Dating a Taurus Man - When you Fall in Love with a Taurean Guy

Taurus, the second sign of the Zodiac, includes all those born from 20th April to 20th May. Being a fixed earth sign, it lends rootedness, constancy and physicality to its subjects and the same qualities also influence the love life of Taurus men.

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If it is sensuality that turns you on, a Taurus is just the man for you. But remember to give it to him first and you will get it back ten times over. This is because a Taurus guy revels in the sense of touch. Physical intimacy, softness and tactile pleasures are what turn him on. So when his birthday comes around, look for the smooth of a silk scarf or the warm softness of a Persian rug. Show your love with frequent kisses hugs and cuddles and you can be sure of having your Bull by the nose forever.

This brings us to another cherished quality of a Taurus lover – his loyalty and steadfastness. Here is a man who believes that Love is for keeps. You may at first be exasperated by a guy who seems to take forever to make up his mind about you. But lady, once he does and decides you are the one for him, you can be certain of his fidelity and trustworthiness. At the same time, be careful of your own indiscretions since this is a man who takes infidelity very hard. If you cheat on him, no matter why, and he comes to know of it, you can be pretty sure of kissing the relationship goodbye.

A Taurus man loves to be indulged since his earthy nature is flattered by all the delights of the senses. Therefore a perfect evening for him would most probably mean a spread of good food and wine, excellent music and the sight of sparkling crystal dinnerware. This love for the good life also means that he is very proud of the table he keeps and that his social life is likely to revolve around friends who also like to eat and drink instead of spending an evening at the art gallery. So unless you are contented to be by yourself, gear up to play the perfect hostess. The good thing about this is that if you do it right, you can be sure of making a place in his heart and hearth for a long time to come.

Above all, a Taurus man likes his women to be feminine. So if you swore by Germaine Greer in college or have a habit of doing a routine from Coyote Ugly when in the mood, you better start treading a new path. If you want to keep your Taurus lover, make sure he sees you in flowing gowns or lacy lingerie – no leather and whips please! Again it would be a good idea to keep your makeup soft and subtle and wear your hair in maybe long loose curls. His sensual nature demands grace and softness from women and if you think this is the man for you, it wouldn’t hurt to work a little hard towards keeping him.

If you imagine a Taurus lover would romance you by writing poetry about the color of your eyes, think again. A Taurus man, true to his sign, is practical and grounded in reality. He might not wax eloquent about a setting sun or a starry night when you are with him, but you can be sure that the mortgage is in the bank and there is enough put by to splurge on your yearly vacation. This man does not like building castles in the air but knows how best to provide you with a secure and solid relationship.

When in a relationship with a Taurus male, it would be a good idea not to play with his emotions or treat his feelings lightly. By nature he is a gentle and calm person - think of the bull placidly grazing in his yard – but when roused to a temper, he can turn into a fearsome creature. He is likely to leave others in peace if he is left in peace himself. Too much interference with and questioning about his life do not go down well with this person. So if you are serious about your Taurus lover, learn to live with his set ways and routine comforts instead of seeking out stimulation and momentary thrills.

If you are still wondering why this Zodiac carries the sign of the Bull, think of the many times you have tried to persuade your Taurus date to experiment with a new hobby or cuisine and failed. Bullheadedness is perhaps the most obvious characteristic of Taurus men. When dating a Taurus man, you may sometimes find him exceedingly obstinate and unable to see beyond his own point of view. This unyielding nature may appear to you a perverse exercise in stubbornness, but it is only a Bull’s way remaining steadfast in his course and loyal to his beliefs. So be careful of contradicting his words and wishes, especially before company. If you do need to turn him around, use tact and patience and he may just appear less opinionated and more willing to go along with your wishes.

The practical nature of a Taurus man may sometimes make him appear too materialistic. He is unlikely to pursue an activity merely for the pleasure of it, like trekking up to the mountain peak just to get an amazing view of the valley below. He is more likely to settle for an activity like skeet-shooting with a real reward at the end of it.  This materialistic streak is also reflected in his over attachment to money and possessions as well as the fact that he needs to own something in order to take pleasure in it.

A Taurus man makes one of the best lovers among all other zodiac signs. His loyalty, sensuality and permanence are an incredible combination and once he decides that you are the woman for him, he will go the whole hog to keep you happy.