The Earth Rat in Chinese Astrology

Earth is an element that is associated with patience and practicality. Earth people are usually industrious, trustworthy and more rooted in common sense. When allied to the Rat, the earthy element similarly helps the sign to ground many of his/her high-flying traits while also ensuring greater commitment.

The basic nature of the Rat is marked by an abundance of energy and initiative. This sign is usually the first to grasp a new concept or try out a new experience. He/she is also adept at doing a number of things at the same time and their high levels of energy help them to do so. However one of the consequences of this whirlwind nature is that the Rat quickly loses interest in a task or experience once the charm of novelty has worn off. It is here that the element Earth comes to play a significant role in bestowing on the Rat the virtues of commitment. Though the metal Rat is also tenacious in nature and will keep working at a goal with single-minded focus, this trait has a keener edge and smacks of an unhealthy obsession. On the other hand in the Earth Rat, the sense of commitment is softened and humanized by the important quality of patience.
They are more stable in their emotions and interests and hence they are guided by a deeper sense of responsibility in whatever they do. The Earth Rat is willing to work in a slow, steady manner towards its aims in life instead of rushing pell-mell ahead or driving itself with a burning intensity.

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Another positive aspect of the Earth Rat is a more thoughtful approach to life. Though the elements Water and Wood also encourage the sign to slow down to a quieter way of life, when influenced by the Earth element, the sign has a definite philosophical basis underlining its thoughts and actions. This Rat will think long and carefully about all the pros and cons of a situation before deciding on a course of action. However this is not to suggest that the Earth element negates the enterprising attitude of the Rat or turns him/her into a passive being. In fact the Earth Rat is as resourceful and intelligent as any other – he/she is only much more aware of the practical advantages of planning and forethought. Another trait which distinguishes the Earth Rat from the equally sedate Wood or Water Rat is a deeper degree of confidence. The Earth Rat is not only aware of his/her own powers but completely assured that his/her way of proceeding ahead is the right way to go about it. All these qualities make the Earth Rat a natural leader so that many of this group are found in high managerial positions owing to the mix of a sense of responsibility as well as the ability to have a larger perspective of things.

Even in personal relationships, the Earth Rat is guided by the real and long term rather than the sentimental and temporal. So though this Rat lover may not possess the romantic effervescence of the Fire Rat or the romantic eloquence of the water Rat, he/she is most likely to remain a faithful lover and companion in the end.

One of the rare drawbacks that this character may suffer from is a lack of spontaneity and exuberance in life. It does not do to be too thoughtful or too focused on responsibilities and the Earth Rat should avoid taking life too seriously. However here the inherent sociability and positivity of the Rat nature can be depended on to set things right; in all, the Earth Rat is one of the best-adjusted and most successful signs of the Chinese zodiac.