Yahoo personals review by users

Below are reviews of Yahoo personals submitted by actual users of Yahoo personals. If you would like to submit a review of Yahoo personals or any other dating services, please do so. We would be glad to include it here for the benefit of the community.
I'm a female 5'7'', blonde and quite attractive. I have my picture on yahoo personals and I'll say I receive between 10-20 responses every week and it's hard to reply to all of them. Most of these are just ice breakers. So it's not difficult to ignore them. Some send me mail which, from the looks of it, appears to have been sent to many others. I wonder why even when I specify that I'm looking for someone who stays close to my city, people from 600 miles across will get in touch. It's hard to get some quality response from men on Yahoo personals. - Kelly, Queens, NY
Yahoo personals only lets you sign up if you live within the United States. This doesn't prevent people from signing up and entering a US zip code, even if they live in Russia. This creates confusion sometimes when you get a response from someone and then realise the person lives far far away. - Samuel, VA
I would like to try Yahoo personals, making use of their 7 day free trial but I don't want my credit card to be charged. Is there any way to do this? - Vincent, NJ
I've signed up as a paid member with Yahoo personals. I upgraded my membership on the same day when I signed up. I've spent 28 years on this planet and haven't met my soul mate yet. I'd be more than happy to risk a few bucks for even a one in hundred chance of meeting that special girl I marry. - Ronald, CA
I've been a user on, eHarmony and now Yahoo personals. I would say that Yahoo personals is no better or no worse than any other dating site. - Martin, NY
So many of my buddies seem to feel that women have become needlessly complicated. If they have a good body and you tell them that, they say, 'Bah! You love me for my body. Not for what I AM!' If they have money, they say, 'You love me for my money! I want a guy who loves me for what I am'. Huh! What does it matter? I love you. Don't I? Yahoo personals has many of these stuck up, confused spinsters who think they're the next best woman to Maria Sharapova. What the heck! What makes any of you friggin' women think you deserve someone who's six feet tall with a tan and washboard abs with millions to his name. How many such guys are there any way and how any you think are looking for any more than a quick lay? Grow up ladies and start getting to know real men. Yahoo Personals will then be a better place to be at. - Bill, WI
I posted a profile online and with my free membership I can't even send a message. I would rather try a free dating site. All that these dating sites like Yahoo personals seem to want is money! - Trevor, VA
My friend at school signed up with Yahoo personal last Feb. He told me about this hot girl he met who he managed to seduce on he first date and I was like WOW! Lemme give this Yahoo date thing a go! I've met three girls in four weeks and it looks like I'm going to score with one of them. One of the other two is a loser. The third is a slut. So I don't want her anyway. - Richard, LA
Why doesn't Yahoo personals let you sign up if you're even using a computer from outside the United States? I'm in India on vacation and I find I can't sign up from here. I'll have to wait till I get back home! This is crazy! - Sameer, Boston
Yahoo personals is full of men just wanting to get into bed! I got a mail from a 70 year old guy! I'm 22 and certainly not looking for a grandfather! What makes these old fuddy duddies think I'll go for them? - Melissa, MA
Yahoo personals is an excellent online dating web site. I have only had good experiences with it. I'm a retired marine engineer. I lost my wife six years ago. I was looking for someone I could meet and get to know. I posted my profile on Yahoo personals and met Kate. She is this wonderful woman I wish I had met earlier. We go fishing together, eat out at restaurants. She's very understanding and I may even ask her to marry me. Yahoo personals has played an important role in my life and I'll just like to say, Thank you!
- Thomas, NJ
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