10 Careers that will Help you Meet Single Rich men

Which woman does not want a rich and sensitive guy to take care of her emotional as well as material needs! But even after frequenting upscale bars for umpteen times or downing endless cups of espresso at a swanky coffee shop, if you remain unsuccessful, perhaps it is time to take the search where the rich guys spend most of their time – the workplace. Here are ten top careers that will help you to meet single rich men.

TIP: Browse photo profiles of single rich men from USA, Canada and Europe

Wealth management

No surprises there! All those guys who are adding on to their millions every year need to know about ways they can multiply their assets or keep them safe from the taxman. A banker, a hedge-fund manager, an investment consultant would count among the best careers in this category which are sure to bring you in direct contact with Mr. Moneybags and once you spot one without a wedding band, you can always move up from business to pleasure. Wealth management is certain to get you in touch with single rich men. This will include first generation entrepreneurs who are self made millionaires as well as the blue blooded singles from wealthy families.


Rich guys insure all sorts of things – their businesses, factories, houses, paintings, yachts, horses and what not. Thus working in the insurance sector offers you ample opportunities to deal with clients who have expensive and quirky things to insure. But then you need to be attached to well-known insurance firms rather than working for just any fly-by-night company. Big brands in insurance inspire trust and will attract the rich men you're looking for. Single rich men often take out large insurance policies when they're younger to save on the insurance premiums in the long run.



Public relations

This is another career which will require you to meet rich entrepreneurs, customers and powerful government officials on behalf of your company or client. For this you need to have an attractive, outgoing personality, excellent communication skills and understand people well enough to market a positive image of the company you are working for. You're likely to meet a lot of single rich men through this profession.


Being part of the news industry will put you in direct contact with all the movers and shakers of the finance world. As a journalist you could work either for the electronic or print news media but it will vastly help if you focus on the economic or finance sections. The best part about being a journalist is the easy access that you are bound to get to the rich and famous and who knows the next time you go to interview a budding entrepreneur, you might get talking about more than sales and shares. You could also meet a lot of single celebrities and hobnob with them at high profile events. People at the top are often very lonely and if you make interesting company, charming a rich single professional who's unusually successful in his profession should be a goal within reach.

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Once a guy makes pots of money, more often than not he turns into a collector. For some it could be paintings or sculptures while for other it could stamps, ancient manuscripts or even antique rare furniture. And the place where these rich collectors need to come to indulge their expensive hobby is the auction center. So try to get work at an exclusive auction house and you may just find a rich and single client placing his bid for your heart.

Non-profit organization

Most millionaires believe in giving back to the same society that has helped them to achieve so much. Thus it is not unusual to find rich people to be associated with philanthropic work or at least generous enough to support a good cause. So if you are involved with a non-profit group working for your own community or for an international cause, you might be surprised to find rich patrons in decent numbers and who knows you might even come across an attractive single from among them. If you find yourself as passionate about a cause as some rich single, it would be much easier to strike a chord.


Rich and successful men are rather proud of the cellar they keep and the one person they are bound to take help from in this respect is a sommelier. Being an expert of fine wines and other exclusive spirits is sure to put you in touch with men who don’t mind spending an extra thousand bucks for a vintage champagne or limited production cognac. So start cultivating your senses of taste and smell and if lucky, you may find yourselves raising a toast to something more beautiful than a Dom Perignon.


Where do all the rich guys go when they need to entertain? To a fine dining destination, of course. The restaurant is a great place to meet successful men simply because here they are in a mood for socializing and would be more than happy to return your welcoming smile with even some pleasant chit-chat thrown in for good measure. Best of all, in this industry there is a wide range of positions you can choose from, ranging from executives and F&B managers to chefs and waitresses.

Fitness centers

All those moneymakers need to take care of their health too. So whether they decide to spend a day at an exclusive spa or work out in a state-of-the-art gym, a fitness expert is the best person to help them unwind. And even if a reclusive millionaire prefers his own private gym or spa, you can always work as a personal trainer, tennis/golf coach or masseuse to make him feel fit and rejuvenated. Relationship experts however point out that sometimes wearing a uniform may create a psychological barrier between a rich client and someone working for him which he may be unwilling to cross. So keep in mind your options and get ready to work away all that strain and tension on your rich and single client.


Sex sells and how! Sales is one of the top industries that employ women and with good reason too. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, women made up 34% of all sales positions and 20% of all service occupations. Hardly surprising, when you consider that all store managers want to hire the most attractive people to greet their customers, especially when they happen to be rich and male. However be certain to be associated with products and services which attract an upper-end clientele. Expensive apparel, perfume, jewelry, accessories and lifestyle products for men are some segments that you can explore.

The workplace is one of the best venues to meet a rich single men to date. Unlike in a bar or nightclub where you have just your charms to fall upon, no matter how considerable they are, at the workplace you can impress them with your professional skills and confidence as well. And the combination of beauty and brains is one that almost all men find hard to resist.