The Cancer Child - Characteristics of Cancerian Children

Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac calendar and includes those born from 22nd June to 22nd July. Emotional and family-oriented, Cancer men and women make for extremely fulfilling relationships and likewise it is a delight to raise a Cancer child.
A little dreamer
People born into the sign of Cancer tend to be dreamers and the same might be true of your little one as well. A Cancer child is usually happiest while ranging free in his own world of dreams and ideas. You may seem him/her perfectly content to snuggle up with a book on their lap or watch television instead of going out to play with other kids, unless it is an activity that really interests them. When in a group, a Cancer child will most likely go along with the flow instead of taking the initiative like an Aries child or perhaps remain completely passive about what’s going on. The best way to get them involved is to encourage them to come up with their own games or ideas about how best to play them. Cancerians are highly imaginative beings and once left to themselves can surprise you with their creative output, whether in terms of ideas or material result.
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A shy personality
Cancerians are believed to be shy and far from forthcoming about what they want and how they feel. This can be difficult for a parent who is expected by their Cancer kid to exactly understand their needs and wants and offer these without being asked to. Since Cancerians are often intuitive about other people’s feelings, they expect others - or their parents at least - to have the same sixth sense as it were. If you find yourself perpetually guessing what is going on behind that angelic smile of your child, try to establish a system of clear and easy communication with him/her. Once you if you give your little Cancerian the freedom to speak their minds and to tell you what they need when they need it, you will not only find his/her discarding their shyness but actually blossoming into self-assured individuals.
Their famed moodiness
While it is true that Cancerians do not have the forthrightness of an Aries or the vehemence of a Scorpio, they are rarely shy to the point of hiding the truth. If they love you they will tell you and if they disagree with you they will also tell you. This kind of quiet honesty is often misconstrued as moodiness. For one day you may find your kid taking immense delight in a warm snuggle with you while the next day when you go up to them, they may calmly tell you that this is not the time for a cuddle and that they want to play with their toys now. Likewise you need to leave it to your little Cancerian to decide when they want to share things with you and when they need to be left alone. If they are in the mood, they might tell you how so-and-so hurt their feelings today at school. But if they are not in the mood to share confidences, nothing you can say will prod them to explain. Like the Crab whose sign they bear, they will simply retreat into their shells till the time they feel like coming out again. Thus as a parent, your best route to communication with a Cancer child is acceptance and gentle guidance. Let his/her personality come through and don't try to change them or make them talk until they are ready to.
Living in a world of emotions
Like the adults, Cancerian children too live in a world of emotions. They are sensitive to how people around them handles their feelings and desires and can edge away if met with indifference or aggression. So if your Cancer daughter is concerned about a playmate, make sure you listen her out and reciprocate with compassion instead of telling her to forget about problems that have nothing to do with her. Above all Cancer kids needs to feel emotionally close to people they love, including their parents, and in tune with what they are thinking and feeling in order to feel happy and loved. The downside of this emotional nature is a tendency to be over-sensitive. Cancer children thus are more prone to get hurt by unfeeling remarks or rude words from other children at play or school. The best thing for you to do is to make them feel loved and assured at home and build in their inner strength so that they can better cope with a sometimes unfeeling world.
A nurturing heart
One of the greatest delights of bringing up a Cancer child is to see them love and nurture you like a little adult, probably because they have the Moon as the governing planet which enhances their caring and feminine aspects. You can trust your little Cancerian to cuddle up with you and shower you with kisses and hugs when they are in the mood. If they see you tired or in pain very often they will take it upon themselves to care for you in the manner they fit. They will not only tell you how to love them but they will also tell you how you need to be loved. However sometimes in their desire to nurture, Cancerians can get slightly overbearing or they might insist that their way of expressing love and care is the best. When met with opposition, a Cancerian will usually argue their cause with all the passion at their disposal and sometimes even snap with their crab-like claws. At such times it is upto you as a parent to explain to your child that sometimes the best way to nurture and care for another person is by listening to them and giving them love in a way that works for them. Not everyone is a lost lamb in search of a shepherd. And finally, not everyone who disagrees with them is wrong.
Surround them with family love
Family ties are extremely important to all Cancerians but to children it is crucial for their very upbringing. They thrive best when in the midst of a loving family. However sometimes they may display a tendency to play favorites with a parent - not only depending more on that parent but also getting overly possessive about him/her. The best remedy in such situations is not to allow the child’s need for anyone but rather ensure that your child gets equal quality time with both parents.
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