10 Gifts to Make a Long Distance Partner Remember you

Long distance relationships are difficult for a number of reasons, not the least of which is missing out on the physical intimacy. While faster communication and internet cannot make up for the actual presence of a beloved, it has helped to ease other shortcomings; for instance with online retail and quicker air mail, it is now easier than ever to send gifts to a loved one who is far away. Here are ten gift ideas to explore in a long distance relationship that are sure to make your beloved remember you.

TIP: Read how to buy a diamond ring for $20 and pay the rest later. Jewelry makes a great gift in a long distance relationship.

A scrapbook

Put together a scrapbook for your sweetheart so that when they get lonely they have something real to touch and hold as a reminder of your love. Paste photos from times you went out for picnics, celebrated birthdays or clicked snaps of each other for the fun of it. Don’t forget to include in the scrapbook love letters, romantic messages scrawled in your partner’s handwriting or even post-it notes reminding one to pick up a favorite dessert or a bottle of wine for the other on their way to a date. Also create captions and write your own comments throughout the scrapbook. The best part of this gift is that it can be added to during your relationship as you continue to create memories together. So ask your partner to include their own contributions in the scrapbook and send it over to you again.

Personalized gifts

Not everyone though is creative by nature – however this does not mean you cannot send your long distance partner something that will remind him/her of you. look for popular gift ideas like accessories and novelties but personalize them by adding certain romantic details. A moderately expensive watch engraved with your man’s initials or a photo frame personalized with a romantic message could make for great long distance gift ideas. Your partner will not only love receiving a gift with your own unique touch but wearing it or looking at it every day will make him/her feel connected to you despite the miles in between.

Go traditional

If it is your partner’s birthday and he or she is away, send something special to their workplace. Chocolates and cakes are the traditional favorites and your partner will love showing off the present to co-workers and friends. There are a number of online stores which specialize in delivering gifts in different cities but if you cannot find one that covers your partner’s town, contact the local stores and they will surely find a way of reaching your gift to your beloved.

Personal care products

If you know your partner’s choice in personal grooming, how about sending a special gift hamper as a gift. You could include in it an aftershave and a bottle of cologne for a guy whereas some perfumed bath salts and a floral perfume would be ideal for a girl. If you are not sure about your packaging skills, you could order such a gift hamper from an online shopping portal and ask it to be delivered to a particular address. Some major brands in fact might offer mailing service to its regular customers too. So the next time your partner sprays on his new cologne or soaks in a perfumed bath, you are sure to figure in his/her thoughts in very sensual way.

Home-made treats

Sometimes what long distance couples miss most is the intimate experience of dining together – after all food is a source of great sensual pleasure which is why cooking together and sharing a meal with your partner can bring you closer in many ways. However even if you are in a long distance relationship now, there is no reason why you must forsake all these pleasures. So if your guy or girl has moved town, make it a point to indulge him/her with home-made treats every now and then. You could buy an unbreakable cookie jar, have it filled with brownies or other similar goodies and mail it to your lover. Be sure to send the item in a sealed container and if the package is going to be shipped abroad a better idea would be to go for vacuum sealing. The taste of home-made treats and the thought behind them can rarely be replicated by what you can buy over the shop counter.


A favorite book

while Kindle and other e-readers have ushered in a new reading experience, book lovers still vouch for the physical touch of books and pleasure of actually turning pages. if your partner is among these, what better way to put yourself in their thoughts than by presenting them with a book by their favorite author or genre? Book lovers again can be spoilt not only by gifts of fiction, autobiographies and histories but also by memberships to book clubs which can help them to avail heavy discount on new titles throughout the year.

Music CDs or DVDs

The above idea can be adapted for music lovers too. Put together a CD containing all those romantic songs you both love best and then send it to your partner. He/she will not only be glad to be gifted with their favorite music but thrilled to have something remind them of you. If you want to send something more personal, make a DVD by compiling footage from old home movies including you and your partner. Include an appearance from yourself at the end reading out a love letter or reciting his/her favorite love poem and then send the DVD over. However make sure that your parcel includes an advisory on handling or the product might be unwittingly damaged en route.

Easy communication

This is a gift that is both practical and has direct use in connecting you two. Gift your partner a cordless phone that is enabled with Skype technology. Not only will you both drastically cut down on your long distance phone bills by using free calls with Skype but you need not even use a PC as long as you have WI-FI access.

Eternal favorites

Sometimes the best way to figure in your partner’s thoughts is by speaking a flowery language of love. Order flowers from online shops or those which have branches in different cities. Make your bouquet special by choosing your partner’s favorite blooms or something that reminds him/her of your love – like the flowers on the table where you went for your first date. Have the flowers accompanied with a loving birthday message from you and your partner is sure to breathe in the fragrance of your love.

Some sweet togetherness

Plan a holiday around the time when the two of you are free and make a gift of the flight and hotel bookings to your partner. There is little else that can be more welcome as gifts for a couple who are staying far from each other.