How to Attract and Seduce a Sagittarius Woman

The Sagittarius woman is blunt, adventurous, enthusiastic, and talkative. Courting a Sagittarius woman is a whirlwind of fun and flair. It can also be quite frustrating to the suitor who isn't well-versed in the Sagittarius nature. She is courageous and ready to conquer the world and explore every inch of the globe. She can be exhausting and confusing if you don't know what you're in for. If you take the time to understand and appreciate the qualities of the Sagittarius woman, you'll stand a much better chance of capturing her heart.
TIP: Download the guide to seducing women.
Don't expect it to be easy
The Sagittarius woman is restless and freedom-seeking. She'll want to take things very slow, and you'll just have to be patient, lest her changeable and flighty nature sends her scurrying off in search of lest restrictive male companionship. Don't try to pressure her into a commitment she isn't ready for, and be prepared that it may be a long while before she is ready.
The Sagittarius woman highly values friendship, and any serious romantic relationship that she does eventually enter into, she'll want to base on a solid friendship. Keep it casual at first. Get to know her. Maybe hang out in some group social settings, to ensure that she feels at ease. If you play your cards right, the energy between the two of you will shift from platonic to romantic, but it's never going to happen if you force the issue.
Come prepared with lots of different topics of conversation
The Sagittarius woman is very chatty and enthusiastic. She loves talking to all kinds of different people, and she can discuss everything under the sun. She is intelligent, curious, and quirky. She might chat your ear off, but you'll probably find yourself loving every minute of it, as you're disarmed by her frank and upfront charm. This is a woman who says what she means. She won't put on airs or be pretentious. She isn't using rhetoric as a tool to impress, but rather as a way to explore different topics together. She views every person she meets and every discussion as an opportunity to learn, and the Sagittarius woman loves learning more than almost anything else, except for maybe traveling. This brings me to our next point...
Take her on lots of trips to exciting new places
The Sagittarius woman has an insatiable wanderlust. You'll do wonders to endear yourself to her if you fly her to Mexico or ask her to join you for a weekend in Paris. She'll have loads of fun, and when she thinks of you, she'll think of excitement, thrills, and exploration. Show her that you aren't a man who will expect her to live a boring life of routine and domesticity. Show her that a life with you, means lots of spontaneity, and trying to quench your shared wanderlust together, while secretly hoping that you never do manage to quench it.
Take her camping, hiking, swimming, or mountain climbing
The Sagittarius woman is very outdoorsy. She loves nature. It's all a part of her love of exploration. She loves taking on a new quest. She's very sporty and agile. If you want to see the Sagittarius woman truly in her element and loving life, spend time with her out in the fresh air. Giving her a challenge to overcome, such as a cliff to scale or a demanding hike, will appeal to her.
Take her out for an interesting and exotic dinner
The Sagittarius woman loves anything new and interesting. If there's a strange new fusion restaurant that has everyone else in town raising their eyebrows, you can be sure this is a good bet for a date with a Sagittarius female. No matter how odd the dish sounds to others, whether it be barbeque escargot or spaghetti served with pig feet, if it's different or outrageous cuisine, you can bet the Sagittarius woman will want to have a taste. A unique restaurant is a great place to bring the Sagittarius woman to show her a good time.
Ask her to take a class with you
The Sagittarius woman is a lifelong learner. She's not the type to put away the books for good once she's finished college. She values higher-education, and her natural curiosity will keep her on a constant quest for new knowledge. If you want to capture her interest and get her to spend some time with you, ask her if she'd like to join you for a few Tuesday night classes down at the local adult learning annex. Maybe you could interest her in joining you for a course on world history, or Latin, or maybe even existential philosophy. Sagittarius women do tend to be very philosophical. They love to dig into the big questions. If you show your Sagittarius woman that you share these interests, she's much more likely to consider a serious relationship with you.
Don't play games
The Sagittarius woman is very direct. She gets straight to the point. She won't play games with you and you shouldn't try to manipulate her either. You won't have to be coy or hide your intentions. You can let the Sagittarius woman know exactly where you stand, as long as you also make it clear that you aren't trying to pressure or rush her. The Sagittarius woman values her freedom, and she'll need time to see that you aren't trying to take that away from her. Rather you are trying to share her life of adventures with her.
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