Islands On The Line Of Head

Another important point of consideration in relation to the islands in the Line of Head, is to note their position on the line itself, or under what finger they make their appearance. When these islands are found at the commencement of the line under the first finger or Mount of Jupiter (3, Plate IV.), it will be found that the subject in early life was delicate mentally, and displayed no energy of will; no desire to study, was listless and without ambition.

Under the second finger on the Mount of Saturn (4, Plate IV.), the subject, on the contrary, is inclined to suffer from severe headaches, morbidness, melancholy, and a tendency for inflammation, especially at the base of the head.

If the line looks weak or frays into little hair lines from this point out, it shows that the subject will never recover thoroughly from this malady.

Under the third finger, the Mount of Sun (5, Plate IV.), an island shows a very curious fact, namely that the person is inclined to suffer from weakness of the eyes and short-sight. If many of these islands are marked it generally foreshadows a still greater tendency to blindness and weakness of the sight.

Islands under the fourth finger, the Mount of Mercury (6, Plate IV.), and the extremity of the Head Line denote weakness of the brain in old age, and a highly nervous worrying disposition. If very badly marked they denote that in the latter part of life the subject may be disposed to insanity proceeding from a worrying disposition, and often from the overstraining of the mental faculties. It will thus be seen that every portion of this remarkable line may be divided into sections to obtain marvellous detail in making predictions for the future.

This line can further be divided, showing with considerable clearness the ages at which troubles or changes in the mentality may be expected.

Under the first finger the period of the life indicated is the first 21 years, the second period contains another section of the three 7's, and lasts until 42 years of age; the third period of 7's which will be found under the third finger indicates the section from 49 to 63, and the fourth section which takes in the remainder of the hand, under the fourth finger, stands for the period from 70 up to the end.