Pamistry - Read your Own Hand

Left and Right Hands in Palmistry

Both the hands should be examined together to see if they accord. When they do, the indication of whatever the mark is, is more decided.When something is marked on the left hand and not on the right, the tendency will be in the nature, but unless it is also marked on the right hand it will never...
By Futurescopes Research Team

The Girdle of Venus, The Ring of Saturn and the Bracelets

These marks are classed among the minor lines of the hands, but they often have a significance that is of the greatest importance.The Girdle of Venus is that broken or sometimes unbroken kind of semi-circular line that is found rising from the base of the first finger to the base of the fourth (1-1...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Changes in the Line of Head

Another extremely interesting point in studying the Line of Head is to take notice of certain changes in its position, or lines either dropping or rising from it, which will also be found to give very remarkable information. For example: if a sloping Line of Head at any point in its track seems to...
By Futurescopes Research Team

The Head Line Commencing from Inside the Line of Life

Turning from an examination of the direction of ending of the Line of Head, the student must next examine the indications of the beginnings of this important Line. For example, the Line of Head may commence in three distinct different ways.From inside the Line of Life (1-1, Plate I.).Joined to the...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Crosses And Squares In Connection With The Line Of Head

Small, sharply-defined crosses in any position just over or touching the Line of Head are generally signs of accidents to the Head itself.Under Jupiter (1, Plate VII.), they usually are brought about by blows caused generally by the subject's desire to rule and to be too dogmatic or tyrannical....
By Futurescopes Research Team

The Great Triangle And The Quadrangle

The Great Triangle is formed by the lines of Head, Life, and Health (Plate XXV.). The larger this triangle is, the better will be the health, for the reason that the Line of Health will be further removed from the Life Line. The views of life will also be broader and the field of action as it were...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Double Lines Of Head, Also Crosses And Squares

Although such a sign as the Double Line of Head gives a remarkable degree of mentality, yet I have always found it a more successful sign to find one clear Line of Head well marked on the hand than the two Lines of Head in any of their positions.Another form of the Double Line of Head (7-7, Plate...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Importance of the Line of Head in Palmistry

The Line of Head or the Line of Mentality is the most important sign that can be found in the hand. A Line of Head is like the needle in the compass, without a true knowledge of which it is impossible to grasp the "direction of the subject." More mistakes are caused by a lack of grasp of...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Islands On The Line Of Head

Another important point of consideration in relation to the islands in the Line of Head, is to note their position on the line itself, or under what finger they make their appearance. When these islands are found at the commencement of the line under the first finger or Mount of Jupiter (3, Plate...
By Futurescopes Research Team

More Variations Of The Line Of Head

If the Line of Head itself should curve upward, especially at the end towards the fourth finger or Mount of Mercury (4-4, Plate V.), it denotes almost without exception that the longer the person lives the more his desire for money and his determination to possess it will become stronger every year...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Influence Lines to the Fate Line on the Mount Of Venus

Influence Lines to the Fate Line on the Mount Of Venus, and Other Signs Which also have a Meaning in Connection with Marriage.The student may also get very great help in ascertaining details about the likely marriage of the person whose hands he is examining by the following:Fine Influence Lines...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Reading the Line of Fate or Destiny

The Line of Fate or Destiny is the line from the wrist to the second finger. When ong and well marked it denotes strong personality and if the other lines on the hand are good it promises success by one's own personal individuality. (Plate 1.)If found turning towards the base of the first...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Influence Lines on the Mount of Venus

These are fine lines that run parallel with the Line of Life (11-11, Plate XVIII.), but they must not be confounded with the Line of Mars, or "Sister Life Line," which commences higher up nearer the Mount of Mars.These Venus Influence Lines are more often found with those persons who have...
By Futurescopes Research Team

Double Lines of Fate in Palmistry

When the Line of Fate is itself double (2-2, Plate XIV.), it is a sign of what is called "a double life," but if, after running side by side for some length these two lines join or become one, it foretells that "the double life" has been caused by some great affection, that...
By Futurescopes Research Team

The Line of Mars or Inner Life Line

What is called the Line of Mars is that line that is found only on some hands encircling the Mount of Venus and inside the Line of Life.This Line, which rises on the Mount of Mars, from which it derives its name, when found clear and strong appears to back up and reinforce the Line of Life (4-4,...
By Futurescopes Research Team

The Line Of Head On The Seven Types Of Hands

There are seven distinct types of hands, bearing in their own way more or less relationship to the Seven Races of Humanity.These seven types of hands are as follows:i.    The Elementary or Lowest type Handii.    The Square, also called the Useful or Practical Handiii....
By Futurescopes Research Team

The Mounts of the Hand and their Meaning in Palmistry

The Mounts of the Hand (Plate VI., Part II.) vary in the most remarkable manner in accordance with the character and dispositions of races and their different temperaments.In almost all the Southern and more emotional races, these Mounts are more noticeable than those belonging to Northern...
By Futurescopes Research Team

The Line of Destiny and its Modifications

If such a line be found joining the Line of Heart (1-1, Plate XII.), it foretells a happy and prosperous marriage, but one in which idealism, romance, and some fortunate circumstances play their rôle, and one which results more from the caprice or fancy of the person of the other sex.If the Line of...
By Futurescopes Research Team

The Line of Fate Rising from the Middle of the Palm

When the Line of Fate only makes its appearance far up in the centre of the palm, in what is called the Plain of Mars, it indicates a hard early life and that the subject must always have a hard fight to gain his ends; but should the Line ascend clearly and strongly from the Plain of Mars and have...
By Futurescopes Research Team

The Mount of the Moon (Negative)

This Mount is considered negative when it appears very flat on the hand, and it may also be taken as negative when people are found to be born between the dates of January 21st and February 20th, and in a minor degree, until about February 27th.People born between these dates have good mental...
By Futurescopes Research Team
