10 Celebrities with Relationship Tattoos Who Broke up Eventually

Ever since primitive times, human have adorned themselves with various kinds of body art. While earlier this stood for tribal affiliation or indicated hierarchy in a community, today tattoos are more personalized. They can range from making fashion statements to announcing who is in love with who – trends which were heralded by many celebrities who decided to get inked in interesting ways. However when relationships go kaput, as they do with dizzying speed in showbiz, tattoos can be difficult to sport with the same élan. Here are ten celebrities with relationship tattoos who broke up eventually and what happened to their body art.
- Johnny Depp
Johnny Depp is no stranger to body art and reportedly sports no less than thirteen tattoos, many of them signifying important persons or events in his life. When dating fellow actress Winona Ryder, Depp had got ‘Winona Forever’ tattooed on his right biceps. However the two fell out and Depp took care of the tattoo by changing it to ‘Wino Forever’.
TIP: Read the guide to prevent a break up or get back with your ex.
- Angelina Jolie
Angelina Jolie is famous for her love of tattoos and even more for her body art being a virtual map of her relationships. Apart from the Billy Bob tattoo, she had an "H" tattooed on her wrist for ex Timothy Hutton and got matching Japanese character tattoos with ex Jonny Lee Miller. However the tattoo on her left arm featuring a Chinese dragon and named after ex-husband Billy Bob Thornton was more famous than others, that is, until their tempestuous marriage came to an end and she began a romance with a far younger Brad Pitt. Jolie apparently underwent laser surgery to lighten the Billy Bob taboo and seems to have learnt her lesson since she insists she will never make the mistake of having a lover's name etched onto her body ever again. She is reported to have said: "I’ll never be stupid enough to have a man's name tattooed on me again”.
- Pamela Anderson
Numerous celebs have taken to getting a ring-finger tattoo as a way of permanently representing a wedding ring. While a piece of jewelry can be taken off, a tattoo is thought to signify a much more permanent mark of love. In Hollywood though this can be a mistake – as busty bombshell Pamela Anderson found when her celebrated marriage to Tommy Lee collapsed. Later she had the ring finger tattoo reading Tommy changed to read "Mommy” since that is at least one relationship that is unlikely to come to an end.
- Tom Arnold
Actor Tom Arnold had his then wife Roseanne Barr's face tattooed on his chest and "Rosey" on his butt-cheek apart from two other Roseanne-related tattoos. In turn, she had "Property of Tom Arnold" tattooed on her thigh. After the couple divorced, Arnold had all four tattoos removed with laser surgery while Roseanne reportedly got hers covered by another tattoo.
- Colin Farrell
The Irish-born hunk was another celebrity who believed that marriage vows would be more lasting if inked on to their bodies. Consequently Farrell and his first wife Amelia got ring tattoos as proof of their love for each other. He got wifey’s nickname "Millie" inked on his ring finger. However within a mere four months the marriage came to an end and Farrell responded to the tattoo with a philosophical attitude. In an interview with Joel Schumaker, he reportedly said, “I'd sooner skip laser treatment and all that and just keep it. It's part of me past. But, you know, if I fall in love and it's a problem for someone, or I ever do get married again--God forbid--I’ll have a look at getting rid of it."
- Scary Spice
Scary Spice of the once phenomenal girl band Spice Girls, got a tattoo of Eddie Murphy’s name on her hip just three days into the relationship. And reportedly he got a tattoo of her name as well. As luck would have it, five months into the relationship the couple broke up with Eddie Murphy going so far as to announce the breakup on TV and even publicly questioning whether the child was his. She gave birth to the couple's daughter, Angel Iris Murphy Brown, on April 3 2007, and a subsequent DNA testing confirmed Murphy’s paternity. In August the same year, she told People Magazine she was in the process of getting his name tattoo removed and only had two laser treatments left.
- Nick Carter
Nick Carter of Backstreet Boys fame got the name of this then girlfriend Paris Hilton tattooed on the inside of this wrist. In those lovey-dovey times, the heiress responded by having his name tattooed on her right butt cheek. However three weeks after the tattoos and around seven months into the relationship, Hilton woke up to the fact that she didn’t like being with Carter anymore and reportedly called it quits after a session with her psychic. Carter responded by removing the tattoo and then quite appropriately covering it over with a skull and the phrase "Old Habits Die Hard".
- Charlie Sheen
Troubled actor Charlie Sheen got his then wife – Denise Richard’s – name tattooed on the inside of his left wrist while had her husband's name "Charlie" tattooed on her ankle. Unable to put up with her husband’s wayward and often abusive ways, Richards filed for divorce within three years of their marriage. It did not take long for Sheen to wake up to reality who reportedly removed his tattoo just two days after the filing for divorce.
- Halle Berry
Actress Halle Berry began dating Major Baseball League player David Justice and went on to marry him in 1993. To celebrate the relationship she had his name tattooed on her butt. However the couple divorced only three years later. Halle Berry is said to have covered up the tattoo with either a sunflower or a blue circle.
- Jude Law
One of the most romantic tattoos was sported by actor Jude Law who got the line, "You came along to turn on everything, Sexy Sadie” inked on his arm. The quote from the famous Beatles song ‘Sexy Sadie’ was however not enough to keep Jude Law and Sadie Frost together so six years of marriage and three children later, the couple got divorced in 2003. Jude Law reportedly went for laser surgery to get the tattoo removed.
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