The Fire Rat in Chinese Astrology

Fire is known as the element of dynamism and energy in astrological systems around the world. The same is true of Chinese astrology too; here Fire amplifies traits like social brilliance and initiative that are associated with the Rat with the result that the end personality is an irrepressible go-getter, courageous leader and exciting companion.

The defining trait associated with the zodiac sign Rat is perhaps an abundance of energy. These are people who are forever on the go, whether rushing from one client to another in their professional lives or making the rounds of nightclubs in the evening. Under the influence of Fire, the inborn energetic nature is heightened several times over with the result that the Fire Rat is brimming with enthusiasm and effervescence – this is the Rat who is likely to be the life and soul of every party in town, dazzling people with their social brilliance and sparkling wit.

And yet the gregarious Rat has his/her sights set on far wider things when allied with the Fire element. The result is that the Fire Rat is highly adventurous and has loads of initiative. This is a person who loves fun and frolic but most of all, the new and the untried. He/she is driven by a love of variety, almost feeling that one lifetime is too short to fit in all the experiences the world has to offer. Among all other Rats of various elements and even in a group of all the representative animals, the Fire Rat would probably be the first to grasp a new thought or appreciate a new sensation but within the blink of an eye he/she may have moved onto something else. To an outsider, this could smack of restless and an inability to see things through. However, those close to the Fire Rat know that this person needs new sights and experiences to feel alive.

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However all this is not to suggest that the Fire Rat is driven only by novelty to skim the surface of life. Indeed the element of Fire also brings about a purifying action, one that burns away the dross and makes a positive trait shine brighter. In the Fire Rat this is best expressed as an ability to reach out and help others. The Rat at the very basic level, lacks the selflessness of the Dog or the nurturing instinct of the Goat, and is usually propelled by self-interest in all that they do. However the Fire Rat is more capable than other rodents to motivate his/her fellow beings to try and strike out. It is as though the character has so much energy and enterprise that the traits inevitably rub on others in a positive manner.

However the Fire Rat is also prone to impetuosity and recklessness. Their craving for diversity may at times seem to border dangerously on the fickle and unstable which may even has a negative impact on relationships as well as larger life goals. Also this Rat, more than others, is capable of being aggressive and hot-tempered as a consequence of its fiery element. In the end, it is up to the Rat to temper his/her dynamism with good sense and patience so that he/she reaps the best of personal and material success.