25 Foods High in Folate

There is much talk going on about the support folate brings to our health and wellness, and how important it is for expectant mothers. Folate is part of a vitamin family called B complex, a group of vitamins with very varied functions. It is also known as vitamin B9, and it is water soluble. Leftover amounts of this vitamin leave the body through the urine, which means we need a continuous supply in the diet or elsewhere (such as folate produced by our gut microbiota). Folate is one of the few vitamins our own body has in stock through specialized bacteria in our intestines that provide a certain amount, but it is also required in our diet, especially in the case of pregnant women. Therefore, in this article, we will show you 25 foods high in folate, and review the benefits of folate on our health and wellness. According to the National Academy of Sciences, the Dietary Reference Intake for folate is 400 mcg for adults and up to 600 mcg for pregnant women.
Folate works together with Vitamin B12 and Vitamin C to help the body break down, use, and create new proteins. This vital molecule helps building red blood cells and produce DNA, the fundamental pillar of the human body that carries genetic information. Folate also collaborates in cellular functioning and tissue growth, helping to increase appetite when necessary and stimulating the formation of digestive acids. This vitamin is essential for women of childbearing age because when a woman has enough folate in her system during pregnancy, birth defects in the baby´s brain and spine can be successfully prevented. Here, we will give you 25 foods you can choose from, all of them with high content in folate:
- Garbanzo beans
You can buy them in canned and non-canned versions. However, if you want the highest concentration of folate, choose to purchase dry garbanzo beans and cook them yourself. Raw, mature seeds provides up to 1114 mcg of folate per cup (around 200g).
- Pinto Beans
They are one of the best sources of fiber and folate, but also provide a healthy amount of manganese, copper, phosphorus, vitamin B1, and other nutritious substances. Raw pinto beans can provide up to 1013 mcg of folate per cup, weighing around 193g.
- Lentils
They are a great food to protect the heart because it has the right amounts of folate, magnesium, and fiber. They are also the best source of molybdenum, a less known mineral that plays an essential role in regulating at least seven enzymes in our bodies. Lentils provide 920 mcg for each cup (192g).
- Black Beans
They are a cheap and easy option to help you meet your weekly beans, and they are a great source of folate, fiber, molybdenum, copper, and other nutrients. 1 cup (194g) of black beans can provide 861 mcg of folate.
- Chicken
Another cheap and easy to buy option to increase the folate in your diet, as well as other vitamins from the B complex, proteins, and many other nutrients. Chicken taste fantastic and 150g contain around 600 mcg of folate, which makes it a very good dietary source.
- White rice
Following with cheap and easy options, white rice can be found almost anywhere. Many variations of rice sold out there are enriched with different vitamins, folate among them. One cup weighting 185g of dry white rice contains up to 475 mcg of folate.
- Cornmeal
It is a part of many recipes in latin america, and it can be combined with wheat flour and enriched with plus amounts of folate and other vitamins. Some brands are different than others and one cup weighting around 170g of cornmeal can provide up to 449 mcg of folate to your diet.
- Peanuts
Various nuts provide enough folate to deserve a high ranking in any list of foods high in this nutrient. Peanuts taste great and have a variety of essential vitamins and minerals. One cup of raw peanuts weighting 146g can hold up to 359 mcg of folate to your diet.
- Radishes
They contain enough amounts of many substances, including folate, potassium, glucosinate compounds, and dietary fiber. They can be cooked or eaten raw, but always choose a method of preparation with low fat. One cup with 116g of radishes has around 342 mcg of folate.
- Liver
Of all cuts of meat, liver provides the highest amount of folate. There are many types of liver, and depending on the species they provide more or less folate. One chicken liver, for instance, can provide 254 mcg of folate.
- Sunflower seeds
Both sunflower seeds and flaxseeds contain high levels of folate, and can be eaten raw or sprinkled in salads or any other foods. One cup with 134 gms of sunflower seeds provide up to 319 mcg of folate.
- Quinoa
It’s a superfood providing many different nutritional values to our diet. It is similar to rice, and can be used in almost any dish. An uncooked portion of quinoa weighing 170 g can provide 313 mcg of folate.
- Semolina
It is a type of grain that is widely used in pastas, bread, breakfast cereals, and other foods. It is made from wheat and an enriched portion of this grain weighting 167 g holds 306mcg of folate.
- Turkey
Of all types of meat, beef, turkey and chicken have the highest amout of folate. Even though their liver is the best meat cut for folate, 1 giblet of turkey weighing 95 g can provide 288 mcg of folate.
- Spinach
A great addition for your salads, soups and meats. Spinach has many nutrients and it’s traditionally linked to strength and stamina. One cup with 180 g of spinach provide 263 mcg of folate.
- Asparagus
It is a unique food with impressive nutritional values, providing almost 100 types of phytonutrients, and a high content in folate as well. One cup of asparagus weighing 180 g provide up to 243 mcg of folate.
- Enriched Pasta
Many foods have been enriched with extra content of folate and other vitamins. Still dry, enriched pasta weighing 91 g can provide up to 216 mcg
of folate.
- Avocados
They taste great in salads or eaten raw with carefully chosen dressings. When eating avocados try not to include high-fat dressings and you will get 205 mcg of folate for each 230 g of pureed avocados.
- Orange Juice
Of all beverages, orange juice can provide the highest amount of folate, and one cup of this tasty addition to your meal holds 202 mcg of folate.
- Artichokes
It’s a nutrition powerhouse with many health benefits, including antioxidants, fiber, and folate. 1 cup with 168 g of artichokes provides 200 mcg of folate.
- Tortilla
Widely used in Mexican food, tortillas are another great source of folate, but this may depend on the type and brand of flour it is made from. One serving weighing 197 g can provide 193 mcg of folate.
- Farina
It is a type of cereal that comes from grass plants and it is a very good source of folate and iron. An enriched portion of farina cooked with water can provide 185 mcg of folate.
- Turnip greens
They are leagy vegetables with great flavor and amazing nutritional profile. One cup of chopped turnip greens provides up to 170 mcg of folate.
- Chestnuts
Back to nuts, the Japanese variety of chestnuts can also provide a great amout of folate for each portion. One cup weighing 155 g provide up to 169 mcg of folate.
- Eggs
They provide so many nutrients, ranging from fats, vitamins, and proteins. 85g of eggs can provide up to 164 mcg of folate.
- Food and Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine. Dietary reference intakes for thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, biotin, and choline. Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 1998;58-86.
- All values were taken from the USDA's Food Composition Database
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