How to Attract and Seduce a Virgo Woman
The Virgo woman can seem critical and nit-picking at first glance, but those who know her well understand that this is just her way of showing that she cares. Virgo is a perfectionist after all, and helping the people that she cares about to improve themselves is her way of trying to be helpful....
By Futurescopes Research Team
How to Get Your Virgo Man Back
The Virgo man is sensible and pragmatic in every way. He is meticulous in his personal appearance and in keeping up with his housework. He is organized and systematic. He's always looking for more efficient ways to accomplish tasks and be more productive. The Virgo man is incredibly smart and...
By Futurescopes Research Team
Virgo - characteristics and profile of the Virgo man, woman, child and baby
Virgo (August 24 to September 23). Common sense, intelligence, precision and an insistence on 'doing it right' are the outstanding characteristics of the pure Virgo. There is an emphasis on technique which makes the Virgoan approach to life almost chilling in its efficiency. Even in their sex lives...
By admin
Virgo Ascendant - Profile and Characteristics of Virgo Rising
Virgo rising denotes a quiet, reserved, retiring, and receptive disposition. The fate depends upon opportunity. The native, although lacking in determinative ambition, is persevering and ingenious, but he rarely dominates his environment or moves entirely unaided and helped by others. This sign...
By Futurescopes Research Team
The Three Decans of Virgo
The first decan of Virgo is ruled by Sun. A patient nature, likely to suffer affliction and privation, and sometimes restraint or imprisonment; it confers a long life, and disposes to the study of analytical and mechanical science, theoretical and practical. The nature is secretive, and the subject...
By Futurescopes Research Team
Dating a Virgo Man - When you Fall in Love with a Virgo Guy
Those born in between 23rd August and 23rd September carry the zodiac sign of the Virgo or the Virgin. Perfectionism is both the boon and bane of people born under this sign and naturally it informs their personal relationships as well. Here are a few things to keep in mind when dating a Virgo.TIP...
By kalyani10
Dating a Virgo Woman - When you Fall in Love with a Virgo Girl
Virgo is the sixth sign of the Zodiac and includes all those born from 23rd of August to 23rd of September. A desire for perfection marks the Virgo personality as well as the dynamics of their personal relationships. Read on to know the best way to date a Virgo woman and match up to her standards....
By kalyani10
The Virgo Boss - Traits and Characteristics
The zodiac sign of the Virgo or the Virgin includes those born between 23rd August and 23rd September. The drive for perfectionism and a practical bent of mind marks the Virgo character – qualities which you better get used to when working for a Virgo boss.A perfectionist par excellenceThe...
By kalyani10
The Virgo Employee - Personality and Characteristics
Virgo is the sixth sign of the Zodiac and includes all those born from 23rd of August to 23rd of September. A desire for perfection marks the Virgo personality as well as the dynamics of their relationships, both personal and professional. Here are a few ideas on how to get the best out of your...
By kalyani10
The Virgo Child - Characteristics of Virgo Children
Virgo is the sixth sign of the Zodiac and includes all those born from 23rd of August to 23rd of September. A knack for organization and desire for perfection marks the Virgo personality which is evident even in the little ones. Here are a few tips on bringing up a Virgo child.Little helpful...
By kalyani10