Flirting tips for the Gym

With the current attention being paid to healthy lifestyles, fitness has become a very important aspect of life today. And with this trend, there are gyms and fitness centers that have mushroomed like never before. If you are a self-professed fitness freak or just enjoy working out, you could be spending as much as a couple of hours at the gym every day.
With all the sheer physical energy and considerable amount of skin on display, it’s little wonder then that you could often find someone you really fancy at a gym. And if you do, you’ve got to be able to initiate contact and stimulate interest without coming across as a dumbbell(le) or bloke!
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In fact, the gym is a perfect place for two people already sharing at least one basic interest - in keeping fit - to get to know each other better and explore mutual interests. So how about a few pointers on how to flirt and make an impression at the gym:
1) Get the gear
If you can afford it, wear branded gym gear. While it may cost you, it will give you that added edge. While you undoubtedly pay for quality, it makes you feel so good, it automatically translates into the way you feel about yourself. If you can’t afford branded sportswear, make sure you wear stuff that complements your physique/body.
2) Less is more
If you’ve been working out and it shows, don’t hide your light under a bushel. Wear a racer-back tee or a sleeveless top, which will accentuate your biceps or well-defined muscles. If you’ve got good legs, and you know it, wear biker shorts or spandex, which lovingly clings to you. Don’t make the mistake of wearing baggy T-shirts or ill-fitting tracks.
3) Capitalize on the surroundings
The gym provides a natural environment that encourages flirting between interested parties. The mirrors provide ample opportunity to send out that ‘come hither’ look, or to check out the assets of the one you’re interested in, without being too obvious about it. In fact, it is far more exciting to exchange interested looks in the mirror than it is face-to-face. As members tend to be more relaxed and casual with the added advantage of seeing the other person frequently, a gym is an ideal place to cultivate relationships.
4) Accessibility
If you want to be flirted with, avoid wearing earphones of any sort, whether for a Walkman or your cell phone. It will inhibit people from approaching you. You must appear accessible to a member of the opposite sex so that they do not feel they are disturbing you by initiating contact.
5) Use a deodorant
One of the things that possibly precede you before you approach a member of the opposite sex, or even speak to them, is your body odor. Since it’s virtually guaranteed that your workout will leave you perspiring profusely, help your cause by spraying yourself liberally with a good deodorant. And if it’s a hit, they might like it enough to engage you in conversation longer, just to keep inhaling that heavenly scent.
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6) Work it
Flex your muscles and work that body to attract those admiring looks. If you’ve been told how shapely your butt is, don’t hesitate to show it to advantage when you’re doing those dumbbell rows or kickbacks. Don’t be too obvious, just display enough to tease and titillate without being vulgar.
7) Be attentive
Be alert for any opportunity to seize the moment. If she’s having trouble accessing certain equipment or locating a particular dumbbell, jump at the chance to be of assistance. It’s the ideal opening to break the ice and engage her in conversation.
8) Cultivate that intense look
Look really serious about your workout. If you’re just fooling around and making eyes at every available woman in a two-mile radius, you may create the impression that you’re at the gym to date rather than work out. If you look intensely earnest about your workout, and the results show, women will find that elusive quality very appealing.
9) Show your approval
If you can perfect an appreciative look which can make your target feel good, without giving him/her goose bumps that they are being stared at, it's half the work done. And if they show signs that they are enjoying the admiring glances thrown their way, your path is paved for your next move. Avoid staring fixedly, rather, keep throwing intermittent looks every ten minutes or so.
10) Be direct
When you approach someone you like, be prepared with what you’re going to say. Don’t use standard opening lines that will make the one you’re flirting with feel like you do this for a living. Apart from sounding clichéd, it will make them feel like part of the pack. Ask an interested question that has a genuine feel to it. Maybe something along the lines of, "You’ve got good technique, have you been working out long?"
11) Secure a date
As most people set aside time for their workout, they may not appreciate standing around and being flirted with. Instead, ask them if they’d like to meet up later for an energy drink or a cup of coffee.
12) Touch and go
After a few casual meetings and conversations, either in the gym or outside, offer to help her stretch her tired muscles. If she allows you the liberty, and once you’re slightly more familiar with her, work out a few kinks from her shoulders or massage her calf muscles. Use a firm touch; allow her the opportunity to appreciate how good you are at this. If she shows no sign of protest, but gives every appearance of enjoying it, trail your fingers suggestively down to her collarbone or up the back of her knee. Play it by ear though, and don’t go too far too fast, or you could be shown the door!
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