Inexpensive ways to show your boyfriend how much you love him

In today’s consumerist society, showing love has come to be inextricably tied with buying and gifting things for your partner. The truth though is that there are innumerable ways of expressing your love for a partner which cost next to nothing – indeed as gestures of love come more and more to be bought in the store, your own time and creations will proportionately increase in value as truer expressions of love. Here are then some Inexpensive ways to show your boyfriend how much you love him.
Breakfast in bed
Morning shows the day, goes the famous quote. And what better way to ensure a day full of love that to wake up your beloved with a romantic Good Morning. A breakfast in bed is sure to be the perfect way to wake your boyfriend up in the morning. This however works best on a holiday when neither of you has to rush to work. Set a breakfast tray with whatever your partner likes to have best in the morning – fried eggs, a slice of fresh fruit or even some cereal. Finally don’t forget the morning newspaper or a nicely-decorated flower in a glass to give your romantic Good Morning gesture an extra special touch.
Write him love notes
Love notes are a wonderful way to express your affection for a partner, especially if you want your gesture to be simple and meaningful. Best of all, they can be seamlessly integrated within the daily business of living so you don’t have to wait for a special occasion or a financial windfall to tell your spouse how much he means to you. Write a note saying ‘You are the best thing that ever happened to me’ and leave it within the pages of a book he is reading. To hide a love note would be his shoe; let the note saying something like, “I love you with my heart and ‘sole’”. Write down the words, ‘You have the keys to my heart’ and tie or thread in the note to his key-chain. Use these ideas to write love notes to your boyfriend which are sure to increase the intimacy between you two without costing you anything at all.
Gift a bunch of love coupons
Love coupons are one of the best ways to jazz up a romantic relationship. You can either use them as gifts on special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries or simply to tell your loved one how much he/she means to you. Best of all, such gestures of love need not burn a hole in your pocket. Print a bunch of love coupons on your home computer and put them all in a nice decorated basket. You can think up anything like a ‘One romantic Sunday afternoon at the park’ or a more practical, ‘Free Offer of doing the dishes for one week’. You can even look for a tender gesture like ‘One Warm Hug with two kisses thrown in Totally Free’ as well as a more indulgent, ‘A treat of hot fudge sundae at your ice cream parlor’.
Pamper his taste buds
For foodies, nothing complements a romantic evening with a partner better than an offering to the sense of taste. So invite your boyfriend over to a dinner but instead of going out to an expensive restaurant, have it at your own place. To keep costs down and yourself stress-free, avoid cooking too many dishes. Rather make any single item of the menu the highlight of the dinner, like a casserole if your partner is the meat and potatoes kind of guy or perhaps the rich chocolate truffle pastry if your boyfriend has a sweet tooth. If you can afford it, go for a nice wine too. However ensure that the setting is right; with soft music playing in the background, muted lighting from candles and flowers on the dining table and your lover is sure to be touched by all your efforts
Show some moves
For a sizzling date idea on the tightest of budgets, how about arranging for a strip show for your man with you as the star performer, of course. Rehearse the steps a couple of times before the performance and on the actual night, have your guy sit back and enjoy the show. Your boyfriend will not only enjoy your sexy moves but your initiative could inject a much-need dose of fun in your relationship too.
Arrange for a boys’ night out
Ever so often women in relationships are blamed for throwing a tantrum when their guys wish to go out and have a drink with the boys. So, this weekend instead of dragging your boyfriend to yet another round of the shopping mall, plan a night out for him when he can go to a sports club of his choice and have a good time with his beer buddies. This way he will not realize that you love him enough to want him to enjoy himself but also be impressed at your independence and lack of neediness. Best of all, you get to save some serious bucks yourself by not hitting the malls and staying at home instead.
Show an interest in things he enjoys
If your boyfriend has time and again tried to interest you in a sport or interest of his choice and failed, this one time agree to go along with him. He may wish to take you out to watch a game of his favorite baseball team or make a round of the Post-Impressionist corridor in your city art gallery. And even if you understand nothing about Cezanne’s nudes or care even less about who pitches the highest, make an effort to understand or at least appreciate his efforts to interest you in the game or paintings. Your boyfriend probably knows that he will not succeed in changing your inclinations but the very fact that you took an interest in his hobbies and agreed to spend a day pursuing them will go a long way in letting him know how much you love him. At the end of the day, you will have gained some heavy brownie points with your boyfriend, without
spending a dime of your own.
Have his family over for Sunday brunch
In this age, while not every individual is lucky to grow up in an intact family, most of the times people are lucky to be brought up by someone close and loving. Find out which family members your boyfriend is close to and have them over for a Sunday brunch at your place. Or if he did not have a particularly happy childhood, you can extend the same invitation to a friend or co-worker he is especially close to or a mentor or boss he looks up to. This will tell your boyfriend that you love him enough to appreciate the people he values in his life and the gesture is sure to register deeply in his heart.
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