife is the woman who never quite grew up. She is a child at heart - playing silly pranks at her partner, running crazily along the hillside in her bare feet, asking for impossible favors without batting an eyelid and because of all this, insanely difficult to resist. Wealthy retirees and widowers who lead lonely lives are especially vulnerable to charms of a luscious Lolita, probably because in some way, it helps them to feel young again. She encourages her rich older partner to unleash his inner child – one who has disappeared in the face of adult duties and responsibilities. But often even level-headed men, who know how fleeting youth is, can end up being completely  fascinated by such uncomplicated ways of seeing the world.


No matter how strong the yearning for youth, when choosing a marital partner, rich men usually proceed with caution, just as they do when taking business decisions. Most wealthy men are conservative by nature and are not comfortable with display of highly individualistic fashion or behavior in their female partners. So if planning to go with your lawyer or banker lover, take care to tone down the color of your dress/jacket and keep accessories to a minimum a classy and elegant manner. Adopt a personal style which highlights your best features and above all, get the basics of grooming right. Even though you may not be able to afford a Louis Vuitton handbag or a Cartier watch, ensure that whatever you are wearing is suits you and is appropriate for the occasion. However since rich bankers and moneyed heirs also have an acute judgment of material things, you can expect your partner to notice and appreciate a solitaire on your throat or the custom-designed watch on your wrist. Above all, refrain from loud or upstart behavior especially if you want to see your wealthy partner again. And in case he confides professional matters in you, be sure to keep them to yourself. Few values matter more to wealthy businessmen, heirs and professionals than discretion and integrity.

Emotional maturity

While this may be something of a generalization, men who are successes in business, finance, legal profession are rather grounded in facts and figures. Their objective and calculative natures expect a degree of emotional independence in a partner and the ability to sift facts from feelings and intuitions so that she is not swayed by what appears in the media or spread by business rivals as rumors. Then again most lucrative profession, like investment banking and law involves grueling working schedules which impose great demands on a person’s time. A wealthy partner may not be a joy to be around when he is carrying the stress and tension of a 115-hour workweek. He may be working long hours and may even be swamped on the weekends. Thus these people look for women who are emotionally strong and independent enough to have their own lives.  She should be able to exercise patience and understand that her partner’s unavailability has nothing to do with her and is not an indication of his feelings for her. Again when dating politicians, high-profile magnates or stars of the entertainment business, a woman needs to have the poise and self-assurance to deal with constant media presence and public scrutiny into their lives. And then there may be times when a wealthy man’s romantic past or former dalliances may be bandied about in the press. While this does not relate to his current partner directly, it may be difficult for a wife or girlfriend to find herself being compared to a string of exes and not always to a favorable end. For all these reasons, very wealthy and especially high-profile men always make it a point to settle for women who are emotionally mature and have strong personalities that are not likely to be swayed by external influences.

If anything underlines all these traits that wealthy men look for in female partners, it is their complete lack of consistency. While some rich men may be attracted to intelligent self-assured women, others may prefer to go about with gorgeous looking females. Still others may be highly protective of their personal life and prefer to settle down with quiet domesticated women who do not seek the limelight. Fact is, preferences in a partner are the result of a complex mix of personality traits, past experiences and future aspirations. A successful entrepreneur who has had an unhappy experience with a business associate turned romantic partner will next prefer a partner who has nothing to do with his work. Likewise an upcoming local politician will actively seek a partner from old moneyed family to better his chances of success on the national or state scene. So just like wealthy men can vary greatly in personality traits and their formulae of success, so too they may be  looking for different things in a woman who is to be their life partner.