How to Impress a Date with Cooking

Time was when girls were repeatedly told by their grandmothers that the way to a man’s heart was through the belly and thus they had better get familiar with pots and pans in the kitchen. While social emancipation and financial independence of modern women has done away with the pressing need to be a good cook, nevertheless food remains an important part of socializing and dating. The traditional dinner date continues to be a favorite with couples while food itself is a source of considerable sensual pleasure. Imagine all that play of tastes, textures, smells and colors and you would know that your granny was not really off the mark. So if you are keen to impress a date or a new boyfriend with your cooking, here are a few tips to keep in mind.
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Plan what day
To impress a date with your cooking, choose a day when you are free for the evening since you don’t want to have to rush through the preparations. While it need not be necessary for your date to have the evening off, if he has had a relaxed day, it will be easier for him to enjoy the dinner. Also, try not to keep an important meeting the morning after so that you both can enjoy the meal and are not in a hurry to turn in for the night. Finally decide whether the dinner is going to be a surprise for your date. If so, you need to carry out all the preparations without his knowledge which may require some bit of extra planning. If not, personally write out an invitation, mentioning the date and time and let him find it tacked in the car dashboard or even in his lunchbox for an added bit of delicious romanticism.
Choose the menu
Coming up with the right menu is practically half the job done when you are planning a special dinner. Depending on how comfortable you are in the kitchen you can choose from an elaborate five course spread or a simple three course meal. More importantly keep your guy’s food preferences in mind. If he is really a meat and potatoes kind of guy, choosing an exotic menu with unique tastes may not go down well with your date. And if these are still early days, it is best to cater to his tastes rather than experiment with unusual dishes. At the same time ask him if there are any specific flavors or vegetables that he has a dislike for – some men hate the taste of garlic or ginger, some don’t like mint, while some might hate corn. There is no harm in getting these niggling details out of the way before you plan the menu.
Another advantage of deciding on the menu much ahead lets you be prepared. Note down all the ingredients that would go into the meal and check whether you have them stocked in sufficient quantities. This is so that you can get the ingredients from the store beforehand and avoid last-minute panic when you discover that the bottle of mayonnaise which you thought was more than half-full actually has only about a teaspoon of the substance.
Go for a theme-based menu like a romantic Greek dinner or a French dinner only if you are keen to put in some extra effort or have some prior experience in the kitchen. Or else stick to dishes you are comfortable with. Try to keep only a couple of entrees like quiche squares of assorted cheese. These will not only be easy to prepare but won’t fill you up leaving the actual meal unappreciated. For the side dish you could decide on vegetables or fish. Again you could choose between a grilled steak and succulent chicken for the main course. Rice dishes like paella or risotto would make for an elaborate meal but if you want to keep things light, buy some nice bread as the staple. Don’t forget a salad of fruits, vegetables, herbs or nuts – here you can experiment with innovative dressings. For dessert of course, you of course be spoilt for choice but chocolate-based ones have always been the lovers’ favorites.
See what needs to be prepared in advance
Many dishes require advance preparations like marinating for meats or chilling time for desserts. Also you may need to spend quite a while chopping or dicing vegetables. Plan to fit these in your schedule so that you don’t fall short of time on the final day. Moreover if anything can be prepared ahead, do it. For instance you could chop vegetables for the salad and store them in the refrigerator without tossing or you could prepare a sauce in advance and put in the meat on the final day.
Appeal to the senses
A great way to impress your date with your cooking would be to make this a highly sensuous affair. When preparing vegetables or the salad, mix in lots of colors. Strawberries, celery, blueberries have been traditionally considered to have aphrodisiac properties but today nutritionists know that they are loaded with vitamins and minerals essential to boost the body’s sex hormones. Also play with flavors like cinnamon, clove, licorice, anise and perhaps even garlic. These spices are known to evoke the sense of smell which can have aphrodisiac effects. Various herbs like mint, parsley, fenugreek and dill not only add color but also lend a meal their unique flavors.
Prepare the setting
Even if you are fairly confident of your culinary skills, don’t discount the importance of the right ambience in creating a favorable right impression on your date. Indeed your carefully prepared meal deserves to be complimented with the right tableware even though you need not bring out the family silver. A nice white tablecloth is appropriate for most occasions but if you want to appeal to your date’s sense of style, by all means go for a theme like gold and ivory or vibrant spring colors to brighten the mood. Crystal, opal, porcelain or even good quality glass make for attractive dinnerware and don’t forget cloth napkins to go with it. Have an attractive flower arrangement as the centerpiece on the table and place unscented candles to be lighted at the right time. At the same time, make sure your kitchen is tidy enough. If he decides to peek in the kitchen and sees it in a mess, he might end up with mixed feelings. So even if you do not get the time to scrub it down, at least keep it organized so he is impressed by all your efforts.
Don’t forget the wine
There is nothing like the right wine to set the perfect mood for a romantic dinner. Consider your date’s tastes in this matter. So even though you may prefer a fine champagne for yourself, if your boyfriend likes a full bodied red, go ahead and open that bottle of Bordeaux that has been waiting in your rack for a special occasion. Create subdued lighting in the dining area for which you can choose between the soft glow of a fireplace or sparkling fairy lights. And to complete the scene, put on some soft romantic music in the background, preferably your date’s favorite.
Finally, take an hour at least to recharge yourself before you go to answer the doorbell. If possible shower, dress nicely and put on some pretty makeup. Nothing will make your date feel more awkward than the sight of a hassled and harried girlfriend who is shuttling between the kitchen and the couch. So relax and look forward to have a good time and you can be sure that your date will be impressed to return the favor before very long.
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