How to Meet and Date Black entrepreneurs

Black singles in the US have for some time now been complaining of an ever-shrinking pool of eligible men and women from their race who are available for dating and marriage. While women point out lack of educational and professional qualification among black men as well as problems with gangs and law, black men often rue the fact that women in their community are falling for white men. While it remains true that Black men are under-represented in conventionally successful professions like law, finance and medicine, many men from the community have achieved success as entrepreneurs. Black women on the other hand have been striking out as entrepreneurs for many years now. If you are looking for someone similar, here are a few tips on how to meet and date Black entrepreneurs.

Frequent business venues

One of the best ways to meet a budding or successful entrepreneur is to attend trade fairs and business conventions in and around your city. Such events are likely to attract a healthy percentage of Black entrepreneurs and if you are lucky you might run into a single too. However if you are keen on further narrowing down the dating pool, look for trade and business events which promote Black entrepreneurship in society. Such events are organized to provide networking or credit opportunities to budding Black businessmen and women. Attending these would allow you to mingle with the most successful minds in the business, among which there are bound to be a few singles. Most of these events include a social or a dinner in their schedule and this could turn out to be an opportunity to chat up an attractive single.

TIP: Millionaire Match has many single millionaire black entrepreneurs looking for women to date and marry.

Go online

Look up black entrepreneurs meetup events in or around your city. Such meetup groups serve both business as well as socializing functions – you can not only meet singles among black businessmen and businesswomen, you could even make useful contacts if you are an entrepreneur yourself. Alternately sign up with dating sites which cater to the needs of Black singles and there you can specify that you are particularly looking for those running successful or emerging businesses.

Get involved in the Church

Traditionally the Black community has had a close connection with the Church and you could turn to this option in your search for successful single entrepreneurs. But if you have scanned the pews expecting to zero in on a woman sporting jeweled watches or attended all singles events organized by the Church and not seen any guy step out of an Audi, perhaps you have been looking at it the wrong way. Successful black singles who are practicing Christians as well would be discrete about their financial as well as personal status. It would be a far better idea to find out who your pastor speaks to when a particularly large Church contribution is required or who is the sponsor of a Church fete or a scholarship required by an underprivileged child in your parish. Keep your eyes and ears open for such nuggets of information and you may just find out that the non-descript guy or woman in glasses who sits two rows behind you in Sunday service has a business empire worth millions.

Sign up for a cause

Many Black men and women who have escaped difficult conditions of their childhood to start and build successful business are keen on doing their bit for the community. Such entrepreneurs know the value of early motivation and credit availability and thus are likely to be related to many causes which seek to improve conditions for Black youth in your town or city. So check out the people sponsoring or spearheading youth initiatives or fundraises for the Black community and if you are lucky, you may find a single among them. Not only are these events great ways of giving back to the community but a relationship based on mutual values and common causes has a great chance of success too in the long run. However try to imbibe a genuine interest in the cause which is being supported at the fundraising event instead of faking a concern or making it plain that you are here for moneybags and appetizers. Self-made men and women who have risen to the top on their strength of their brains will be quick to spot insincerity and unconcern and that might put off singles who have strong values.

Attend communal gatherings

Apart from hanging out at singles bars and crowded nightclubs to come across a successful Black entrepreneur, you might consider taking part in communal celebrations like a parade, a fair, Black History month, exhibition or a music festival organized around traditional black interests like jazz, blues or Soul food. It may not be easy to spot a successful single among the crowds at such events but usually they are ones who pitch in with a healthy sponsorship for organizing the festival or hand out free ice creams to all those kinds who take part in a tree-planting drive. Similarly watch for well-dressed men and women who are treated with respect and consideration by the civic officials of your town or locality and you can safely assume that they are the ones behind regular donations to community projects.

Get out in the field

Black men have traditionally excelled at sports and even those guys who have made their money in business are sure to indulge their love for physical action somehow or other. Thus you could join a gym and check out the Black singles there. Alternately you can attend some of the high-profile games being hosted in your city and if lucky you may run into a Black single who shares your enthusiasm for the same basketball or baseball team. While these measures do not guarantee that you would meet a businessman, they are sure to enlarge your contacts in the Black singles community and you never know, one thing might lead to another. For greater chances of meeting Black entrepreneurs, how about frequenting the golf courses or a country club famous for its tennis grounds - you can drop in at the club on a weekend afternoon in order to meet any eligible singles who like the idea of keeping in shape and wouldn’t mind the company of attractive men or women while they are about it. What’s more very often business deals are struck at such venues which mean that these clubs have their share of rising entrepreneurs.