How to Go Backpacking with a Partner

Backpacking with a loved one is one of the most romantic experiences – you are close to your partner and exploring some of the most beautiful scenery as well as amazing cultures. However it can also turn out to be the worst experience of your life if you are not well-prepared – especially since there is a degree of physical hardship involved and the lack of many benefits of civilization that we take for granted. So here are a few tips to keep in mind if you wish for an amazing backpacking experience with your partner.

Decide the duration

If you and your partner are still getting to know each other, it is best to stick to a short trip. A longer journey is feasible only when you know each other very well and are used to living together. This is because shorn off the benefits of civilization – like makeup and a warm bath - backpacking can bring up personal habits and preferences in a rather obvious sort of way and this happening too early in a relationship can put a couple off each other. Also hiking through long distances requires a good deal of knowledgeable teamwork under difficult conditions and if you both are new to it, try to stick to a short trip.

Pack the right things

The right gear is crucial to a pleasant backpacking experience especially when you are going with your partner and don’t want to mess up. You can get a backpacking check-list from a reliable website, public library or a hobby club which is geared to such travel and outdoor activities. The most necessary things to pack are of course a sturdy walking shoes, raincoats, first-aid kit, flashlights, fuel but there are a whole lot of equally important things which are best gathered from a trusted travel resource. At the same time you may not need everything that comes up on such lists and you can choose to do without the frills; but you should never skimp on items which are absolutely necessary for safety. also the kind of things you should pack would depend on the exact nature of your backpack travel – for instance if you wish to hike through less popular trails and camp in a tent at night, the stuff you will be carrying will be different from what you need if you are only backpacking through mainstream routes.

Decide where you want to go

If you are relatively new to backpacking, it makes better sense to keep to well-established routes since most of these will have lodging and boarding sites with basic facilities like flushing toilets, shower blocks and first-aid clinics. Also go over security issues like which places are safe for backpackers and when you are too tired to walk, what transport options do you have. In certain parts of the world like Europe and North America, you can hitchhike from one place to another, as many travelers do. Families and truck drivers often stop to give strangers a ride. This will not only save you train or bus fare but you will get to see the continent and its many cultures in a way that is just not possible on the sanitized travel that is a staple of the organized tours But even though hitchhiking is common and more largely safe in developed countries, you still must be responsible for your own security. Never hitchhike alone, and only do it during the day along busy routes.

Discuss finances

Ideally this should be the first thing you should do with your partner when planning to go backpacking. Backpacking is typically for the budget conscious, so decide on that budget before you go selling all your stuff on eBay and Craigslist.  Discuss with your partner on what things will you splurge and where will you save. A measure of agreement on these issues is required if your backpacking is to be a success. For instance you may prefer to skimp on accommodation and then indulge on food. If you are on a shoe-string budget, work out where you can save on the road. In places which have safe and good quality youth hostels, a great idea for lodging is to work for your room. Many such youth hostels will allow you and your partner to spend the night in exchange for kitchen duty, chores and odd jobs around the facility. Also ask other travelers for recommendations. Very often Word-of-mouth tends to be more accurate than listed resources. Many budget accommodations don't accept reservations so if you are looking for a place to stay that night, be sure to search early in the day before they fill up.

Also when backpackers on a stringent budget, you may need to look for ways to make some extra cash. In this context you can trade any skill you have for food and maybe even lodging. Singing for supper, for instance, is a common enough tradition among backpackers through Europe. The continent is full of street performers doing all sorts of things for change from people passing by. All you need to do is to choose a busy spot, put out a cup or hat and then start performing. You can sing, dance, mime, play music or display any other skills you have. You don't even need to be very good to make a few bucks which would be enough to buy you some coffee, cheese and fresh bread at a neighborhood market.

Issue of privacy

When you are backpacking, consider the fact that you may not get enough opportunities to snuggle up with your partner – staying at hostels and dormitories as well as hitching a ride does not really make for intimacy. At the same time being 24/7 in each other’s company - especially if it’s for more than a few weeks - can put somewhat of a strain on your relationship. Just think back at home, you’re not really with each other round the clock - you have jobs, meet your friends or go shopping.  Thus while traveling, Sometimes you or your partner will need some alone time - Whether that be reading a book, listening to the i-pad or just wandering off on your own. Traveling with anyone for a long period of time is intense and sometimes that bit of space lets you relax, recollect your thoughts, and gets you ready for the next step of the adventure.

Don’t forget to have fun

Whether you are going backpacking for only a few days or a few weeks, make sure that you are not merely bogged down by the nitty-gritty of budget travel. Go exploring through the woody hills or walk hand in hand on the beach. If you have brought your swimwear, you might even decide to take a dip in the nearby stream or lake. You can spend an extra day at a place that you have especially liked since you are not on an organized tour and these are the little privileges of flexible travel like backpacking. There may be times when the weather is bad and you have to stay indoors – so for those times, be sure to pack playing cards, a board game or even a couple of your favorite books from which you can read out to each other. However in all that you do, keep safety a priority - don’t take unnecessary risks while going swimming or hiking and take enough measures to keep yourselves healthy. This will you will have the best of a close, romantic experience and be safe at the same time.