
The Three Decans of Gemini

The first decan of Gemini is ruled by Jupiter. This confers a humane and generous disposition, but unfortunate. Makes a man his own enemy gives too much self-confidence, and leads to self-hurt. The subject of this decan becomes his own enemy in many ways. He is capable of rising by his own merits....
By Futurescopes Research Team

Gifts for Gemini Women

Born between May 21st and June 21st, Gemini men and women are charming, intelligent and dynamic in nature. The same traits also mark their interests in life and if you keep this in mind, you are sure to find the perfect gift for your Gemini woman.TIP: Read how to buy a diamond ring for $20 and pay...
By kalyani10

Gifts for Gemini Men

Bearing the image of the Twins and born between 20th May to 20th June, a Gemini man is unlikely to ever let you have a dull moment in life. This is because people born under the sign of Gemini are typically social, multi-faceted and skilled in communication. So ensure that your gifts to Gemini men...
By kalyani10

The Gemini Sexuality - Traits and Characteristics

People born under the sign of Gemini are typically characterized as social and multi-faceted. Bearing the image of the Twins and born between 20th May to 20th June, a Gemini lover is unlikely to ever let you have a dull moment in life. However at the same time you need to keep up with him or you...
By kalyani10


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