Creative Ways to Tell your Husband you Are Pregnant

One of the best parts about having a baby is when you get to tell your husband that you are pregnant. Besides ushering in one of the most significant phases of your relationship, the moment is one of unspeakable joy, intimacy and your shared hopes for the future. Here are a few creative ways to tell your husband you’re pregnant and send him reeling from excitement.

Ring in the good times

If your husband is a foodie, this may be the best way to announce your pregnancy. Cook a special dinner for him and set the table with candles and flowers. Gift wrap your positive pregnancy test and when your spouse asks about the occasion, present it to him. Alternatively if your guy is more outgoing, then you could choose to give him the surprise at his favorite restaurant.  Who knows the patron may even decide to include the dessert on the house! So go ahead and indulge – after all now you will be eating for two.

Back to the future

Think back to how your husband proposed marriage to you and see if you can recreate the scene to announce your pregnancy. Return to the same setting – park, beach or restaurant and instead of keeping a ring, put your positive pregnancy result in a box. Just when your husband starts wondering about all this seeming vaguely familiar, pop the question only this time let it be something like, “Darling will you be our baby’s Daddy?”

Give your husband a memento

Give your husband a memento announcing your pregnancy. This could be a photo of your positive pregnancy test framed with the words, “positive proof that in nine months, you’ll be the best Dad around” or if you are feeling particularly indulgent, a silver image of a cherub inscribed with a similar message. Your husband will not only be thrilled at the news conveyed by the souvenir but make your secretly proud by giving it the pride of place on his office desk or bedroom dresser.

Indulge his weakness

If you hubbie has a sweet tooth, here are a couple of tasty ways of announcing your pregnancy. Get up before him on a weekend morning and place a batch of cinnamon buns in the oven to bake. You need not make them from scratch - just get the prepackaged ones from the grocery store. Anyway, as your husband wakes up to the aroma of freshly baked goodies go up to him and whisper sweetly in his ear, “honey we have a bun in the oven”. Alternatively, if your husband has a zen for Chinese takeaway, swap the fortune cookie with one which says, “You’ll be a Dad on xx/xx/xx” with your due date appearing in the blanks. Your husband will be thrilled as soon as your words sink in and he may just reach out for extra helpings in joy and celebration.

Print it out

Add to your husband’s collection of printed T-shirts by giving him one with the words, “Soon to be World’s Best Dad” or something to that effect. And for once, you’ll be glad of your husband’s craze for T-shirts with wacky messages. On the other hand, if you already have a kid, have him/her put on a tee with message, “I’m going to be a big brother/sister” and have the little one show it to Daddy.

Get clicking

If you are computer savvy, try creating your own pregnancy announcement by making a DVD for your partner to watch. For this you can edit home videos and digital photos of you and your husband together into a movie of sorts. There are several user-friendly softwares and applications which make it quite easy to make picture slideshows and even movies. After you make yours, burn it on a DVD and give it to your husband to watch while you go and make him a bowl of popcorn. Alternatively if your spouse is a habitual blogger, you could start a blog narrating your experiences of being a mom-to-be. Let the first post be your positive pregnancy test and send a link to your husband to give him the good news.

Make a grocery list

As your husband prepares to wind up his work for the day, give him a call and ask if he wouldn’t mind picking up some groceries on the way back home. Then tell him that you would need some saltines, ginger ale, pickles, ice cream and prenatal vitamins. If he still doesn’t get it, expand your list to include parenting magazines, diapers and baby food as well even though you wouldn’t need them for several months. The best part about this approach is that it uses a mundane domestic chore like picking up groceries to turn into a fun way of announcing a pregnancy.

Surprise him with baby booties

This traditional way of announcing a pregnancy has its own romantic charm which is still hard to beat. Sneak a pair of baby booties into your husband’s briefcase or his lunchbox so that he has one of the nicest surprises at work and even a mini-celebration perhaps with his co-workers.

In the shower

Wait till your husband gets home from work. Then run him a bath with lots of bubbles – pink and blue if you can manage. Write him a sweet letter announcing the news, wrap it in plastic and pop it in a baby bottle. Once your husband gets into the bath, he is sure to find the bottle and then maybe you can join him too to celebrate!

Kisses to go around

For a more intimate way of announcing your pregnancy, wait till your husband is ready to turn in for the night. Then just as he gives you the usual good-night kiss, reach for his hands and guide his fingers down to your tummy and tell him that “baby wants a good-night kissy too”. It will sure take some time for your husband to fall asleep this night.

No matter how you choose to tell your husband that you’re pregnant, you will surely be making some wonderful memories for your future. So go ahead with your announcement and congratulations!