Cougar Dating - Tips and Advice about Having Sex with a Younger Man

As age-old notions of what is appropriate fall by the wayside of sweeping social and sexual changes, older women come out winners in more ways than one. Not only are they in a stronger financial position than one, they are also spoilt for choices when it comes to men – one of the consequences being the phenomenon of cougar dating. In fact great sex with younger, groovy guys is one of the high points of cougar dating, an experience you can enhance still further by keeping these tips in mind.

It’s all in the mind

The brain is the sexiest part of the body, according to many experts who deal with lack of sexual desire in women. In order to feel sexy, you have to think of yourself as a sexy woman. If on the other hand you are constantly thinking about the age disparity and worrying about whether your butt is wrinkly or the stretch marks are showing, then you can kiss any chances of a fun night goodbye. Not only will you be too distracted to enjoy yourself, but even your partner will pick up your anxiety and think twice about spending the night with you. This is because when you feel unattractive about yourself, others too are likely to cue into your perceptions. Instead conjure up a sexy image of yourself and keep in mind that great sex begins in the head.

TIP: Turn your age into an advantage! Browse profiles of young men who are fascinated by the idea of dating older women.

Be aware of your body

In order to build a mental picture of yourself as a sexy woman, a great way is to begin is by being more aware of your body. The next time you are strolling down the street, slow down your pace and see how your body moves. Let your hips sway slightly from side to side and visualize yourself from the perspective of your date walking alongside. A greater awareness of how you move and carry yourself will inevitably be transmitted to people about you and make your date eager to get you alone.

Create a sensual ambience

Yet another secret to looking sexy is to indulge yourself sensually. And one of the easiest ways to do this is to have a beauty bath at home. Light some aromatherapy candles and run a warm bath as you listen to some lovely music in the background. Sprinkle a few drops of an essential oil like lavender or orange on the water’s surface to evoke your inner sensuality. Lie back and luxuriate or better still ask your young date to join you in the sensual feast.

Stock up on sexy lingerie

As women get more used to a single life, they tend to give up wearing sexy innerwear in favor of comfort and convenience. And yet there are few quicker ways to perk up your inner sexuality than putting on some racy underwear. So get out of your comfort zone and buy something sensuous and naughty, a garment you would never consider wearing under ordinary circumstances and slip it under your everyday clothes. This will be your secret only and you’ll feel super sexy at the thought of what others don’t know and you do. Eventually when you do bring home a guy for a nightcap, you will have no problems turning him on as your disrobe yourself.

Go shopping

Yet another tip on cougar sex is to get all the help you can from the goodies stacked on the store shelves. This is not the time to feel abashed at entering a sex store and once you get past the initial hesitation and walk through the door, you may very well feel like Alice in wonderland. An amazing range of sex toys and aids are available these days to enhance any kind of sexual experience and there is no reason why you should not take full advantage of it. You can go from checking out relatively simpler stuff like fruity lubes and feathers to more kinkier ones like furry handcuffs and then the whole range of vibrators. While props are not necessary for passionate sex, they are great fun and likely to liven up your bedroom. On a more practical note, they will help you loosen your inhibitions if you have any and take your mental focus from flabby tummy/sagging breasts to having great sex.

Be safe

No matter how inexperienced you believe your date is, don’t put your health at risk by having unsafe sex. Always keep a few latex condoms handy in case you and your date get into a frisky mood. Sexually transmitted diseases are an ugly reality in casual dating and the more partners you have, the higher are your chances of catching an infection. Your young date may demur or be impatient to get things going, but your body will feel far less exhilarating when later you are troubled by a rash down there.

Follow a healthy lifestyle

Younger partners are bound to be more energetic, whimsical and passionate than someone several years older. While it would be natural for your young man to party on till four in the morning, you may on the other hand have professional commitments or other appointments in the following morning. Initially you may be enthralled by the whirl or parties and activities when dating a younger guy, but eventually you may find it difficult to keep up with your loved one and this may impact your sex life negatively. So as far as possible follow a healthy lifestyle which will not only keep your body in prime condition but make sex enjoyable than ever. Also it is commonly believed that great sex is the prime attraction in cougar dating since women hit their sexual peak after mid-thirties while men feel their friskiest in early twenties. And yet women in their middle forties and above can also experience certain symptoms presaging the onset of menopause which can range from low libido to mood swings. Following a healthy diet coupled with adequate exercise and sleep will keep a lot of such complications at bay and allow you have a fulfilling sex life.