How the STD Community is Finding Love Online

Sexually transmitted diseases are more common that acknowledged in mainstream media and dating culture. But the misconceptions surrounding it make it difficult for a person with STD to talk about it openly and meet potential dates through conventional means. No wonder then that the STD community is increasingly going online to meet and date others who are also familiar with the condition instead of being perpetually on tenterhooks for fear of infecting someone who is as yet free of any sexually transmitted infection.

Dating sites

The internet has come as a godsend for niche dating pools and singles with herpes is one of them. There are several dating websites like which cater specifically to the requirements of singles who have STDs herpes and are looking for partners with similar condition. Thousands of people come at such sites daily to find information, friendship, hope, support, and romance. The biggest draw of such sites is that users need not worry about being rejected on the basis of their conditions. No matter what kind of STDs they have, they can feel free to enjoy herpes dating, HPV dating or any others. While you can sign up with these sites if you are keen to meet other singles who have STDs, even if you have found a nice partner, you can still scour these sites for interesting and creative dating ideas as well as dating events which can go a long way in making your social life enjoyable. Other than dating sites, make it a point to explore blogs and chat sites which encourage exchange of ideas and views among people who have STDs, especially with regard to dating and socializing. If lucky, you can meet someone likable here and even if you don’t, you will have picked up important tips on where to hang out and meet other singles with a similar condition.

TIP: Positive Singles has many STD singles looking for dating opportunities.

Explore support groups

The internet is not only a minefield of STD specific dating sites but also a useful resource for information on support groups devoted to the needs of the STD community. For one, there are online support groups and discussion boards which offer help to people coping with an STD – joining such a forum will pave the way for you to meet with other people with STDs and who knows perhaps get to know a single too. On the other hand if you are interested in making a real as opposed to online connections, you can scour the net support groups where people with STDs, including singles, come together. For instance genital herpes is the most common sexually transmitted disease, because of which there are Herpes Support Groups and Herpes Social Groups in most cities and big towns. These are usually free and run by members who volunteer their time to run support groups and organize social events. Make an effort to find out where and when they meet and then look forward to join them. Here you may come across people who will provide information, contacts and even match you with other singles with STDs. Above all, joining a support group will also help you to find out how you can manage your condition better and better your sexual and emotional health so that you are ready for a mature relationship.

Other online services

Apart from dating sites and online support groups, there are certain online portals offering services which claim to make it easier for STD singles to find willing partners. One of these is ‘safe sex passport’, launched by the Florida-based SSP BioAnalytics Inc., which allows paying members to give anyone a code to check online and confirm their STD status. Once a user purchase a membership, he/she gets tested, and then can provide anyone they like with the results in a format that they feel comfortable with depending on how much privacy they require for example, anywhere from a numeric code to full contact information. The information is kept safely for six months, after which the data becomes inaccessible and the user must get another STD test in order to use the service again.

Get into volunteer work

Going online is not only a great way to come across dating websites catering specifically to the need of singles with STDs but also for finding out how you can offer your support to the community – which in turn can end up doing wonders for your love life. Check the internet to see where and how you can volunteer at an STD clinic or community health center and this in turn could turn out to be another great way of meeting singles who have STDs. And once you do get to know someone special, you can also find something meaningful to do together. Join a gay-rights walk or attend an AIDS charity benefit. Many community organizations sponsor events where you would meet other people who share like-minded values and missions.

Dating venues

Once you have found a partner of your choice, look for a cultural or artistic event in your city or town to spend an enjoyable day with your partner. These events usually have a range of musical, culinary and recreational opportunities which are sure to offer something to every kind of personality. So if you and your partners are big time fans of rock music, attend a concert taking place in your city. If you and your partner are in good health, you could even go biking or sailing in good weather. In fact these days there are socials and dances organized exclusively for singles with STDs where people can not only meet potential partners but can have a good time with a lover.

Finally keep your options open. Your status doesn't define who you are and you need not go about wearing it like some badge of the forsaken on your head. Not all sexually healthy singles are opposed to dating someone with STD positive status and you just meet someone who will love for the person you really are.