10 Signs He is Not into you

Sometimes despite your best efforts, a guy may not respond to a relationship with the level of warmth and commitment that you hope for. Some men may prefer to be upfront and tell you they’re not interested. Others though, prefer to leave clues, hoping that you’ll get the hint but unable to express their disinterest outright. If you have been getting the following signs from your date, it may be time to accept that he is not into you.
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He does not call
If you have been waiting over a week now for him to call you after your date, chance are that he is not very keen to see you again. Agreed, he could have been busy or over-committed at work but still a text message or a quick call during lunch-break would never have been beyond the scope of the possible. What’s more, if you have called him only to get his voicemail and he still has not returned you call, you can pretty much kiss your chances of seeing him again good bye.
He is not forthcoming about personal information
Have you ever wondered why your boyfriend is always vague when you ask him about his work and where he lives? You might have a rough idea that he is into finance and that he commutes from the suburbs but if he is unwilling to clearly share his personal information with you, probably he has something to hide – a spouse or a lover maybe. Or more likely he is determined to keep you away from the rest of his personal life.
He runs out of date ideas
Once you have gone out for a dinner and a dance with this guy, he will probably run out of ideas on what next to do. Even worse, he seems to dismiss everything you suggest. Only a man really attracted to you would try and come up with creative date ideas that include fun, shared activities and the outdoors.
You don’t figure in his plans
When talking about his future, does your guy merely discuss his goals of starting a business someday and are his dreams limited to retiring by the sea with his very own beach house and luxury boat? If so or something similar, then this is an indication that you are not part of his future plans and thus unlikely to remain with him for long. Unless of course, he goes through a life-changing experience and realizes the value of a committed relationship which is again putting too much store by chance and therefore not worth wasting your life for.
He doesn’t ask you about yours
In a reversal of the above point, a guy who is not into you will also be uninterested to know about your life goals and hopes for the future. The present - comfortably carefree and uncomplicated - is good enough for him. He does not want to know if you want to eventually settle in the suburbs or how many kids would you like to have. If you find all this true in case of your date, then it is better you stop hoping to being with him and start looking for a more suitable guy.
He does not take you to meet his friends
If your boyfriend has never suggested that you meet his friends and even appears to be uncomfortable talking about them to you, then it is a definite sign that he is not interested in you.
He does not like making advance plans with you
When it comes to his friends, he seems to have no problem commiting to plans well into the future like, to a short weekend trip or a football match a fortnight away. however when it comes to you, he won’t commit until the last minute; if he is so wishy-washy about his plans with you, it is an almost certain sign of disinterest.
He has no space for you
A guy who is eager to make you part of his life will not mind if you leave your toothbrush behind at his place or forget your stash of magazines there. However if he doesn’t make space for you at his house, even though you are there a lot then that’s an indication that it’s time to get out. Cleanliness freaks could be an exception but beware the messy man who banishes your clothes and toiletries from his home.
He is too secretive
If your man appears evasive when you ask him about his plans for the weekend, chances are he is trying to cut himself loose from you. Sometimes a guy may be a private person but if his stealthy ways persist, and especially if he tries to pass off his behavior as normal, it may be time to reassess the relationship.
He checks out other women
If you are on a date and he doesn’t bother to hide his gaze towards other women, it is a definite sign that he is not into you. In general it is true that men, whether single or committed, tend to ogle at attractive women; but a guy should not be doing this when he is ostensibly at a date with a partner. So if you find your guy gaping at the hot babe sitting at the next table, pick up your purse and simply leave.
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