25th Wedding anniversary - Gift Ideas for Her

In times when almost one out of two marriages are likely to end in divorce or separation, being married to the same person for a quarter of a century is an occasion worth celebrating in the grandest way possible. And one of the most exciting ways to do this is by picking up the perfect anniversary gift for the perfect wife, one has been your life partner in the best possible way and stood by you, through thick and thin.

Go traditional with silver

Known as the ‘silver’ wedding anniversary, the twenty-fifth traditionally involves making a gift of silver items to a spouse. The origin of this convention is unclear but it probably originated in Medieval Europe when wives who had been married for twenty-five or fifty years were presented with wreaths made of silver or gold since the metals were known for being precious as well as synonymous with lasting value. So if your wife loves traditional gifts, choose something in silver which will express the full symbolism of your milestone wedding anniversary. And what could make a more appropriate gift for your spouse on this occasion than a silver anniversary ring? You could renew your marriage vows with a new silver wedding band or celebrate twenty five years of being together with a silver ring set in gorgeous gemstones like diamonds, emeralds, rubies and sapphires.

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Pamper her with jewelry

One gift that most women never tire of receiving is jewelry. And your twenty-fifth wedding anniversary can be the perfect excuse to indulge your wife since silver lends itself very well to jewelry of different kinds. For your wife you can browse through silver pendants in clean modern or elaborate Victorian designs. If your beloved is a romantic at heart, you can even go for a silver locket that can be opened to reveal both your miniature photos. Among other jewelry for women are silver bracelets, necklaces and ear rings, either plain or set with precious stones or perhaps your wife’s birthstone. If she likes exploring different kinds of jewelry, you could also look at designs form different cultures like silver and turquoise jewelry from Tibet or delicate filigreed jewelry from India.

Something to add to the decor

 Decorative items in silver could make for a perfect gift to a house-proud wife. Tall elegant silver vases, exquisitely carved silver figurines of flowers, fruits or animals and other objects d’ art in filigreed silver would be the ideal way to highlight a living room or the mantelpiece. Frames are yet another item which lend a classy look to the interiors when made of silver. Indeed you can even personalize such a gift by getting paired frames in silver to display your wedding photos or a matte one to highlight a favorite painting of your spouse’s. Silver framed mirrors make great gift ideas for partners whose tastes range towards the classy and sophisticated and this could again range from oval hand-held ones with a slender stem to elaborately carved ones providing depth and elegance to the home décor.

Setting the table right

If your wife appreciates gifts which have a practical purpose along with traditional value, then you could look at silverware for the perfect twenty-fifth wedding anniversary present. Silver cutlery, serving bowls and trays are the perfect accompaniment to a formal dinner while there is nothing like a silver tea set to create a romantic mood for an evening cup of tea. If she is fond of the antique look, you could go for an ornamental silver service but there are a vast range of options in clean contemporary designs as well. In fact these days, silverware also comes with certain finishes and alloys which prevents it from getting tarnished, thus making it much easier to maintain.

Say it with flowers

Few gestures are bound to make a woman go weak at the knees as flowers and if you want your gift to be romantic as well as affordable, a lovely bouquet could be just the thing for your wife on your twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. The traditional flower for this occasion is the iris, a flower which comes in varied attractive colors like blue, white, mauve and pink. An arrangement of irises as an anniversary bouquet for your spouse would look truly spectacular. However if roses are your partner’s favorite blooms, you could go for varieties with significant names like Silver Jubilee, Silver Star Rose or just plain Happy Anniversary.

Goodies in a gift basket

If for some reason you are not in the mood for a major purchase, you can still find something appropriate and romantic for your wife on your twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Try putting together a gift basket wrapped in silver paper or even foil which has a silvery appearance. Throw in assorted items you know she would appreciate like a gift coupon for salon services, tickets to a music concert, your wife’s favorite candies and aromatic candles or pot pourri. Don’t forget to include ‘love coupons’ offering your beloved twenty-five kisses, a sensuous massage for twenty-five minutes or as  many ways of saying “I love you”.

Far from the madding crowd

Now that you are through with the responsibilities of bringing up kids and going to work, make full use of your leisure by getting away for a vacation. In fact your twenty-fifth wedding anniversary can be the perfect occasion to surprise your wife with tickets for a second honeymoon of sorts. Not only you will be doing something different on this milestone anniversary, a two-some vacation will also allow you both to get away from the crowd of family and friends demanding a party. Some nice travel destinations in keeping with the ‘silver’ theme of your twenty-fifth wedding anniversary would be Silverstrand beach in California or Ireland, Silver Springs in Maryland or Florida or even a well-preserved silver mine open to tourists. Once on your vacation, leave your cell-phone and i-Pad in your rooms and head for the outdoors with your wife, reminiscing the lovely past you have shared and looking forward to the years of togetherness still to come.