The 5 Types of Single Women over 40

Today there are more single women in the forty-plus age group than ever before. There are several reasons for this phenomena ranging from a rising divorce rate which reverts many married women back to the single status as well as the fact that more women are putting off marriage until they are professionally established which could well be into their forties. Just like there are various reasons why women are increasingly single over forty, so too they are differentiated by traits and priorities. Here are five most common types of women above the age of forty who are single and form part of the dating scene.
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- The one in a hurry
This is the single woman who has focused on her career through her twenties and thirties and now finds her biological clock furiously ticking away. She is most likely to be from late thirties to early forties and has never been married. She is probably a dynamic and successful woman who finds that the only thing needed to make her life complete now is a family. Sometimes she may not even have deferred having a family on purpose but it is just that she did not find any man right enough to have a family with. Now even more than finding a mate to settle down with, she is desperate to have or at least raise a child. While such a woman has the advantage of larger financial resources and emotional maturity, when it comes to dating, she is weighed down by a sense of urgency. She feels that she doesn’t have time to waste anymore and thus is looking forward to getting married/committed and have a child within a year and a half. This kind of pressure is likely to put off men who are not goaded by similar urgency. Moreover men at least biologically can become fathers till late in life and may not feel the need to rush into a relationship.
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- The single Mom
This is another kind of over forty single woman who is hard-pressed for time, but in a different way. Most often the result of divorce or separation and sometimes of widowhood, this single woman has kids to bring up at home. She may have an ex-husband paying alimony and child support and even taking the kids for weekends, but otherwise the kids are largely her responsibility. The biggest disadvantage in the context of dating is that this woman’s time and energy are spread out rather thin. She is not only juggling the roles of a mom and a lover but is most likely a professional as well, whether full time or part-time. Managing a house, job, kids and their myriad responsibilities may leave the single mom too hassled to devote enough time to dating and going out. If she is emotionally immature or financially weak, she may even be looking for a guy merely for his financial resources so that he can take on her responsibility and that of her kids too. Again even if she and her date are compatible and equal, the problem of how he is going to be integrated into her family remains. On the upside though, this type of single woman already has a comfortable home and family culture in place, which is ideal for single men looking to settle down to a family life.
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- The explorer
This type of single woman is foot loose and fancy free. She has her own pad, is without any immediate family responsibilities and takes pleasure in exploring new experiences near and far. Though this type of single woman can be found across the age spectrum, after forty she is less likely to be tied down, either because she has not decided to have any kids or because her kids are already grown up and on their own now. A woman of this group is quite independent, both financially as well as in lifestyle. She generally has a fulfilling career that she enjoys but does not work merely for the sake of a salary, nor is she interested in putting ten to twelve hours a day at the workplace. Overall she prefers to keep a schedule of her own convenience instead of kow-towing to the needs of men in her life; she will come and go as she pleases and does not feel compelled to answer to anyone. The sense of freedom and adventure that such a single woman brings to the dating table is hugely attractive apart from her own dynamism and fun-loving personality. This kind of woman usually finds it easy to get dates, especially from men who are seeking nothing more than pleasing companionship or sexual chemistry.
- The shrinking violet
This is kind of single woman who takes a rather passive approach to dating. She may have had a series of ephemeral relationships in the past and decided that Mr. Right does not exist. . Such women may be aged anything from forty onwards to fifties and even early sixties. They usually have a difficult time meeting men and they rarely go out on dates but nevertheless nurture a vague hope that the elusive thing called love will come knocking on their door someday. This type of woman needs to wake up and face facts of a shrinking dating pool. She needs to be more active at seeking out opportunities to meet people and above all give her date a chance to reveal who he is instead of dismissing him outright.
- The one over 60
A higher life expectancy of women as compared to men is one of the many factors that have led to growing number of women over sixty who are single and looking to date. Many of them, especially between the ages sixty and sixty-five are even working, most part-time but some full-time too. They are intelligent, widely aware of social and cultural trends around the globe and exciting people to talk to. However the dating pool for such women is restricted for several reasons - not only there are fewer single men of this age group to go around, those that are available are in turn looking for women some years younger to them. Also such men are most likely to be retired and want a measure of flexibility from their partners which these women being professionals cannot afford. The sixty-plus women in turn have their own expectations – not least of meeting somebody who is physically fit and healthy. These women don’t want to spend the rest of their lives as nurses, taking care of older men. However if such women are to beat the low odds of finding mates, they will have to adopt a more flexible attitude towards things like travel and lifestyle as well as be more open to all kinds of possibilities.
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