Neptune Aspects Mars - Conjunct, Sextile, Trine and Square

Neptune Aspects Mars – Conjunct, Sextile, Trine and Square
This influence is not easy to determine, as the two planets do not seem to have a great deal in common; in fact they appear in some respects almost polar opposites, the one typically negative and the other extremely positive. When in bad aspect they are apt tb increase the instincts, emotions, and passions too much; to give undue tendency towards pleasure, sensation, self-indulgence; and to slightly coarsen the nature. There may be danger arising out of the relations with the other sex, scandal and disrepute; danger from the water and liquids, also of poisoning and contagious diseases. If the native dabbles in psychism, there will be astral delusions and deceits and risk of obsession. He will be liable to foolish ideas and habits from which no reasoning can free him. But if Mars be dignified by sign or well placed, none of these dangers need be at all serious.
The good aspects seem even more difficult to interpret than the evil ones. The feelings and emotions are apparently quite as much stimulated, but they operate through benefic and legitimate channels. There are activities, ardours, and enthusiasms manifesting through matters signified by sign and house. It is good for sailors and for occupations connected with the water. It increases generosity and kindly impulses. It has a bearing upon occult powers of the practical or ceremonial kind.
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