Expressing your feelings to the love of your life

Some people can express their feelings so well, like Robert Burns, who wrote,” O my luve’s like a red, red rose, that’s newly sprung in June….”. Others are like Big Moose in Archie comics, who just manages to say to his girlfriend, Midge, “Duh!”. . If you fall into the latter category it is time you honed your communication skills and charm the ladylove with a deluge of beautiful words and deeds. Here are 10 tips to express your feelings if you just fall short of words.
1. Say it with body language
A lot of communication is through body language. You could start by the good old wink or locking eyes and making intimate eye contact. A special smile could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship. This could graduate to hugs and kisses if romance blooms. If you find it difficult to talk about the depth of your feelings, say it with a hug or a kiss. But know where to draw the line up to what is comfortable for the object of your affection.
2. Say it with a note
Pop group Boy Zone were right on track when they sang, “ It's only words and words are all I have, to take your heart away.” Write a beautiful note expressing your feelings. But those who cannot write need not despair. The greeting card industry thrives on their disability. Wonderful cards are available with pictures and words to express whatever emotion human beings are able to feel. Love notes have been in use since time immemorial. Love poems are the best of poems ever written and poems by Shelley and Keats are manna for lovers. If you cannot compose a love poem, no sweat: you can borrow the wonderful words of any poet Laureate and woo the lady who will appreciate your taste and ardour.
3. Send flowers
There is no woman on earth who would not melt on receiving a bunch of red roses. Flowers are created by God to be enjoyed for their wonderful raiment and fragrance. Custom has endowed them with an additional task of speaking of love, affection and good wishes from the sender to the receiver. There is so much variety – roses, peonies, baby’s breath, carnations, asters, lilies and orchids and many more, to intoxicate the senses and convey the feelings of the sender.
4. Do a thoughtful deed
A silent admirer would do well to observe and watch his love all the time, to seek an opportunity to do a thoughtful deed for her. From remembering her birthday to carrying her books, to visiting her while ill, to treatig her to her favourite dish, you can win her heart by proving to be a kind and thoughtful person.
5. Exchanging gifts
The Three Wise Men, or the Magi, came all the way from the East to Bethlehem to gift the baby Jesus gold, frankincense and myrrh. Giving a gift to a loved one is a time-tested expression of love and regard. You must select your gift carefully - it must not be a show of opulence but a show of your understanding of her likes and desires. Posey rings, engagement rings, friendship rings and other jewellery pieces are usually given to cement a relationship. Gifts could vary from teddy bears for puppy love to antique jewellery to paintings and music collections. The more discerning the woman, the wilder the gift idea. Recently, the C.E.O of an American corporation gifted his wife an orphanage in India. The idea is to make the receiver happy and surprised.
6. Take the risk
The greatest fear of expressing one’s feelings is that of rejection. But if you don’t take the risk, you would never know whether this might have been the love of your life. So build up your confidence, do the spadework on the opportune moment to express your feelings and lay your heart bare - it is worth the risk if you have sighted your soul mate, as opportunity never comes twice.
7. Share enjoyable experiences
The bond between the two of you becomes stronger with each shared experience. You can create these joyful experiences: going on dates to movies, plays, and dinner. And just laughing and celebrating life together. You can express the depth of your commitment by carefully choosing these enjoyable experiences according to your shared tastes and choices. For example, both can join a hobby class together.
8. Being there for one another
The greatest expression of love is to be loyal and faithful, through the good times and the bad. No fine words, no sweet melody can recompense a lack of loyalty and helpfulness. Be there for her, a shoulder to cry on, a companion to share the laughter and pain that life brings on its way.
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