The Earth Horse in Chinese Astrology

The Chinese zodiac sign of the Horse, like the animal whose symbol it bears, is free-spirited, energetic and intelligent. They are gregarious in a nature and usually have a positive attitude to life. However every sign also bears the imprint of a particular element according; likewise the Horse too undergoes some of the stabilizing influence of the Earth, even though none of the native energy and initiative is lost.
A typical trait of the zodiac sign of Horse is a restless temperament. This person is blessed with boundless energy and is driven by a love of new and varied experiences. While this trait gives the Horse a dynamic personality, it also makes him/her rather impetuous in nature. No sooner than the Horse person has cracked a problem or sampled a new experience, than he/she wants to move on to a newer challenge. As such the Horse has difficulty in seeing things through to the end, whether in the professional or personal sphere. However when allied with the element Earth, the Horse is likely to acquire a greater steadiness of purpose and temperament. As compared to Horses of other elements, particularly the Fire and Water, this Horse is less likely to rush from one interest to another or succumb to boredom and ennui in case things are not happening fast enough. Rooted to a dense element as the Earth, he/she is likely to be far more grounded and steady than most other Horses.
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Then again the Earth Horse is quite comfortable being away from the limelight. Unlike the Horses of other elements, particularly the Fire and Metal, the Earth Horse does not crave to be in the thick of action at all times; he/she or she is perfectly happy being on the sidelines unless there is a demand for initiative or a particularly opporutity for self-improvement which is too good to let go. This is indication of the fact that though the Earth Horse is more stable in his/her temperament, he/she by no means loses the essential go-getter attitude of the Horse nature.
One consequence of this steadiness of character is that the Earth Horse is likely to be more successful in the worldly sense than many of his/her breed. Since this Horse is more likely to stick to a particular course of action, instead of leaving it mid-way, he/she stands to gain more in the long run as compared to others who for all their brilliance are impetuous and unpredictable. Along with steadiness of temperament goes a native physical sturdiness which allows the Horse to work long and hard to attain his/her goals, thus contributing even further to their material and social success.
In their personal relationships too, the Earth Horse is more likely to be successful than most others. Being stable in their emotions, this Horse is capable of long-term commitment in a relationship which is particularly helpful in case of marriage and raising a family. Indeed, the Earth Horse has a distinctive domestic streak which delights in coming back to familiar pleasures even after ranging far and wide. For the Earth Horse more than any other, ‘there is no place like home’.
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