The Horse Zodiac Sign in Chinese Astrology

The Horse is one of the most interesting types of Chinese astrology – energy, movement and love of life characterizes this personality. So if you are born in the year of the Horse, find out more about who you are.
The first quality of the Horse that anyone is likely to notice is their exuberance and zest for life. This is a person brimming with energy and with him/her, life is one big circus where there are innumerable rides to try and uncountable thrills on offer.
The best part about the Horse’s vivacious nature is that it often rubs on to others so that people around him/her find it easy to get enthusiastic or excited about life and its wonders. The Horse indeed is a natural actor and will keep people entertained with a song, dance or wise-cracks so that they are hardly aware of how time flies when they are with the Horse. However all this whirlwind of activity also makes the Horse rather impetuous and erratic. He/she can become unpredictable and there is no saying what will catch their interest tomorrow. At times people with the Horse may find themselves too rushed and all the action overwhelming, but this personality needs external stimulation in order to feel truly happy.
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The Horse is hooked to change – he/she must have varied experiences in order to feel alive and kicking. They love to do new things and try out new tasks and are forever on the lookout for what will engage their interest next. The Horse can get petulant and impatient when things are moving slowly and are also likely to lose interest in an activity where the reward is too long in coming. These people probably have a lower boredom threshold than most which is why their interest can fizzle out as quickly as it can get hooked onto something new.
All these traits make the Horse a fun and energetic person to be around; he/she is a social live-wire and if any person is required to jazz up the party or to infuse drive in the boardroom, it is the Horse. As a result the Horse is generally well-liked by friends and acquaintances and highly sought after when there is need for energy and enthusiasm. And yet at times their popularity suffers because they can stretch a point - during a discussion, the Horse likes to put forward their own point of view with great relish. This can make them seem unnecessarily argumentative and sometimes even bossy and outrageous.
However despite their extrovert and direct natures, it is not all sound and fury with the Horse. This personality is armed with a lightning-quick mind, one which can directly see through the heart of a situation and is able to come up with a solution in a matter of minutes. Probably it is because of this amazing mental acuity that the Horse is able to work through a situation or experience quickly and thus feels ready to move on to the next one while others around him/her may be still struggling with the basics.
The above trait of the Horse makes it an asset in organizations and companies where out-of-the-box solutions are often required. The Horse has great brainstorming abilities and can come up with solutions that are both ingenuous and highly effective. At the same time the Horse works best in a group situation where ideas can be thrown out, bounced around, modified and ultimately put into action. For all these reasons among the professions where it is common for the Horse to shine are advertising, journalism, public relations and even the corporate sector where new ideas are constantly required.
What the Horse cannot do well is to take care of niggling details and official minutiae. Thus filling out forms, reading the legal fine print and jobs which require close scrutiny are best not given to this personality. The Horse relishes the idea of solving a puzzle or finding out a solution no one ever thought of before. At the most, he/she merely wants to get the job done as quickly as possible so that they can go back to having a good time.
Yet another aspect of the Horse’s character which has an important bearing is that he/she takes unkindly to a lot of regulations too many rules and restrictions irritate him/her since they likes to live life on their own terms. Indeed it is quite common for the Horse to have a fragile ego. Once they feel that their self-respect has been wounded, they can be quick to anger and a Horse once roused to fury is far from a pretty sight – they might rant and rave and may even get into a physical rage. For all these reasons, the Horse is often suited for self-employment where he/she need not answer to anyone and is able to give free rein to their own creative ideas. However even in such situations it is best that the Horse has a partner who can take care of legal and official details as well as bring about routine and structure in order to tone down the Horse’s excessive enthusiasm and frivolity.
Because of the tendency to be involved in several things at the same time, the Horse is often prone to nervous and physical exhaustion. Endless rounds of partying or working off worries could also make them vulnerable to destructive habits like smoking and drinking alcohol. On the whole the Horse should live in open surroundings, follow a healthy lifestyle and use meditation or some other method of relaxation to keep worry at bay.
In personal relationships, the Horse makes one of the most delightful partners. He is able to sweep a woman off her feet with his energetic courting; likewise a female Horse will lay out so many wonders of love that her man is likely to feel the most special guy around. The Horse’s natural ebullience and the fact that he/she doesn’t take life seriously at all can act like a burst of sunlight for partners who are prone to low moods. Unfortunately like other areas of life, the romantic zeal of the Horse also works in short bursts of enthusiasm. It is difficult for them to maintain the same pitch of attentiveness and devotion in the long run and for some, even being faithful over time can be something of a challenge. As spouses and partners, the Horse can be trying to live with because of their general disregard for household chores and other niggling responsibilities of the domestic life. The Horse is forever on the lookout for new and interesting things to do and when bound to the boring routine of domesticity or office work can become querulous, restless and sulky. However because of the fact that the Horse is itself a child at heart, he/she can be an amazing parent – the Horse Mum and Dad will ensure that their kids are alive to the wonder of the world and open to every kind of experience.
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