If you Have No Time to Exercise, Here's What you can Do

Most people know all about the benefits of physical exercise and yet find it extremely difficult to make time for a regular work-out schedule. With workloads increasing everyday and the economy being in the shape that it is, few people have the option of replacing working hours with me-time when one can exercise. However it is possible to stay fit even if you don’t spend several hours every week at the gym or your neighborhood jogging tracks. Here are a few strategies you can incorporate in your daily routine which will help you stay healthy and in shape.
Cut out junk food
If you have no time to exercise, cut out junk food entirely from your diet. Foods like burgers, pizzas, chips, fries and soda contain nothing but unhealthy fats and empty calories. And since you are not working out vigorously, it will be inordinately difficult to burn away these extra calories with the result that you may not only end up putting on weight but also harming your heart, skin and overall health. Fast food mainly depends upon refined carbohydrates and sugars as well as on saturated fats for their taste and texture – all products which are unhealthy under any circumstances but especially terrible if you cannot burn them away with exercise.
Adopt a healthy diet
Along with giving up junk food, make sure you increase your intake of vegetables, fruits and whole grains. In order to get the necessary amounts of protein, fat, and complex carbohydrates, look for healthy sources rather than to refined and processed foods. One of the most effective ways to maintain a healthy diet is to cook your own dinner and avoid eating out of a can as much as possible. Drink water regularly and in place of soda drinks, fruit juice, sugary drinks and energy drinks. Water hydrates you adequately and properly and it doesn't bring with it unhealthy calories or high doses of caffeine that your body can do without, especially when you can’t spare enough time to work out those extra calories. When feel hungry at the workplace or during a commute, don’t reach for the bag of chips; rather keep an apple or packaged yogurt in your bag so that you do not give into unhealthy cravings. Other healthy options for snacks could be nuts like walnuts and almonds as well as fiber-rich and low-fat crackers.
Try to bring changes to your mode of transport
If it is possible, try walking to your workplace; it may require you to get up twenty-minutes before your usual waking hour, but the result will be well worth it. On the other hand if your workplace is not within reasonable walking distance, see if you can cycle to work. If there is no getting away from commuting by car, at least park your vehicle at some distance from your workplace so that you may be required to put in a brisk walk while entering and exiting from your office building. again if you use public transport, get down a stop or two before your own in order to pack in a brisk ten-minute walk.
Incorporate small changes
Among the many small changes which could provide you effective mini workouts are taking the stairs instead of the elevator or brisk-walking to your neighborhood grocery store instead of taking out the car. If you have a dog, try running alongside your pet instead of depending on a professional dog-walker to take it out. Apart from the fact that you will have burned several calories without seeming to exercise, you will have worked towards bonding with your dog too.
Make use of waiting time
There are several times in a day when you are simply waiting for something to happen – for the queue ahead of you to move at a bank, for your order to arrive at the diner, for the doctor to see you, for the traffic light to turn to green or simply for the elevator to come down. Use these periods to exercise your muscles in various ways, like abdominal bracing. Pull your navel back into your spine as far as you can, then release it seventy percent of the way. Hold the residual thirty percent and keep holding it as you go about your daily business. Breathe normally and ensure that your body is relaxed.
Get out of doors with the kids
This may seem rather far-fetched but if you have kids, they could be one of the best ways to help you get exercise. If you've got a young sports enthusiast in the family, play along since shooting baskets and kicking a soccer ball around the yard are great ways to get your heart pumping. Take the kids for a walk or just go by yourself. If their pace is too slow, add some lunges, jumping jacks, or running in place every few minutes to make yourself work harder. Even if you don’t have children of your own, pull young children in a wagon through the neighbourhood or give them a ride in a jogging stroller. Alternatively, let little children ride bicycles or tricycles while you jog behind.
Get more out of your domestic routine
In your home, you have far more chances of performing short workouts which are going to burn calories. For instance as you are watching TV or waiting for the casserole to cook, you could jog or march in place. In your private space, you could even incorporate high-intensity moves like jumping jacks, squat hops, step jumps, kickboxing, jumping rope, vigorous dancing which are sure to pump up your heart-rate. A sure-shot way to burn some calories would be to do push-ups or sit-ups during commercials while watching TV. Indeed, even one per commercial during a two-hour movie can give you some good exercise. Or alternatively try to do stretches for 15 minutes whether at home or at your desk in your workplace. You could even get into some vigorous sweeping, mopping, or vacuuming since these types of housekeeping chores can burn a significant number of calories. Additionally zero in on the high-energy items on your to-do list and tackle these when you need physical activity. Washing the car, digging the garden, mowing the lawn, or reorganizing a closet are items which would not only provide a good workout but also get your affairs in order.
Finally consider changing your job or place of residence if you find yourself perpetually short of time to take care of yourself. No amount of money or professional perks is worth your own health and well-being.
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