How to Meet and Date Rich Technology Entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley?

The Silicon Valley refers to the south of the San Francisco Bay Area in the United States; this place is so named because of the dense concentration of internationally renowned high-tech companies in the area, the best known among which are Google, Apple, Facebook, HP, Yahoo, Oracel, Cisco, ebay, Adobe and many others. Many of these software experts and internet entrepreneurs located in the Silicon Valley are either budding or well-established millionaires, thanks to global software companies or highly successful online ventures. So if you are single and keen to find a wealthy partner from the Silicon Valley, here are a few pointers.

TIP: Technology entrepreneurs can be found online too. Millionaire Match has many of them looking for women to date and marry.

Get smart

The Silicon Valley boasts of a large number of skilled and high-tech professionals who easily make more than a million in a year, either as salaried employees or from their own enterprises. Most millionaires among these techies began with start-ups of their own which then went on to earn billions of dollars. Among the best known of these ventures which have their headquarters in San Francisco are as, Twitter, and the Wikimedia Foundation. One of the most effective ways to come across single technology entrepreneurs is to frequent places where the internet millionaires spend most of their time – their workplaces. Even if you are not a computer expert yourself, there are several professions which can throw you in touch with the owners of money-making start-ups. Bankes, hedge-fund managers, investment consultants and insurers are among the finance professionals who regularly deal with successful entrepreneurs while legal experts and publicists are other people that every internet millionaire will need to have on his or her payroll. Even if you don’t have an Ivy League degree or a resume running into several pages, you can still look for internships or summer jobs which will help you meet with the top honchos of the companies. If you need any more convincing, consider the fact that internet billionaire Bill Gates met his spouses at the workplace.

Meet millionaire men at

Catch them in their leisure

Every once in a while, the successful entrepreneurs of the Silicon Valley can be unwinding at top leisure spots and San Francisco with its luxurious hotels and resorts provides several such venues. Thus you may want to take your search to the most expensive of hotels and luxurious of resorts in San Francisco like the Hilton, Four Seasons, Fairmont, Argonaut, Clift Hotel San Francisco, Argonaut and the like. Focus especially on the peninsula and south bay which has some of the most exclusive of vacation retreats built by the elite of San Francisco’s society who routinely escape from the fog of the city for sun and recreation. On the other hand surfing aficionados among the rich singles might be found trying their skill on the Ocean Beach while more reclusive among them may head for the quieter China beach tucked below the wealthy Seacliff neighborhood. Nature lovers among the affluent singles might take an evening out exploring the Golden Gate Park or watching birds along the Rodeo Beach located in the Marin Headlands, just north of the Golden Gate Bridge. However if you wish to mingle with the rich techies at elegant bars and cafés, some places you can check out are the Rosewood Hotel's Madera restaurant in Menlo Park, Nola, Coupa Cafe and Old Pro in Palo Alto, District wine bar in San Francisco, 25 Lusk and the St. Regis Hotel Bar.

Hang out at Swanky Nightspots

When the rich technology entrepreneurs of the Silicon Valley are not spending their nights coding and planning, they can be trusted to live it up at the hottest nightspots of the town. San Francisco owing to its varied cultural and artistic scene has quite a mind-boggling range of lounge bars, pubs, cocktail bars, sports bars and dance clubs to choose from. Union Street in Cow Hollow and 24th Street in Noe Valley are famous for their colorful mix of nightclubs, boutiques and cafes but for the more exclusive destinations you would need to head to places like Club 525 with its VIP rooms, private cabanas, three bars and multi-level lounge,  26 MIX for a younger crowd of hip and successful professionals who are determined to have a blast or perhaps Apartment 24 for its translucent interiors, sleek furnishings and a long glass-topped bar, all of which highlight the element of sophistication.

Frequent Affluent Neighborhoods

One of the surest ways to come across the richest Silicon Valley entrepreneurs on a fairly regular basis is to live near them. In San Francisco some of the richest neighborhoods have traditionally been located in the northeast quadrant of the city and include Nob Hill, Pacific Heights, Presidio Heights, Seacliff and Russian Hill. Even if affording a pad in these locations may be beyond your budget, there are still ways you to mingle with the well-heeled residents like while going out for a morning jog or relaxing with a latte at an upscale coffee shop.

Get into the groove

It is not enough to just know of the ways to meet successful internet entrepreneurs; if you are looking for some serious dating, you will have to familiarize yourself with their ways and conversation. Most of these internet millionaires live and breathe computers. So it would be a great idea to know a little about programming, source codes, video games et al. You need not become an expert yourself, but being aware of the basic terms will help you to actively listen to your partner and every now and then respond intelligently. Follow him on all social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr.
Read his blog and talk about it on your date - your interest in their area of work will not only help you to make them comfortable thus getting them to open up but also intrigue them enough to continue wanting to see you. Also give evidence of your intelligence and humor. On the whole, geeks love hanging out with people with whom they can have an intelligent conversation. So while you may not need a Mensa membership to land a date with a geek, try to come off as a person who is well-read, smart and witty. And before you know, your date may be planning what to do the next time you both meet up.

Have your own life too

While dating a successful technology entrepreneur, you may have to take your partner’s long working hours in stride. All entrepreneurs know that they need to put in a lot of time and effort at least in the beginning of the venture. And if your partner simply loves being with the computer, it may be quite difficult to tear them away from their work. Add to this unpredictable working hours or working for several days at a stretch, for example in order to finish writing a program. At such times, avoid assuming that your partner’s unavailability means that he/she loves you any less. In fact it is best if you have a worthwhile career as well social circle of your own which will not only keep you busy but nurture your personality too.