How to Grow Long Hair - for Women

Women have always found gorgeous shiny hair one of the most effective aids to looking and feeling good. Not to mention the fact that a head of bouncy and healthy hair is also an extremely effective way to attract the opposite sex. So if you to wish to grow long hair, here are a few tips on getting the most effective results.
Your efforts to grow long hair require a two-pronged strategy – one, ensuring that you take the right steps to promote hair growth and the second that you minimize hair fall as far as possible.
Promote hair growth
The only effective way of promoting hair growth on which scientists agree is having the right diet. This is because hair grows from within the body and whatever nourishes the body from within is bound to help in the healthy growth of hair as well. Protein and iron are two of the most essential nutrients to have a healthy crop of hair. Protein is necessary for the regeneration of cells, both within and without. Meat, fish, eggs, legumes are different kinds of protein-rich foods. However the kind of protein found with omega-three fatty acids like in salmon are particularly useful since they are enriched with vitamin B-12. Anemic conditions can lead to hair-fall and so dietary iron should form an important part of your daily diet . Dark green vegetables, legumes like beans, nuts and eggs are other foods you should stock up on since they are packed with vitamins like A, C and B-12 as well as minerals like zinc, selenium and other nutrients like biotin all of which essential for hair growth.
Pamper your scalp with a massage
Every now and then, massage your scalp with an oily medium. In some cultures, this forms the basis of hair care and is believed to promote hair growth. Though contemporary research is divided on the power of any particular oil or substance to accelerate hair growth, the fact is that massage improves blood circulation to the scalp, thereby making it easier to transmit nutrients which are essential for healthy hair. Oils that have been traditionally used for hair massages are coconut, almond and rosemary oil.
Trim often
A trim is defined as removing ¼ to ½ inch of hair and no more. While a trim may sound counterproductive to having long hair, it actually promotes hair growth by getting rid of damaged ends and split ends which if left untreated can work their way up to the hair shaft. Depending on the chemicals you have in your hair as well as your daily routine, you may need a trim anywhere from every six weeks to six months. The better you take regular care of your hair, the less often you'll need trims.
Take professional help if necessary
If you are really keen to grow long hair or wish to accelerate the rate of hair growth, then it is best if you consult a professional. A trichologist or even a dermatologist will rule out or treat conditions which may have been prohibiting hair growth. To do this he/she may advise on what foods to include in your diet or prescribe vitamin and mineral supplements if necessary. There are some medications like minoxidil and finesteride as well as some steroids which are believed to promote hair growth under certain circumstances but only a proper physician is qualified enough to advise whether they should used and if so, how.
Prevent hair fall
No matter what steps you take to promote hair growth, if you are unable to reign in hair-fall then all your efforts will be in vain. Hair grows an average of half an inch per month, but it's how you treat your hair that determines how much you'll retain.
Take daily care
Start with the basics if you want to avoid hair-fall and the most important part of this includes keeping your hair clean. The head is perhaps that part of the human body which is most exposed to dust and dirt on a daily basis. But while one washes the face almost every day, it is not so with the hair on the head. If hair is kept unwashed, it not only becomes dirty and limp but the accumulated dirt on the scalp can lead to unhealthy skin conditions like dandruff which in turn will cause hair loss. In order to have clean hair, wash it with a mild shampoo. At the same time though don’t go overdo it since shampooing your hair everyday will upset the natural production of sebum and make the scalp excessively dry and itchy. The ideal number of times you should shampoo your hair of course depends upon your hair type and how often you have to be outdoors but in most cases two to three times a week should be enough. Also use a quality brush to keep your hair brushed, such as a boar bristle brush. When combing, tilt your head forward and brush with your head upside down to bring the oils to the ends of your hair and stimulate the scalp.
Condition it well
Make use of hair conditioner an integral part of hair-care regimen. Conditioning of the hair offers twin advantages – firstly it removes the tangles from newly washed hair so that while combing through, you lose as few strands of hair as possible. Secondly it replenishes the moisture that is lost from the scalp as well as the cuticle of hair, smoothening it and giving it a healthy shine.
Treat your hair gently
If you want to avoid hair-fall it is imperative you cause it as little damage as possible, especially one that results from repeated hairstyling using heated appliances. Avoid all use of flat irons, crimpers, curling irons and hot rollers since these weaken the structure of hair, leading to further hair breakage and reduced hair growth. As far as possible keep blow drying also to a minimum - if you really need to dry your hair fast, use a blow dryer for no more than minutes and that too, on a low heat setting. Don't put your hair into tight ponytails or cornrows; rather use butterfly clips and loose braids which will create less stress and pull for your hair. Finally avoid or at least minimize harsh treatments which use dyes, tints, bleaches, straighteners, and permanent waves. These weaken your hair and increase the likelihood of breakage and loss, thereby hampering hair growth.
Finally keep stress at bay
The human body needs seven to nine hours of sleep, depending on your level of physical activity and age. When you sleep, your body is able to get maximum rest and do most of its regenerative work, which includes hair growth among other things. Other than that, make it a point to practice whatever form of relaxation that suits you best – it could be meditation, listening to some soothing music or even something as simple as taking a walk in the evening. Any of these will go a long way in reducing the levels of stress in your system and thereby allow your body to function in a healthy manner.
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